• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Konstrukt_SniperAttachment (Model)

General Frank: (Approved) [09-29-07] Works ingame. Very nice for your Marine models.




General Frank:

(Approved) [09-29-07]

Works ingame. Very nice for your Marine models.



Level 2
Sep 26, 2004
Dude I downloaded your marine and his weapons, they are awsome! :D
Sadly, I won't make an ammo system because mainly I am lazy and I don't use my computer much on the weekdays, but also because It would be easier if I could use the S3 Marine Corps system, but since they protected it like idiots I guess I can't :evil: lol, unless someone knows how to unprotect it, which dosen't seem likely. I would have even given them credit :(

Don't protect your maps--I don't, it lets people learn and improve on them!
Level 7
Dec 6, 2004
For one, you're not supposed to talk about Map Unprotection, second, if your too lazy to make an Ammo system and would rather steal someone elses, you obviously can't make maps very well. I have an ammo system, and yes. I will protect my map, simply because I won't want people like you to COPY & PASTE the triggers. Anyway, this is a nice model, 5/5.
Protect your maps--I do, it prevents when trying to Steal and improve them!
Level 5
Sep 27, 2004
Not protecting your maps just lets ppl like Yoz here take all your hard work and take credit for it. "I would EVEN have given them credit". Is that nice of you to do now or what? Of course you must give them credit if you use their stuff! And by protecting their map they clearly state that they dont want you to use their stuff, and therefor you are stealing their stuff if you unprotect and use, even if you give them credit for the whole map you make.

Talon the mage - Im implementing these models to my map Elimination, which you might have played. But when i equip a new weapon in the map, the old one stays for about 2 sec before it dissapears. Im 99% sure this is because of this models death animation. Can you make a 0.01sec or so death animation which does nothing, so the model dissapears the same second i remove it by triggers? I will of course give you credit for all the models. If you are interested in working alittle for elimination, please make a pistol, rocket launcher, and a "demolisher" gun (dunno how it would look... it launches a spinning ball with spikes which rolls on the ground towards enemies. It should just look like some large primitive gun.)
Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
"Not protecting your maps just lets ppl like Yoz here take all your hard work and take credit for it. "I would EVEN have given them credit". Is that nice of you to do now or what? Of course you must give them credit if you use their stuff! And by protecting their map they clearly state that they dont want you to use their stuff, and therefor you are stealing their stuff if you unprotect and use, even if you give them credit for the whole map you make."

Its amazing how much bett'a this world would be, if no body nvr expects anything in return...
Its called humility, being humble, and a sharing spirit...
Games are a total conversion of art and creation from the minds of thoes who were "WILLING" to share them for a trade of profit for their creative abilities to earn for themselves cos of their talent.
So forth in art, wot do u study, PREMADE wrks, its the only wey to get bett'a, its the only wey to grow, to learn from the past...

Pass on the humility so that thoes less fortunite can hav some chance in this world of polotics and greed...
Level 5
Aug 26, 2004
"Don't protect your maps--I don't, it lets people learn and improve on them!"

right on!

...btw, awesome... now I'll download the bullet...
Level 3
Jun 19, 2005
Super Kool looking sniper, i wish there was a better selection on sniper rifles, like the PSG-1 From MGS (Metal Gear Solid) but since this is the only sniper i can find, i'll use this, also nice laser targeting looks nice on it 5/5

this is going to be perfect on my new mual war map
Level 1
Jan 8, 2006
The model doesnt seem to be importing properly. I've gotten all the other models working, however the sniper rifle model doesnt seem to import. I get the yellow text warning at the bottom of the map telling me that it failed to properly import the sniper model. (Lol how many more ways can I say it :p)

Any suggestions?
Level 2
May 24, 2006
inferno there is a much easier way to add the atachments. First make a custom spell lets say armor bonus then make the art-target the weapon then you change possision(right under the target) to lets say hand,then a new string,left there now change the number of attachments to 1 and the defense bonus to 0 and change the icon to NONE thats a very simple process in which i use.
Level 3
Jul 11, 2006
Since I operate exclusively on LAN networks, this is F@#$%ng brilliant!! Small size, good looking, and uhh...well thats all that matters huh?
5 kils? hmmm...i'll have to test this before i rate it...looks promising
Level 2
Feb 29, 2008
Is there any special Marine model for thouse weapons...coulse when I use the normal Marine Model , I can see the other weapon and that makes it look abit crappy :cry: