Konstrukt Effect

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Level 17
Apr 24, 2005
I searched for this, but i couldn't find anything. Only stuff like "use slow orb", no1 had bothered to say how to use the slow orb... So can anyone explain to me how to use slow orb or something else to make the burst effect show up when the marine shoots? I already tried using GUI, but the effect will stay for like 3 seconds :S
Level 4
Jan 2, 2008
Sorry, I'm not sure I understand, are you trying to get the orb's animation to show when it fires, but not afterwards on the attacked unit?
Level 3
Jul 14, 2007
well, I've messed around with it alot and I've achieved the same problem you have, when I attach using triggers
function Trig_EffectSound_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if ( not ( GetUnitTypeId(GetAttacker()) == 'O002' ) ) then
        return false
    return true
function trg_rifleeffects takes nothing returns nothing
    local sound VV
    local unit pe
    local effect e
        set VV=CreateSound("Shot1.mp3",false,true,false,10,10,"DefaultEAXON")
        call SetSoundDuration(VV,713)
        call SetSoundChannel(VV,0)
        call SetSoundVolume(VV,225)
        call SetSoundPitch(VV,1.)
        call SetSoundDistances(VV,600.,10000.)
        call SetSoundDistanceCutoff(VV,3000.)
        call SetSoundConeAngles(VV,.0,.0,127)
        call SetSoundConeOrientation(VV,.0,.0,.0)
        call PlaySoundBJ( VV )
        set pe=GetAttacker()
        call AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ("weapon",pe,"Konstrukt_AssaultRifleEffektAttachment.MDX")
        set e=bj_lastCreatedEffect
        call DestroyEffectBJ(e)

function InitTrig_EffectSound takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_EffectSound = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( gg_trg_EffectSound, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_EffectSound, Condition( function Trig_EffectSound_Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_EffectSound, function trg_rifleeffects)
that trigger specifically for my rifleman's attachment and sound, the animation lasts for about... 4 bursts of fire instead of just one.

Using the slow orb method I can get the animation to work right but if you don't order the unit attacking to attack the animation won't show up, if you're unit attacks fast it's not noticeable if you add this trigger to your game
  • Weapons
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Is attacked
    • Conditions
      • ((Attacking unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order (Attacking unit) to Attack (Attacked unit)
Here are the changes you have to make to slow orb for that method to work, and remember to add the slow orb ability to your unit and that he doesn't have any other orb effects on him.
1) Icon -> none
2) missile art -> projectile that he's going to shoot I was using Konstrukt's Assault rifle missle
3) homing enabled/disabled
4) missile speed somewhere between 4500-6500 needs to be fast because the effect shows up once the missile hits the unit not when they first fire
5) art target - none
6) attachment point - none
7) chance to hit - 100 for all
8) damage bonus - 0
9) effect ability - *create another ability i based it off of channel* set that to have a caster art of the weapon effect attached at the caster point weapon with no icon set a sound if you want one
10) cast range - I set it to the range of the unit but it can be anything
11) targets allowed - I set to what the unit can attack but i don't know if it matters
12) name - name it.

Hope that helps


Figured it out, what you need to do is use something that resembles that JASS trigger I showed you without the GUI one, and simply use a different effect then the Konstrukt rifle one, it works perfectly.
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Level 3
Jul 2, 2007
Unit - A unit Is attacked

((Attacking unit) is A Hero) Equal to True

Unit - Order (Attacking unit) to Attack (Attacked unit)

lol wat does that do.... lol haha
anyway .. just have ur orb effect skill ready ,

Unit - A unit Is attacked

((Attacking unit) is A Hero) Equal to True

Add skill assault rifle effect attacking
wait 0.01
remove skill assault rifle effect from attacking unit

this worked for me and as a correction to what turtleglove said, the missle speed does NOT need to be high... infact even if the effect comes out when the missle hits the unit , it should be slower... but it doesnt happen lol
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
Unit - A unit Is attacked

((Attacking unit) is A Hero) Equal to True

Unit - Order (Attacking unit) to Attack (Attacked unit)

lol wat does that do.... lol haha
anyway .. just have ur orb effect skill ready ,

these orb abilities only work if the attacking unit is ordered to attack, not if it autoacquires the target...
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