Cool model, pretty good for it's size and what it's used for to.
One of the best pokemon maps I've seen used re-colored sea shells for kukuna and metapod, I've got to admit this is much better. Though if your plan is to do a large amount of pokemon, you should start making models that are nearly impossible to represent in WC3 rather than the ones that are at least possible to represent, chances are if your ambition is to create all 150 you'll burn out long before all of them are finished
There is really nothing that looks close at all to Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Rhydon and Kangaskhan, and considering how similar these pokemon look to one another I'm sure if you made one it would not be difficult to make them all
Is there weedle model? Kinda strange to have its evolutions but not itself.
Maps can only be a maximum size of 6,000kb when you put them up for battle net (mabee even smaller, but I've got one that won't let me let my friends test it out thats just over 6,000kb

with the size constraints any pokemon that can already be easily represented is sort of pointless to create a model for, and a color-changed dune worm works quite well for caterpie and weedle. With space being such an issue the kukuna model is very nice, esspecially if it is to be used in a map w/ 150+ units.
Anyways, good model, fits it's roll well.