Isn't JfL/G planned pranks (like someone pouncing out of a bush or something)? Not random events (AFHV-ish)? Anyways, it made me laugh, but sometimes of pure WTF. Could have improved, could have gotten a few more original things in. The swoop da woop part was a bit off. The ability launched before the text appeared, which was just a small glitch, but it didn't seem so funny (could have not done the ability and had the guy free the other, yet he trips and falls to his death).
Terrain: 4/5 (well done, well planned. Did not exceed average)
Creativity: 3/5 (most was creative and original, yet some I just saw and went "WTF")
Humor: 3/5 (made me laugh, but somtimes for the wrong reasons)
Triggering: 4.5/5 (better then I could have ever done. Better than expected, but not by much)
Execution: 4/5 (came out great. Everything was put together really well, but not exceedingly well done)
Average: 3.75/5 (averaged. Wasn't the best I've seen, but wasn't near as bad as I've seen. I can't say I am demanding a sequel though)
Overall it was good and original, but can be improved.