I don't know the math formula for a arc, but basicly its done with giveng the unit the Crow Form ability which automaticly makes him a flying unit, and then you can change his height.
Another really easy way is to use Cluster Rockets by making the hero invisible and the cluster rocket (use only 1 rocket) would look like the hero, then the timing would be ClusterRocketSpeed/Range (for example if its speed is 1000 and the range is 500, it will do it in 1/2 sec).
At the end you would move the hero instantly to that point and make him visible.
It looks pretty bad so I don't really suggest it.
- Unknown
- Events
- Unit - A unit enters (Current camera bounds)
- Conditions
- Actions
- Unit - Pause (Triggering unit)
- Set Point[0] = (Position of (Triggering unit))
- Set Point[1] = (Point[0] offset by 500.00 towards (Facing of (Triggering unit)) degrees)
- Unit - Add Crow Form to (Triggering unit)
- Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Move To (Center of (Playable map area))
- Animation - Change (Triggering unit) flying height to (Current movement speed of (Triggering unit)) at ((Distance between Point[0] and Point[1]) / 2.00)
- Wait until (((Region centered at Point[1] with size (100.00, 100.00)) contains (Triggering unit)) Equal to True), checking every 0.20 seconds
- Animation - Change (Triggering unit) flying height to 0.00 at ((Distance between Point[0] and Point[1]) / 2.00)
- Unit - Remove Crow Form from (Triggering unit)
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Point[0])
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Point[1])
- Unit - Unpause (Triggering unit)
[Notice] This won't be a arc at all, it will be a triangle jump.
You could also try to adept this system (no I didn't make it) to your map.
Ok seems I can't add it here since this is a edit, look next comment
Oh. sorry i just forgot to delete that variable.And why did you set that unit variable if you don't use it ?
And back to your question, you could either making the event "a unit comes at 10 range from bla bla", but im not sure if the unit will need to actualy enter the circle to jump.
A second way is to change the terrain type on the circles locations and then check if a unit is on that certain terrain type.
Or you could first see what people wrote before you comment with questions already answerd.
Post your trigger and stop double posting, you can click the EDIT button.
I already told you whats the problem >.<
You make the jump based on the unit variable called "escapers".
All the ice triggers (didn't check the other triggers, maybe there too lol) set "escapers" to 11 diffrent units every 0.01 seconds.
Who the hell made this map ? >.<
And don't trust your leak checker, all the ice triggers leak (again, didn't check the others).