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Jeopardy of the Horde v3.2


You are Thrall, Warchief of the Horde. For many years, your people have been at war with the tyrant humans. Seeking freedom, your mind is indulged with a vision of leading the Horde to the unknown continent of Kalimdor.

Will journeying to Kalimdor allow the Horde to finally live in peace? Find out as you play through the second of Turnro’s series of alternate Warcraft 3 campaigns with Blizzard-like maps and fun gameplay


14 maps, including 11 Chapters and 3 Interludes
Lead the Horde through their struggle for freedom as they venture to make their home in the untamed and savage lands of Kalimdor

Numerous Heroes to Play
Gain the allegiance of powerful heroes, including Rokhan the Shadow Hunter, Rexxar the Beastmaster, and Drak’thul the Stormreaver Warlock

New Hero Abilities
Cast several new custom spells, from Thrall’s Earthbind Totem spell to Samuro’s Dash ability

Choose your Own Missions
From facing vicious Fel Orcs to dim-witted Ogres, you will be given the choice during the campaign which missions to accomplish

New Background Music throughout Campaign

Variable Difficulty Levels, and much more!


Legendary Items

Find all 10 legendary items while playing Jeopardy of the Horde in Hard difficulty:

Lordaeron Grand Battlesword
Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 10 when worn. Attacks also have a 20% chance to deal 2 times their normal damage.
Goldfeathered Staff
Increases the mana capacity of the Hero by 150 and Intelligence by 6 when carried.
Thorns Armor
Increases the Hero's armor by 5. Also gives nearby friendly units a damage shield, which deals 10% of an enemy unit's attack damage back to it.
Crown of Fallen Kings
Increases the Strength of the Hero by 10 when worn. Also causes attacks against the wearer to miss 15% of the time.
Demon Cleaver
Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 15 when carried. Also grants friendly nearby melee units life stealing attacks which take 15% of the damage they deal and convert it into life.
Stonemaul Bonecrusher
Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 15 when worn. Also gives a 15% chance to stun the enemy.
Storm Boots
Increases the Hero's Agility by 12 when worn. Also engulfs the Hero in a shield of lightning, which deals 10 damage per second to nearby enemy land units.
Gem of Rejuvenation
Increases the Hero's hit point regeneration by 5 hit points per second. Also reduces Magic damage dealt to the Hero by 33%.
Granite Necklace
Increases the hit points of the Hero by 300 and mana by 250 when worn.
Ring of the Elder Moon
Increases the Hero's armor by 10 and Strength, Intelligence, and Agility of the Hero by 5 when worn.

Change Log

NOTE: Many changes were made in this version, and so only the most important are noted. In addition, all previous version notes from earlier updates have not been kept track of.

- Major terrain changes in all chapters
- Dialogues in all maps have been completely rewritten
- Cinematics in all chapters have been redone
- All the maps with an Ashenvale tile-set have been completely remade. This includes the 1st Interlude, and Chapters 9 and 10
- Cairne is no longer a playable hero in Chapter 2
- Araj the Summoner is now a hero-type unit
- New items can be found by killing creeps
- Quest changes in all chapters. In addition, new quests have been added into several chapters
- This campaign can now be played through in two difficulty settings: Normal and Hard
- The following spell changes have been made:

- Far Sight has been replaced with Earthbind Totem. This ability allows Thrall to place a totem on the ground which decreases the movement and attack speed of nearby enemy units

- Mirror Images and Critical Strike have been removed.
- Grom now has two new abilities: Frenzy (increases attack and movement speed for a short time) and Cleave (gives a percent chance to stun an enemy unit and deal additional damage)

- Storm Bolt has been replaced with Summon Hawk

- Shadow Strike has been replaced with Far Sight

- Samuro now possesses the following spells:
- Dash – Allows the Bladesmaster to dash through enemy units, dealing damage to all he passes
- Mirror Image
- Battle Wary – Gives a percent chance to dodge an attack and deal additional damage
- Mortal Strike – A powerful once-off attack which can be used to deal large damage to a single non-hero unit

- Monsoon now increases damage dealt with each level. In addition, the spell’s icon has been changed
- Soul Burn and Firebolt have been removed
- The Warlock can now cast Incinerate and Summon Voidwalker

- Fixed a few spelling/grammar errors
- Fixed a problem in Chapter 2 when the centaurs would attack during a cinematic
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 2 where Cairne would drop the Phat Lewt
- Fixed a problem in all cinematics where Thrall's Earthbind Totem would slow down enemy units
- Hints are now shown when new items are gained from completing Stop the Blight in Chapter 3 and Destroy the Demon Gate in Chapter 5
- Fixed a problem where Samuro would use Dash and disappear
- Thrall's Earthbind Totem ability hotkey has been changed to resolve hotkey conflicts
- Samuro's Mortal Strike ability damage dealt has been changed from 850 to 800
- Engineer Gazlowe's model has been changed to the Goblin Tinker
- The Skeleton King in Chapter 5 no longer has Resistant Skin in Normal version. However, his health has been slightly increased
- The Town Portal hint in Chapter 8 has been changed to alert the player at the beginning of the chapter
- Fixed a problem in Chapter 9 where having heroes loaded into a Zeppelin before a cinematic commences would permanently pause the hero
- Fixed a problem in Chapter 10 where Azgalor's Doom Guards would walk off without him

- Fixed a bug in Chapter 1 where skipping the second last cinematic would disable the player from completing the chapter
- Another Centaur spawning point has been added during the Protect Bloodhoof Village Quest in Chapter 2
- Minor to moderate dialogue changes in all chapters
- Additional cinematics and/or in-game dialogues have been added into Chapters 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, & 10
- In Chapter 4, the quest that requires the player to defend Santron has been changed: The player must now defend the town from 4 separate Night Elf waves
- In Chapter 4, the Find the Survivors Quest has been slightly modified for story-line reasons
- In Chapter 5 (both Fel Orc and Ogre), the player now starts off with an Altar of Storms
- The Tower doodads protecting Santron in Chapters 4 & 8 have been replaced with actual Towers, which attack nearby hostile units
- In Chapter 5 (Fel Orc Attack), Grom’s warriors now attack the player until he is saved
- In Chapter 5 (Fel Orc Attack), the difficulty of destroying the Fel Orcs’ Fortress has been slightly reduced in Normal Version
- In Chapter 5 (The Problem with Ogres), the boss fight with Kor’gall has been completely remade: it now represents a proper duel between Thrall and Kor’gall. If Thrall dies, the player loses the chapter
- The Tiny Great Hall and Orb of Lightning items are no longer available for purchase from the Voodoo Lounge in Chapter 5 (The Problem with Ogres)
- Fixed an issue where the Quilboars summoned by Rexxar were unable to cast Frenzy
- The Demolishers have been removed in Chapter 7. Instead, the player now gains additional summoned undead units at certain points during the mission. This also aligns with the changes done to the main quest objectives for the chapter
- Spell Breakers can no longer use Control Magic in Chapter 7 in Normal Version
- In Chapter 7, the player now gains Vials of Mana for completing the optional quest The Mystical Fountain. However, the fountain no longer restores the mana of nearby units
- Araj now automatically starts with the Staff of Reanimation. This item is permanent for him and cannot be sold or dropped
- Zeppelins can no longer be hired from the Goblin Laboratory from completing the Quest “The Alternative Path” in Chapter 9. In addition, certain areas of the map have been masked to prevent the Zeppelins from flying everywhere
- The Trees blocking the terrain in Chapter 9 are no longer invulnerable
- The item Frostguard now allows melee Heroes to attack ranged units
- Fixed an issue in Chapter 10 where the Goblin Merchant would not sell any items to the player
- Fixed a bug which made key Heroes disappear during a cinematic if the player uses Town Portal just before the cinematic commences
- Fixed an issue that allowed Samuro to either disappear or relocate himself in a cinematic if the player uses Dash just before the cinematic commences
- The Doom Guards protecting Azgalor in Chapter 10 have been buffed. In addition, Azgalor’s Reign of Chaos ability now summons more Infernos from the sky in both difficulty levels
- The Demon Gates in Chapter 10 are now protected by a Mini Boss

– Fixed a problem in Chapter 4 where a particular Night Elf wave would stay idle when attacking Santron
- Decreased the amount of Infernos Azgalor can summon in Chapter 10 in Normal Version
- Decreased the attacking and movement speed reduction given to enemy units from Thrall’s Earthbind Totem by 5% for all levels for attack damage, and 10% for all levels for movement speed
- In Chapter 5 (The Problem with Ogres), Kor’gall will regain all his mana in the final part of the boss fight if the player has acquired Rexxar and is playing Hard Version. This allows Kor’gall to make use of all of his abilities (whereas before he only had limited mana, disallowing him to cast all of his spells)
- In Chapter 5 (Fel Orc Attack), the mini boss Gogonnash has had his health and damage increased
- Araj is now classified as an undead unit. This allows him to be healed with the Death Coil ability possessed by Death Revenants
- The damage dealt by all demon units in Chapter 10 have been increased on Hard difficulty

- The entire campaign has been polished. This includes, but not limited to, changes to terrain, cinematics, story, and in-game events
- A new interlude has been added titled 'Conflicts of the Past'. This interlude plays after completing Chapter 2
- The hotkeys for units, buildings, spell, etc, have been changed around the QWER composition. However, most of these hotkeys will have no effect on the game if Custom Hotkeys are enabled through the user’s profile
- New items have been added throughout the campaign. Some of these are legendary items, which can only be found on Hard difficulty
- Added new custom music throughout cinematics and gameplay
- Fixed a problem with the AI where waves sent to attack the player would retreat back to base once they had killed a single unit/structure
- The player will now lose the current mission if they use the 'WhosYourDaddy' cheat on Hard difficulty
- All appropriate buffs will now be removed from all units during cinematics
- Pressing the spacebar will now bring the player to quest-specific locations on the map
- Fixed a bug where using Animate Dead would allow creeps/enemy units to drop the same item more than once
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 5 'The Problem with Ogres' where the player could acquire Rexxar after losing the quest to save him
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 6 where the Goblins during the optional quest would stop moving
- Only Arcane Towers will now possess the Magic Sentry ability on Hard difficulty in Chapter 1
- AI friendly players can no longer be attacked by the player throughout the campaign
- Resolved multiple issues with the Orcish Horde AI player in Chapter 10
- Increased the mana cost of Grom's Frenzy ability to 75 mana
- Samuro's Dash ability now deals more damage across all levels
- Samuro's Mortal Strike ability can now damage enemy Heroes. In addition, the mana cost of this spell has increased to 150
- Increased the damage dealt by Drak’thul’s Monsoon ability from 20/30/40 damage per level to 20/35/50
- Gazlowe will now always appear in Chapter 9, regardless whether or not the player completes his optional quest in Chapter 6
- Searinal in Chapter 4 now possesses Spell Immunity
- Items can now be purchased from the Voodoo Lounge in Santron in Chapter 4
- Increased the hit points and damage of Santron Towers in Chapters 4 and 8
- Neutral units can now be hired from the Goblin Observatory in Chapter 8
- Replaced the Potions of Lesser Invulnerability with Potions of Anti-Magic at the Goblin Merchants in Chapters 9 & 10
- Zeppelins can now be hired again once the 'Alternative Route' quest is completed in Chapter 9
- Re-added the food limit hint in Chapter 5 'The Problem with Ogres'
- Renamed Chapter 3 from "Competition for the Horde" to "Remnants of the Scourge"
- Renamed Chapter 10 from “Azgalor’s Return” to “Destiny of the Horde”
- Jarod Shadowsong in Chapter 10 has been renamed to Wrathbringer for story reasons
- The Fel Orcs in Chapter 5 'Fel Orc Attack' now train new units
- The Ogres in Chapter 5 'The Problem with Ogres' now train Ogre Stone Throwers
- The Earth Totem unit Thrall can summon now has a portrait
- The abilities Frenzy, Forkerd Lightning, Raise Dead and Tornado now have new icons
- Added unique models for all potion/scroll items
- Tyrande Whisperwind now has a new model
- Shandris and Night Elf Glaive Throwers now have new skins

- Fixed the tooltip description for Drek'Thar's Forked Lightning ability
- The player will now correctly lose Chapter 9 if all of their buildings are destroyed
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 4 where Scrolls of Town Portal would cause the player's heroes to teleport at the start of cinematics
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 6 where Samuro's Dash ability would cost no mana on level 2. In addition, this spell has had its mana cost reverted to 70 throughout the campaign
- Enemy heroes in Chapter 7 no longer possess Potions of Greater Healing on hard difficulty. Instead, they have items that permanently increase their health
- Satyr Hellcallers and Shadowstalkers can now attack air units in Chapters 9 & 10
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 10 where the AI Peons would not rebuild Great Halls when they are destroyed
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 10 where the light blue Night Elves would not send their first attack wave on hard difficulty
- Reduced the cooldown of Azgalor's Reign of Chaos ability in Chapter 10 on hard difficulty

- Hero, unit, building and spell stats no longer change depending on the player's Warcraft 3 version
- Updated all cinematics for widescreen support
- Optional Heroes can now be summoned from the Altar of Storms in missions where the player controls a base. In most cases, this means that the player will no longer automatically start off with optional Heroes at the beginning of the map. This change applies to the following Heroes:
- Grom Hellscream
- Rexxar
- Rokhan
- Drak'thul​

- Reduced the area of effect range of Earthbind Totem from 800 to 600
- Drek'Thar now has a new ability: Earth Shield, which increases the armor and hit point regeneration rate of a friendly unit
- Removed Brilliance Aura from Drek'Thar
- Reduced Cairne's collision size from 48 to 32, as well as increased his base movement speed from 250 to 270
- Reduced the damage of Samuro's Mortal Strike from 750 to 500
- Increased the base movement speed of Araj the Summoner from 240 to 270
- Fixed a bug where the player could summon more than one Misha

- Fixed a bug in Chapter 1 where the player's units will freeze after unloading them from the boat at the end of the mission
- Changed the armor type of all Human buildings to Heavy armor in Chapter 1
- Peons are no longer available to train in Chapter 2. Instead, the player will receive all their structures after completing 'The Lost Cargo' quest
- Potion of Restoration removed from 'The Stolen Artifact' quest in Chapter 2
- Player starts off with 500 additional gold in Chapter 3
- Cured fountains in Chapter 3 now provide health or mana regeneration
- Nearby enemies must now be killed before corrupted fountains can be claimed in Chapter 3
- Removed the Fountain near the Centaur Khan in Chapter 3, reducing the number of fountains from 5 to 4
- Renamed the undead AI players in Chapter 3 to have distinct names
- The path to the purple and green Undead bases in Chapter 3 are no longer blocked off by trees
- The path to Rokhan in Chapter 3 is once again blocked off by trees
- Removed the Fountain of Health in Chapter 4
- Replaced the rescuable Kodo Beast with a Grunt in Chapter 4 due to trigger conflicts with units affected by Devour
- Removed the Orb of Lightning from the Voodoo Lounge in Chapter 4
- Lowered the starting level of Drek'Thar in Chapters 4, 5a and 8
- Increased the hit points of Fel Orc Berserkers from 535 to 600
- Players will no longer lose the mission in Chapter 5b at Korgall's Arena. Instead, the arena will reset and the player must try again
- The outpost now has a Stronghold instead of a Great Hall in Chapter 5b
- Troll Batriders are no longer available to train in Chapter 5b
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 6 where the player is not able to complete 'The Goblins' optional quest
- Gazlowe now has additional items to allow him to tank better in Chapter 6
- The fountain in Chapter 7 will now restore both health and mana once the 'Mystical Fountain' quest is completed
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 7 where items on the ground would permanantly disappear after a cinematic plays
- Summoned undead humans by the player in Chapter 7 now have +3 weapon and armor upgrades
- Removed the Vials of Mana item in Chapter 7
- The 'Protect Santron' quest in Chapter 8 has been changed so that the player must now defend the city for 12 minutes
- Updated the Death to the Invaders to list the bases that need to be destroyed in Chapter 8
- Replaced the Fountain of Health with a Fountain of Mana in Chapter 8
- Player now starts off with an Altar of Storms in Chapter 9
- Added additional enemy Heroes to the Night Elven bases in Chapter 9
- The trees to the final Night Elf base in Chapter 9 are now invulnerable
- Reinforced Defenses is now automatically researched on Hard difficulty in Chapter 10
- Slightly changed the items for purchase at the Goblin Merchant in Chapters 9 & 10
- Scrolls of Restoration have been replaced by Scrolls of Healing at the Voodoo Lounge in Chapter 10
- Replaced the Fountain of Power with a Fountain of Health in Chapter 10
- Azgalor is now immune to magic in Chapter 10
- Fixed a bug in Chapter 10 where the player would not lose the mission if all of their buildings were destroyed
- Rebalanced the enemy AI in Chapters 3, 5a, 7, 8, 9 & 10 on Hard difficulty
- Removed the damage and hit points increase for enemy players in Chapters 9 & 10
- Reset the hotkey for the Build command back to B
- Changed the hotkey for upgrading the Great Hall/Stronghold to Z
- Command hotkeys (such as Build, Attack, etc) can now be overwritten by the player's custom hotkey settings
- Updated Tyrande's model to the same used in Malfurion's Quest
- Made slight background music changes across the campaign
- Unique models have now been given to Potions of Invisibility, Scrolls of the Beast and Scrolls of Resurrection
- Items are no longer dropped by destroying creep buildings
- Runes are now color coordinated, making them easier to identify for the player
- Made numerous item changes throughout the campaign

Other Campaigns in Turnro’s Warcraft 3 Series

Important Notes
- It is highly recommended that you update Warcraft 3 to the latest patch version before playing Jeopardy of the Horde. The download to this patch can be found here: Patching Classic Games
- The normal background music of Warcraft 3 has been replaced with better music. Be sure to enable music through your profile as it is an integral part of the campaign experience
- If you use the ‘WhosYourDaddy’ cheat while playing Jeopardy of the Horde on Hard difficulty, you will automatically lose the mission
- There is a known bug on Mac computers where the game will crash when certain custom items/units are selected. While I have tested this campaign to ensure this doesn’t happen, please notify me if you encounter this problem


Grey Knight


Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard Entertainment
Matt Holle (Battle Realms)
Benjamin Bartlett (Walking with Beasts soundtrack)
Henry Beckett and Keith Zizza (Zeus: Master of Olympus soundtrack)

Special Thanks:
Fallen Angel Boy
Rence Kristoff

Like my content? Donate above and help support me to continue to make great Warcraft 3 campaigns

Horde, Orc, Troll, Tauren, Thrall, Kalimdor, Santron, Drek'Thar, Cairne, Samuro, Araj, Rokhan, Rexxar, Grom, Hellscream, Drak'thul.

Jeopardy of the Horde v3.2 (Campaign)

18:35, 5th Feb 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Commenting in order to rate, I played back when this was Jeopardy FOR. Looks like this campaign got a nice overhaul, so I look forward to playing through it again. Hard difficulty seems absolutely crazy as with your other projects so I'll probably continue to avoid it, though lots of practice probably helps when trying to tackle them.

Normal was a nice difficulty that increased with each map all the way through the last two maps that carried a weighty challenge. All your maps are well polished with a nice flow to them; no fundamental map ideas feel like bullshit, which is quite important to me personally.

I liked the tonal shift from Rowan to this campaign, which embraces the alternate timeline a bit more seriously and runs with it.
Level 7
Jun 15, 2013
Commenting in order to rate, I played back when this was Jeopardy FOR. Looks like this campaign got a nice overhaul, so I look forward to playing through it again. Hard difficulty seems absolutely crazy as with your other projects so I'll probably continue to avoid it, though lots of practice probably helps when trying to tackle them.

Normal was a nice difficulty that increased with each map all the way through the last two maps that carried a weighty challenge. All your maps are well polished with a nice flow to them; no fundamental map ideas feel like bullshit, which is quite important to me personally.

I liked the tonal shift from Rowan to this campaign, which embraces the alternate timeline a bit more seriously and runs with it.
Hard difficulty adds some challenge to the game and the campaign overall
Which, you don't have on normal difficulty

If you aren't use to hard diff at all, and I think that most of the campaigns you played were on easy/normal
You just have to do a few things :
First, watch oher players that have played the Hard difficulty, learn on their micro and macro
Secondly, play very safe, on first chapters of the campaigns, you always have the possibility to learn a lot
Explore the maps as much as possible, get items, fully xped heroes
If you are really losing a mission from the start, just use cheat code, iseedeadpeople, none of the others would be fair
Exploite your heroes at their maximum potencial, and if by doing this you still can't win by lack of health or mana
Remember that you can build a shop on most of the missions, dunno if you have ever played melee, but if so you surely know its better to spend money on items rather than units
Even if thoses items aren't permanent

You won't directly become a pro player, but I can assure you that it will give you access to every other campaigns on hard mode
You will also learn some tricks, most of the times on special heroes, or special things that the other race don't have
Like for the horde, on this campaign, exploite wards and speed scrolls is good, like very good, it can save you on many points
You can predict ennemy's attack and run back to your base

I can't explain how to access hard difficulty, but I think I've pointed out the main points that can help your for this
Fail a couple of times doesn't prove you its impossible, it just means its hard
But if you surrender afer one fail and don't understand what is good on the hard difficulty
I'm sorry bu I don't think there's anyway to help you

Just think about it, when you got some spare time, do it, you've got a big community, show your fails, I'm sure people will help you
Level 2
Jul 31, 2010
First of all I like the campaign, nice job on putting it all together. I'm enjoying it so far.

There are a few things that sparked my attention though. The story developing from Araj feels kinda rushed - when he tells Samuro or Thrall about a dangerous and ancient enemy multiple times, they never bothered to question about this enemy untill much later on. They also just agree with Araj's intentions even when they don't get a clear answer from him and in addition he gets praised by Thrall like they've been great friends. Other than that I think the story was good overall. :D

Regarding hard difficulty, I really like most of the chapters. I've done all chapters on hard except for chapters 8 and 11. I don't feel like trying chapter 8 on hard again, but as for chapter 11 I've got too far to quit that by now.
Chapter 8 is so hectic since resources are limited (especially wood is a pain cause of enemy attacks and awkward positioning) and enemies frequently attack in large, overupgraded armies which get reproduced insanely fast (making it extra tough to get through bases aswell). I'd suggest to atleast make wood income more reliable and slightly increase time between attacks.
The same counts for chapter 11, except the attacks are less frequent and resources arent a big deal. But - enemy armies are even more absurdly upgraded in all aspects (mountain giants with 3200hp and 85dmg for example), indirectly making your own army alot less useful by being forced to defend with heroes. Not to mention the 3 heroes with ~7000hp coming out after destroying teal's tree of life. :eek: Safe to say it's handy to save frequently. This chapter could use a really minor downgrade of enemy unit stats overall and/or a minor increase of their production time.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the challenge but it's to a certain extend. I feel like these two chapters, compared to the others, could use minor help in multiple ways.
Either way these were my only issues with the campaign, overall I think the campaign is impressive. :D
Level 5
Sep 7, 2017
Great campaign really challenging on hard difficulty. Just finished it and Im blown away. There're two things I didn't like though: 1) you have a choice of two missions in the campaign - that choice affect what hero will stay with you. Hate that choice. 2) Well... the story... it's kinda okay but still many things to not like. All in all had real pleasure author is a genious.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
Great campaign really challenging on hard difficulty. Just finished it and Im blown away. There're two things I didn't like though: 1) you have a choice of two missions in the campaign - that choice affect what hero will stay with you. Hate that choice. 2) Well... the story... it's kinda okay but still many things to not like. All in all had real pleasure author is a genious.
check out the other campaigns of the series.
It's really worth it
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
I guess it's Rowan's campaign - which else?
I suggest you start the series from the begining, for better understanding of the story.
first "the adventures of rowan the wise" then "jeopardy of the horde" then "the ressurection of the scourge" and finally "Mal'furion's quest" its a work in progress campaign and going to be the final campaign of the series, followed by some side stories later on.
Level 5
Sep 7, 2017
I suggest you start the series from the begining, for better understanding of the story.
first "the adventures of rowan the wise" then "jeopardy of the horde" then "the ressurection of the scourge" and finally "Mal'furion's quest" its a work in progress campaign and going to be the final campaign of the series, followed by some side stories later on.

Thank you <3
Level 1
Aug 26, 2017
Hey ! I have a problem with this campaign. Chapter 9 doesn't' load. The loading bar stay at 2/3 and don't go further. Can someone help me ?

Sorry for my english, I'm french ^^'
Level 1
Aug 26, 2017
I never played this chapter. I don't have any save. I just want to play for the first time ^^

Edit: I don't know if there is a link, but I also have problems in malfurion quest:

- The prologue won't load.
- In chapter one, my computer crash in 2 differents cases: when I want to take the ruby of health at the beginning, or after the kinematic when Malfurion take the horn
Last edited:
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
I never played this chapter. I don't have any save. I just want to play for the first time ^^

Edit: I don't know if there is a link, but I also have problems in malfurion quest:

- The prologue won't load.
- In chapter one, my computer crash in 2 differents cases: when I want to take the ruby of health at the beginning, or after the kinematic when Malfurion take the horn

You are playing on a Mac computer, correct? There is a bug with playing custom campaigns on Macs that can be resolved by downloading the latest Warcraft 3 patch.
Level 1
Aug 26, 2017
You are playing on a Mac computer, correct? There is a bug with playing custom campaigns on Macs that can be resolved by downloading the latest Warcraft 3 patch.

Yeah but I don't understand, because 2 months ago, I reported a similar problem in resurrection of the scourge, and you told me to do that. I did it, I actually have the patch, and it worked well for resurrection, but that's all. I don't find any patch more recent than mine.
Level 6
Jul 10, 2016
Im not sure if this is a bug but it happened to me.
after the cut scene where the burning legion arrives and tyrande hides I was able to use 2 mishas from my rexxar. hilarious though
Level 3
Jul 8, 2017
I really liked this campaign. Pretty standard/vanilla in terms of gameplay. Haven't encountered any bugs in my playthrough. Again, as with the other @Turnro campaigns, the dialogues could be improved, but that's about it. I would love to see Jeopardy remade one day with modified and new units, kinda like Malfurion's quest. There's plenty of modified orc unit and structure models around to do it. Would definitely improve the entire campaign and enhance the player's experience, even if everything else stays the same. It's always the little details that make the difference! :)

5/5 - feels like a classic, previously unreleased official campaign. Would play again if ever remade and enhanced with new units.
Level 1
Feb 2, 2018
I just started the campaign and I'm trying to do a complete list of bugsthat I can find and how I feel about the maps! All the testing is in hard mode.

Chapter 1: When landing units from the boat in the final orc village, I dropped only 1 unit (Grom). After the cinematic, the boat couldn't drop my other minions and there was an uncontrollable Thrall (I'm guessing from the cinematic or something).

Chapter 4: Small detail, but when defending the village, Drek'Thar died and made me fail the mission, but it wasn't written in the quest that he had to survive :p

-Would be nice to see Samuro's images to heal the right one... :D

-Also, I had enough money to buy 3 lighting orbs from the shop, is that intended? I feel like it's abusive in a campaign to stack so much of a good item.

-Eating an elf with a Kodo beast while rescuing one of the 4 packs doesn't grant you control of the rescued units until the elf is digested... It feels kinda weird having to wait for that.

-Very annoying detail: Cairne movement speed is slower than the two other heroes and is always behind the group, he never gets the chance to attack unless I wait for him and micro. Also, during the attack on the night elf base, Cairne can't catch up to the group and is always blocked by the friendly orcs, making it almost impossible to stun the elf Hero ultimate.

Chapter 5 (Ogres): In the arena, I can control Thrall and the Beastmaster, but my shadow hunter isn't there, made the fight very challenging. I dunno if this was intended.

Side note: Was very frustrating to start from the beginning just because i died in the arena!

Chapter 6: In the final cinematic, Araj says: The town was raised by quilboards. Think you meant raided.

Chapter 7: I dropped the key before the gate on the ground near the mana foutain. After the cinematic, the key was gone and I couldn't open the door! :p

Chapter 8: The Blood Mage Phoenix never attack's the base, he always stays near the south towers.

-The first quest is not clear, I had no idea I had to wait for Samuro, I tried attacking before he arrive's because of that. Also, I don't understand what ''Do not let Santro to fall'' mean's. Is it just another to say to not loose all of our buildings? Is it just the buidings tht started on the map?

-Araj can't get up to level 8, his xp stop's at 7 while all my other heroes stop at 8. Intended?

-Not just this map, but I noticed that the Beast Master can summon 2 Misha. Bug?

-Annoying detail: First wood zone always gets cut out by the Cenarius hero, making the area quickly unharvestable. Also, i don't understand why the AI always focus my peon's, even if im hitting them with my heroes and the peon is just standing/harvesting...

Chapter 9:
Starting map 8, heroes are getting to OP and diminish the macro/army playstyle :p. Also, Serpen't ward is way to high on AI priority list, and not even worth picking because it always get's focused down :/

Chapter 10:
Crazy map, I loved the idea to not controlthe buldings part and only focus on heroes/units! I just found some rebuilding bugs where the peons from expansions would just not rebuild the main city if it got destroyed, but we can live with that.
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Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
I just started the campaign and I'm trying to do a complete list of bugs that I can find!

Chapter 1: When landing units from the boat in the final orc village, I dropped only 1 unit (Grom). After the cinematic, the boat couldn't drop my other minions and there was an uncontrollable Thrall (I'm guessing from the cinematic or something).

Hi namahc,

Thanks for the feedback on this bug. I'll be sure to fix this when I am ready to patch this campaign again :)
Level 1
Feb 2, 2018
I updated my bugs/feedback, should be alot of information to check out! Great maps Turnro, keep up the good work.
Level 1
Aug 2, 2017
Fun campaign with a story that gets more intriguing as you progress through the maps. Overall I enjoyed it a little more than Rowan the Wise. Currently posting my playthrough on my YouTube channel.
Level 2
Jun 2, 2017
Just finished the newest version of Rowan the wise, finally got a chance to save Dalaran on hard! Anyway, do you have any idea when you´ll put out a ”definitive” edition of this one as well? I´m guessing you won´t be changing anything in Rowan at least for a while. Just wanna know how long a wait it´s gonna be for this campaign to get a definitive edition as well, then I can play it as you most intended. Thanks a lot for the fun provided. @Turnro
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Just finished the newest version of Rowan the wise, finally got a chance to save Dalaran on hard! Anyway, do you have any idea when you´ll put out a ”definitive” edition of this one as well? I´m guessing you won´t be changing anything in Rowan at least for a while. Just wanna know how long a wait it´s gonna be for this campaign to get a definitive edition as well, then I can play it as you most intended. Thanks a lot for the fun provided. @Turnro

Hi Srdjan,

Thanks for the comment. I guess you can say the latest version is intended to be the definitive edition. Depending on the future patches Blizzard brings out for Warcraft 3, I may bring out some minor patches to fix anything taht could potentially break. Other then that, I don't have any plans on changing the campaign overall as it is now.
Level 7
Jun 15, 2013
Hi Srdjan,

Thanks for the comment. I guess you can say the latest version is intended to be the definitive edition. Depending on the future patches Blizzard brings out for Warcraft 3, I may bring out some minor patches to fix anything taht could potentially break. Other then that, I don't have any plans on changing the campaign overall as it is now.
Don't bother with human campaign, keep it as it is, it doesn't need more work though
One campaign that needs heavy rework is Resurrection of the scourge, I've tried to replay it
But some missions are just so .... unfunny, sorry to say so
But compared to Rowan or Jeopardy, we would not even think you're the maker of this campaign if we didn't know

I know that making a good scenario with the undead race is a hard work to do
But don't lose hope ! I trust you to make some good rework on this campaign
Level 2
Jun 2, 2017
Hi Srdjan,

Thanks for the comment. I guess you can say the latest version is intended to be the definitive edition. Depending on the future patches Blizzard brings out for Warcraft 3, I may bring out some minor patches to fix anything taht could potentially break. Other then that, I don't have any plans on changing the campaign overall as it is now.

Thanks for the quick reply, I love responsible people. XD. But my question was when youll do a definitive edition of Jeopardy and Ressurection?
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Thanks for the quick reply, I love responsible people. XD. But my question was when youll do a definitive edition of Jeopardy and Ressurection?

Oops, I though you were talking about Rowan the Wise. At this stage, there is no date to when those two campaigns will be updated. I'm primarily working on Malfurion's Quest at the moment, which will take me a good while yet before I'm done with it.
Level 5
Jul 13, 2015
GREAT CAMPAIGN LOVE IT TANK YOU !! i finished all missions with normal now i play with HARD just for have all legendary weapons :) i'm now in mission of fel orcs
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Level 5
Jul 13, 2015
HI again, Finally i finished the campaign in HARD difficulty with Rexxar and with Grom Hellscream and with all legendary items.

Thank you for this amazing campaign, i played all your other campaigns :)
Level 2
Sep 23, 2014
Hi, i have an issue with chapter 6 in - JeopardyoftheHorde as i have completely wiped out all enemy and killed the Skeleton King.
The mission will not end, i dont know why.
I know i have failed the optional Goblins mission, please bear with me.
What am i missing here?
Screen shot below to show the Chapter name.
I can provide you my saved game if this will help


  • Capture.PNG
    1.6 MB · Views: 170
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Hi, i have an issue with chapter 6 in - JeopardyoftheHorde as i have completely wiped out all enemy and killed the Skeleton King.
The mission will not end, i dont know why.
I know i have failed the optional Goblins mission, please bear with me.
What am i missing here?
Screen shot below to show the Chapter name.
I can provide you my saved game if this will help


Have you tried moving Samuro to the top-left corner of the map? That is where you should be able to complete the mission.
Level 2
Sep 23, 2014
i'mma gonna try this dis evening is this WOW related campaign?
I am not sure as i have been deprived and never got to play WOW.

Have you tried moving Samuro to the top-left corner of the map? That is where you should be able to complete the mission.
I will try to do so and let you know, I will make him walk to the top left and see what hapens.
Thank you the chapter ends...
How would i have known to go there though?
Like the campaign though, i hope it gets cooler and awesomer and i hope there is a survive or protect the base type of chapter...i love those kinds.
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Level 2
Sep 23, 2014
Chapter 8 is not well, everybody that is part of me or my base is wiped... all town halls...but there is no prompt screen to say im dead, restart or whatever.
All other chapters do this.

Anyways, let me try and try, maybe i am just struggling....this is a difficult chapter for me.

feedback later
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Level 2
Aug 19, 2013
Excellent campaign. I had a weird issue in Chapter Ten where it wouldn't let me train Taurens since apparently I didn't have a stronghold. Maybe that was caused by me playing in version 1.30. Other than that I loved it and it was flawless. 5/5
Level 3
Nov 21, 2016
Chapter 3 is a bit too hard. I dont have shop to buy regen. The only source is Rokkhan but his mana is too poor to heal. Also the disease of the UD is too OP. Can't regen and the HP always low because of it ..
Level 1
Dec 15, 2018
I think the easiest way to complete chapter 3 is to go for max speed difference via endurance aura lvl 3 and thrall slow. Give all intelligence to rokkhan for maximal spam of healing wave - than go mass catas and shoot everything to dust :)
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
I've been replaying the whole series again, and I just noticed how cancerous the music of this one really is:alol::alol::alol::ogre_rage::ogre_rage: hahahahahaahah
Level 1
Dec 21, 2018
Created an account to say I really enjoyed all your campaigns and to report a bug.

Recently decided to play this campaign again. I think 1.30 patch created a bug with training the Spirit Walkers. I can now train Spirit Walkers out of both the Spirit Lodge, and the Tauren Totem. I can only get the upgrades though at the Totem. In early chapters that the Totem is not available, like chapter 3, I can train Walkers, but can't research their upgrade since the Totem is not an unlocked part of the tech tree yet. Not sure if anyone has reported this yet. I know the new patch made Walkers traineable out of the TT instead of the Lodge and that is likely created a new bug.

Thanks again for your work Turnro, you're an awesome map maker.
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Level 1
Sep 9, 2009
Created an account to say I really enjoyed all your campaigns and to report a bug.

Recently decided to play this campaign again. I think 1.30 patch created a bug with training the Spirit Walkers. I can now train Spirit Walkers out of both the Spirit Lodge, and the Tauren Totem. I can only get the upgrades though at the Totem. In early chapters that the Totem is not available, like chapter 3, I can train Walkers, but can't research their upgrade since the Totem is not an unlocked part of the tech tree yet. Not sure if anyone has reported this yet. I know the new patch made Walkers traineable out of the TT instead of the Lodge and that is likely created a new bug.

Thanks again for your work Turnro, you're an awesome map maker.

i am in chapter 3 and same thing hapened to me too...cant research upgrade