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<Jass> Leak code

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Level 2
Nov 25, 2013
Hello every people. Please help me to find some leak. Sorry for my English. I hope you.
function Dec takes nothing returns nothing
    if (GetDestructableLife(GetEnumDestructable()) >0 ) then
    set udg_Decoration = true

function GroupPick takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit f=GetFilterUnit()
    local real r=GetUnitState(f, UNIT_STATE_LIFE)
    local boolean b=false
    set b=GetBooleanAnd( (r>0), ( IsUnitEnemy(f, GetOwningPlayer(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex])) == true ) )
    set f=null
    set r=0
    return b

function PickUnitDamage takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit p=GetEnumUnit()
    if ( IsUnitInGroup(p, udg_MissileGroupFire[udg_loopIndex]) == false) then
          call UnitDamageTarget( udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex], p, udg_MissileDamage[udg_loopIndex], true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS )
          call GroupAddUnit( udg_MissileGroupFire[udg_loopIndex],p )
    set p = null

function DamageType1 takes nothing returns nothing
                local group G =CreateGroup() 
                local group G1=CreateGroup() 
                local location l=udg_MisslePoint
                set udg_MisslePoint = PolarLocation(l, udg_MissileSpeed[udg_loopIndex], udg_MissileAngle[udg_loopIndex])
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(G,udg_MisslePoint,udg_MissileAOE[udg_loopIndex],Condition(function GroupPick) )
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(G1,udg_MisslePoint,udg_MissileAOED[udg_loopIndex],Condition(function GroupPick) )
                if ( FirstOfGroup(G)!= null ) then
                     call ForGroup( G1, function PickUnitDamage)
                call DestroyGroup (G)
                set G=null
                call DestroyGroup (G1)
                set G1=null
                call RemoveLocation(l)
                set l=null

function DamageType2 takes nothing returns nothing
                local group G =CreateGroup() 
                local location l=udg_MisslePoint
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(G, udg_MisslePoint, udg_MissileAOE[udg_loopIndex], Condition(function GroupPick))
                call DestroyBoolExpr(Condition(function GroupPick))
                set udg_MisslePoint = PolarLocation(l, udg_MissileSpeed[udg_loopIndex], udg_MissileAngle[udg_loopIndex])
                if ( FirstOfGroup(G)!= null ) then
                     set udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex]=0
                set udg_Decoration = false
                call EnumDestructablesInRectAll( RectFromCenterSizeBJ(udg_MisslePoint, 200.00, 200.00), function Dec )
                if ( udg_Decoration== true ) then
                     set udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex]=0
                call DestroyGroup (G)
                set G=null
                call RemoveLocation(l)
                set l=null

function DamageFinal takes nothing returns nothing
                local group G =CreateGroup()                 
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(G, udg_MisslePoint, udg_MissileAOED[udg_loopIndex], Condition(function GroupPick))
                if ( FirstOfGroup(G)!= null ) then
                     call ForGroup( G, function PickUnitDamage)
                     set udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex]=0
                call DestroyGroup (G)
                set G=null

function Trig_Shot2_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
  local real LifeTarget
  local real alfa
  local real Sinus
    set udg_loopIndex = 1
        exitwhen udg_loopIndex > udg_Index
        set LifeTarget=GetUnitState(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex], UNIT_STATE_LIFE)
        if (LifeTarget> 0) then
            set udg_MisslePoint = GetUnitLoc(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex])
            if (udg_MissileTypeDamage[udg_loopIndex]== 1) then
               call DamageType1()
           if (udg_MissileTypeDamage[udg_loopIndex]== 2) then
                call DamageType2()
            call SetUnitPositionLoc( udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex], udg_MisslePoint)
            call SetUnitFacing(  udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex], udg_MissileAngle[udg_loopIndex])
            set udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex]= udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex]-udg_MissileSpeed[udg_loopIndex]
            if (udg_MissileH[udg_loopIndex]>0) then
                set alfa = ( ( 180.00 * udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex] ) / udg_MissileDistanseO[udg_loopIndex])
                set Sinus= ( Sin(alfa*(3.14159/180.00)) * udg_MissileH[udg_loopIndex] )
                call SetUnitFlyHeight( udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex], Sinus, 0.00 )

            if (udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex]<=0 ) then
                call DamageFinal()
                call KillUnit( udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex] )
                call DestroyGroup (udg_MissileGroupFire[udg_loopIndex])
                set udg_IndexZero = ( udg_IndexZero - 1 )
                if ( udg_IndexZero == 0 ) then
                    call DisableTrigger( gg_trg_Shot2)
        call RemoveLocation(udg_MisslePoint)
        set udg_loopIndex = udg_loopIndex + 1

function InitTrig_Shot2 takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_Shot2 = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic( gg_trg_Shot2, 0.01 )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Shot2, function Trig_Shot2_Actions )
Level 19
Mar 18, 2012
A location is conists of two points. A x coordinate and a y coordinate.
Replace all locations used with coordinates.
In order to get an units coordinates --> GetUnitX(myUnit) and GetUnitY(myUnit)

Your code is far away of beein good, but there are no leaks, if you get rid of all the locations.
In general don't create that many local groups. Create one global (udg_myGroup) and clear (not destroy) it when you're done with it.

To get a unit's life it is recommended to use GetWidgetLife(myUnit)
To check if a unit is dead use IsUnitType(myUnit, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)

You don't have to define pi manually -- >bj_PI

function GroupPick takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit f=GetFilterUnit()
    local real r=GetUnitState(f, UNIT_STATE_LIFE)
    local boolean b=false
    set b=GetBooleanAnd( (r>0), ( IsUnitEnemy(f, GetOwningPlayer(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex])) == true ) )
    set f=null
    set r=0
    return b
function GroupPick takes nothing returns boolean
    return not IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) and ( IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex])))

Edit this is so messy. I can't answer offhand whether there are leaks or not. :/
Level 7
Mar 6, 2006
There's actually a lot of stuff there that needs fixing, we can work on it slowly. Post your code again after you've updated it with what people are saying in this thread, and it will be much cleaner and easier to read.

I'm just going to name a few:


local real LifeTarget
set LifeTarget=GetUnitState(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex], UNIT_STATE_LIFE)
    if (LifeTarget> 0) then

Don't create a local if you're only using it once. You have a few of these.

Just call the function directly since you're not using it anywhere else. Also, use GetWidgetLife instead of GetUnitState (as someone else said):

if ( GetWidgetLife( udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex] > .405 ) then

GetWidgetLife is faster, and .405 is more accurate than zero.


function GroupPick takes nothing returns boolean
    local unit f=GetFilterUnit()
    local real r=GetUnitState(f, UNIT_STATE_LIFE)
    local boolean b=false
    set b=GetBooleanAnd( (r>0), ( IsUnitEnemy(f, GetOwningPlayer(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex])) == true ) )
    set f=null
    set r=0
    return b

Don't need to set r=0 because it is a real.

Don't need the boolean, you would just return GetBooleanAnd()

Actually that whole function should look like this (someone correct me if I'm wrong):

function GroupPick takes nothing returns boolean
    if not ( IsUnitEnemy( GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex]) ) ) then
         return false
    elseif GetWidgetLife( GetFilterUnit() ) < .405 then
         return false

    return true


call SetUnitPositionLoc( udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex], udg_MisslePoint)

Don't use SetUnitPositionLoc(), use SetUnitX and SetUnitY.

As someone else said, don't use locations at all, just reals.

So instead of GetUnitLoc() you would use GetUnitX() GetUnitY()


Are you positive you need a periodic timer of 0.01 ? In theory, that would run 100 times in 1 second. If that was 0.02, then it would only run 50 times (which is still excessive).

I'm not sure what you're trigger does, but if it still works correctly with a number like 0.03, then I would use that instead, as it would drastically reduce the number of calls.

After you fix up some stuff, repost the code and we can help some more. You'll be writing clean, efficient code in no time!
Last edited:
Level 2
Nov 25, 2013
Thanks for answers. I think I understand that you mean.
Bribe, thanks. Сorrected the error, but leaks have not disappeared( Proposes smaller, but disappeared. I tested this trigger separately, so sure was he proposes.

This trigger implements motion shots. In other words, one trigger creates them, enters into an array of options. This trigger their moves and deals damage. Depending on the type of damage, shots can fly to the nearest enemy or beat through and fly through parabolle.
DysfunctionaI, 3. "Don't use SetUnitPositionLoc(), use SetUnitX and SetUnitY.
As someone else said, don't use locations at all, just reals."
Why location is bad than real?
question: if i want to do "call DamageFinal()" in "Trig_Shot2_Actions", I have to write each time in a loop "set G=CreateGroup()" / "call DestroyGroup (G)"?

attempt 2
function Dec takes nothing returns nothing
    if (GetDestructableLife(GetEnumDestructable()) >.405 ) then
    set udg_Decoration = true

function GroupPick takes nothing returns boolean
    if not ( IsUnitEnemy( GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex]) ) ) then
         return false
    elseif GetWidgetLife( GetFilterUnit() ) < .405 then
         return false
    return true

function PickUnitDamage takes nothing returns nothing
    if ( IsUnitInGroup(GetEnumUnit(), udg_MissileGroupFire[udg_loopIndex]) == false) then
          call UnitDamageTarget( udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex], GetEnumUnit(), udg_MissileDamage[udg_loopIndex], true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS )
          call GroupAddUnit( udg_MissileGroupFire[udg_loopIndex],GetEnumUnit() )

function DamageType1 takes nothing returns nothing
                local group G =CreateGroup() 
                local group G1=CreateGroup() 
                local location l=udg_MisslePoint
                set udg_MisslePoint = PolarLocation(l, udg_MissileSpeed[udg_loopIndex], udg_MissileAngle[udg_loopIndex])
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(G,udg_MisslePoint,udg_MissileAOE[udg_loopIndex],Condition(function GroupPick) )
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(G1,udg_MisslePoint,udg_MissileAOED[udg_loopIndex],Condition(function GroupPick) )
                if ( FirstOfGroup(G)!= null ) then
                     call ForGroup( G1, function PickUnitDamage)
                call DestroyGroup (G)
                set G=null
                call DestroyGroup (G1)
                set G1=null
                call RemoveLocation(l)
                set l=null

function DamageType2 takes nothing returns nothing
                local group G =CreateGroup() 
                local location l=udg_MisslePoint
                local rect r

                call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(G, udg_MisslePoint, udg_MissileAOE[udg_loopIndex], Condition(function GroupPick))
                set udg_MisslePoint = PolarLocation(l, udg_MissileSpeed[udg_loopIndex], udg_MissileAngle[udg_loopIndex])
                set r= Rect(GetLocationX(udg_MisslePoint) - 100, GetLocationY(udg_MisslePoint)  - 100, GetLocationX(udg_MisslePoint) + 100, GetLocationY(udg_MisslePoint)  + 100)
                if ( FirstOfGroup(G)!= null ) then
                     set udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex]=0
                set udg_Decoration = false
                call EnumDestructablesInRect(r, null, function Dec)
                if ( udg_Decoration== true ) then
                     set udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex]=0

                call DestroyGroup (G)
                set G=null
                call RemoveLocation(l)
                set l=null
                call RemoveRect(r)
                set r=null

function DamageFinal takes nothing returns nothing
                local group G =CreateGroup()                 
                call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(G, udg_MisslePoint, udg_MissileAOED[udg_loopIndex], Condition(function GroupPick))
                if ( FirstOfGroup(G)!= null ) then
                     call ForGroup( G, function PickUnitDamage)
                     set udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex]=0
                call DestroyGroup (G)
                set G=null

function Trig_Shot2_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
  local real alfa
  local real Sinus
    set udg_loopIndex = 1
        exitwhen udg_loopIndex > udg_Index
        if ( GetWidgetLife( udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex] > .405 ) then 
            set udg_MisslePoint = GetUnitLoc(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex])
            if (udg_MissileTypeDamage[udg_loopIndex]== 1) then
               call DamageType1()
           if (udg_MissileTypeDamage[udg_loopIndex]== 2) then
                call DamageType2()
            call GetUnitX(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex], GetLocationX(udg_MisslePoint) )
            call GetUnitY(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex], GetLocationY(udg_MisslePoint) )
            call SetUnitFacing(  udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex], udg_MissileAngle[udg_loopIndex])
            set udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex]= udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex]-udg_MissileSpeed[udg_loopIndex]
            if (udg_MissileH[udg_loopIndex]>.405) then
                set alfa = ( ( 180.00 * udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex] ) / udg_MissileDistanseO[udg_loopIndex])
                set Sinus= ( Sin(alfa*(bj_PI/180.00)) * udg_MissileH[udg_loopIndex] )
                call SetUnitFlyHeight( udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex], Sinus, 0.00 )

            if (udg_MissileDistanse[udg_loopIndex]<.405 ) then
                call DamageFinal()
                call KillUnit( udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex] )
                call DestroyGroup (udg_MissileGroupFire[udg_loopIndex])
                set udg_IndexZero = ( udg_IndexZero - 1 )
                if ( udg_IndexZero == 0 ) then
                    call DisableTrigger(  GetTriggeringTrigger() )
        call RemoveLocation(udg_MisslePoint)
        set udg_loopIndex = udg_loopIndex + 1

function InitTrig_Shot2 takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger() 
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic( t, 0.03 )
    call TriggerAddAction( t, function Trig_Shot2_Actions )
    set t = null
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
the GroupPick function can be optimized
function GroupPick takes nothing returns boolean
    return IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(udg_MissileUnit[udg_loopIndex])) and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_DEAD)
locations are bad because they leak. They are a lot slower than using reals.
Creating and destroying locations is very costly. Like creating and destroying groups.

There is still a lot of things in your trigger that should be done.
Like i said above you should look at my tutorial.

Also for your question above yes it changes a lot as it is more efficient and faster to run than the old way you had it with the ITE.

You should not use TriggerAddAction use TriggerAddCondition and run everything from the condition block.
You should get into using vJass.
It is recommended to use Jass Newgen, this was you can read and code alot more easier(you might already be using this?).

You can use libraries, with the use of being able to also create your global variables with your code instead of using the variable editor. This was you can not only not need to use the "udg_" prefix to every global variable but also have control with using them variables as private(/public/constant) variables and functions that can only be used within the library.

With the use of libraries you can decide to use whatever function names to have for the initialize function.

You don't have to learn the more complicated things that vJass provides, as using these things mentioned above arn't that hard to learn nor are the more complicated things required just to help yourself easier.

In simple it is just alot more convenient way of organizing your code.

edit: Here's an example of come of what I am talking about in what vJass can look like.
At initialize a timer is started to expire every second untill it is counted 30 times then the timer is destroyed.
library exampleCustomTimer initializer init

    private integer Count = 0

private function run take nothing returns nothing
    set Count = Count + 1
    call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, "Count = " + I2S(Count))
    if Count == 30 then
        call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer())

private function init takes nothing returns nothing
    call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), true, 1, function run)


the "call TimerStart" thing could have it's values around the wrong was, as I'm doing this on a school computer.
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