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  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


First skin, first time ever drawing in photoshop.

-Chain mail is a filter with other adjustments.
-Staff gem/hair/eyes are recolor
-Armor and staff are 100% freehand, no filters.

jaina, armored, sorceress, mage

Jaina (Texture)

THE_END: I love the armor on this. Just great!
Level 4
Nov 23, 2004
As I started to work on the face, I realized I wanted to put it on a completely different Jaina skin. This was supposed to be part of a hero pack im gonna attempt, but then decided to chnage the theme.

Also, I got sick of looking at this skin, and trying to come up with a good facial construction for this.

On my future skins, expect alot more detail and changes. I just dont think I can bare to fuck with this Jaina aymore.
Level 4
Nov 23, 2004
The pink gem was a recolor, the rest of the staff is freehand.

If you guys really want me to do something with the face, I'll finish the one idea I started.
I just got so bored with this skin I rushed the cape and the staff.
Level 3
Jul 22, 2004
too bad jaina walks like she has a full poo diapper.. i still cant believe blizzard actually made this model, its their worst. ever. even wc2 sprites top the jaina model. its so ugly it makes my soil my pants.

please dont waste any talent skinnning it aver again.
Level 2
Aug 28, 2004
to bad the chainmail gets blurred in-game.
yea, change the face, and the armor. it looks like a leather armor with a metal color. make it more..metal.

and wolfje, why do you post the same as Erth did?
Level 8
Aug 8, 2008
That is the first Jaina skin i see that has metal armor, and it looks awsome but could you plz do me a big favour IrBat. Make 1 just like her, but with the normal hair colour, you know the light/yellow. And change the crystal ball's colour to red. I am looking for a Anveena model for my campain and if just those 2 things where there, it will be perfect!