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Izal-Shurah Ruins -V1.2.2-

Izal-Shurah Ruins
-Version 1.2.2-
By Athoar

Official blog of Izal-Shurah Ruins RPG.

This is a small RPG map based on Sunken Ruins. It has 8 custom heros and only one mission: cross the ruins and kill the Lord of the Tides, the final boss.

Sorry if my english is not very well, I'm spanish.

Tyr, the Viking Warrior:
  • Drain Mana
  • Frost Nova
  • Impale
  • Runic Weapon
  • Avatar of the Thunder God

, the Forest Spirit:
  • Roots
  • Forest's Wrath
  • Rejuvenation
  • Bash
  • Nature's Force

Akros Windwalker, the Wind Archer
  • Stunning Shot
  • Air Totem
  • Invisibility
  • Command Aura
  • Mind Control

Ode, the Monk:
  • Blink
  • Shock Wave
  • Mana Burn
  • Dodge
  • Reincarnation

Norts the Retributor, the Battle Priest
  • Holy Freeze
  • Healing Touch
  • Holy Armor
  • Brillance Aura
  • Sacred Hammers

Thunderwrath, the Lightning Elemental:
  • Electrical Shield
  • Chain of Lightning
  • Shock
  • Thunders
  • Storm

Darkhole, the Sword Dancer:
  • Illusions
  • Shadow Strike
  • Fire Breath
  • Critical Strike
  • Bladestorm

Ithia Proudmoore, the Sorceress:
  • Polymorph
  • Fire Explosion
  • Water Elemental
  • Arcane Brillance
  • Gravity Deflagration








Version 1.0.1
[+] Fixed a text bug in the Extra Lifes description.
[+] Removed the test hero in the selection zone.
[+] Changed level of bosses.
[+] Added the victory conditions. :)
[+] Changed the model of Air Totem.

Version 1.0.2
[+] Changed the time of day to 12:00.
[+] Turned off the day/night cycle.
[+] Added Force 2 to play online.
[+] Added 4 creeps arround the 1st boss.

Version 1.0.3
[+] Fixed the spirit creation for players 3 and 4.
[+] Changed the initial mana of heros to max. mana.
[+] Removed some creeps.
[+] Reduced the battle range of the creeps.

Version 1.0.4
[+] Fixed the exp. bug changing the owner of the creeps.
[+] Fixed the cinematic in the first gate.
[+] Fixed the cinematic in the arena.
[+] Now the spirits can fly.
[+] Added the command -roll.

Version 1.0.5
[+] Fixed the resurrection bug.
[+] Fixed the required level of the ultimate skills.
[+] Fixed the cinematic in the arena (2).
[+] The heros look to the Skeleton King when they enter the arena.

Version 1.1.0
[+] Added shadows.
[+] Added a new hero: Viking Warrior
[+] Added fog and a lot of new effects.
[+] Improved the arena cinematic.
[+] Modified the stats of some monsters.
[+] Changed all buffs.

Version 1.2.0
[+] Now, items dropped by Skeleton King will be teleported to the cave.
[+] Fixed the multi-hero bug removing "Thunder push" ability from Lightning Elemental.
[+] Reduced the density of the green fog.
[+] Added a new ability to Lightning Elemental: "Thunders".
[+] Added the graffic of a teleporter in the beginning zone.

Version 1.2.1
[+] Fixed an error in the description of Arcane Brillance.
[+] Fixed an error in the description of Thunders.
[+] Fixed stun effect of Stunning Shot.
[+] Added a few spells to some units.
[+] Increased HP and damage of some creeps.
[+] Now all heros start with a health potion and a mana potion.
[+] Roots' duration reduced, but damage increased.
[+] Now Polymorph and Roots can't be used on high level units.

donut3.5 [Skeleton King model]

dickxunder [Lord of the Tides model]

jigrael [Lightning Elemental model]

General Frank [Sorceress model, Sword Dancer model]

Norinrad [Battle Priest model]

Dark Hunter1357 [Forest Spirit model]

R.A.N.G.I.T. [Wind Archer model]

Olofmoleman [Viking Warrior model]

Tiki [Monk model]


Since a few days, I'm working seriously on the bad points of ISR, like duration and items. I created a blog where I'll write about my progress on the upcoming version 2.0.

Here's the link: http://isruins.wordpress.com/

ruins, izal-shurah, rpg, dungeon

Izal-Shurah Ruins -V1.2.2- (Map)

20:54, 5th Jul 2009 Linaze: Decent RPG map, the gameplay wasn't anything special. Like the gameplay, the abilities (blizzard ones) weren't to creative nor special, but they worked and didn't have green button or so. The terrain was average but could...




20:54, 5th Jul 2009
Linaze: Decent RPG map, the gameplay wasn't anything special. Like the gameplay, the abilities (blizzard ones) weren't to creative nor special, but they worked and didn't have green button or so. The terrain was average but could definitely be better by adding some more doodads and tile variation.
Level 6
Aug 19, 2006
played it and i must say the terrain is pretty good and nice hero modells

some unique items?
and too!!! easy
was kinda short and didn't reach the max level

and you have no time to pick up the item which is dropped by the skeleton boss, because off the cinematic and teleport

actually i would say 2.5/5
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
>>It is good that you have given proper credits.

>>When I first started the map then my spirit was not at hero selection place but near sea turtles.
>>I restarted the map & my wisp/spirit was at hero selection place. I selected a hero but it did not go anywhere but stayed at its place. I started attacking heroes & somehow got their control. I had 4 heroes then I walked inside the middle place of hero selection area & somehow got teleported to a different place.
Seeing this I have to say that there are many bugs & zero in-game info.
>>I restarted the map again & my spirit was back to the turtles.
>>I restarted again & my spirit was at the hero selection place. It seems as if this works in alternate. I noticed one more thing. I gained control of other heroes only if my first hero choosed by the spirit was lightning elemental & I had the thunder push ability.
Level 14
Nov 2, 2008
Hey man good map you got here.

Short Review v1.2.0
Positive Points:
Good job on giving credits.
[+]Cool heroes, Well done on using appropriate models for each one.
[+]Good terrain, can use very little improvement.
[+]Nice cinematics

Negative Points:
[-]The items on the maps are rather boring.
[-]Too easy
[-]Too Short
[-]Spells can get repetitive. You may want to consider using some custom ones here at hive or wc3c.net

Possible Improvements:
Better, more exciting items.
[=]The "Forest Spirit's" Root ability lasts too long on bosses making it VERY easy. You should consider changing its duration on bosses.

Overall this is one of the better maps at hive.

I vote 3/5 {Useful} and for Approval
Level 3
Jan 3, 2009

I don't have any idea for a posible story, but I'll try to think it for future versions.

some unique items?
[-]The items on the maps are rather boring.

I know, I'm working on custom items to replace W3 original items.

and too!!! easy
[-]Too easy

Well, I will increase the stats of the monsters.

was kinda short and didn't reach the max level
[-]Too Short

I don't like the idea of increase XP rate... so I will add more terrain, bosses, cinematics, etc in future versions.

[-]Spells can get repetitive. You may want to consider using some custom ones here at hive or wc3c.net

Hmm... I'll think on it.

>>When I first started the map then my spirit was not at hero selection place but near sea turtles.

Really? I started the game 3 times in every slot and my spirit is always where it must be.


Well, thanks to all of you for your advice. I'll try to improve the map in the next version :wink:.
Level 3
May 26, 2009
heros terrain and idea are very well
enemies are completely rubbish
you should add a 2/3-player-balance or a spawn system and you should WAY improve items and drops