07:23, 17th Mar 2013
Magtheridon96: I think the names need to be diversified :/
Hey, remember that idea about generating names like "Hammer of <HeroNameHere>" or even "<HeroName>'s Mace of <NounHere>"?
I can send you my name generation code and you can use that to generate hero names for this project
The quality would be way more awesome then
By the way, when I generate single names, it doesn't seem to be scrolling down to the end
I'm running an x64 build of Windows 7 Ultimate and I have .NET Framework 4.0
Another thing, when I hit "Cancel" in the Generate List window, it pops up an error message when it shouldn't :/
Magtheridon96: I think the names need to be diversified :/
Hey, remember that idea about generating names like "Hammer of <HeroNameHere>" or even "<HeroName>'s Mace of <NounHere>"?
I can send you my name generation code and you can use that to generate hero names for this project
The quality would be way more awesome then
By the way, when I generate single names, it doesn't seem to be scrolling down to the end
I'm running an x64 build of Windows 7 Ultimate and I have .NET Framework 4.0
Another thing, when I hit "Cancel" in the Generate List window, it pops up an error message when it shouldn't :/