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i could ask a review about how can i make this faster/more efficient?
system must do:
have 3 category:
1. unit type depend drop, specific for each unit type, max limit 512 item for this category (the unit type id the hashtable 1st key)
2. level depend drop, this work for every unit type, also the limit 512 item/level, the drop list depend on creep level (hashtable 1st key is the creep level)
3. shared drop item category, work similiar like previous creep level just we use high number and can assisgn same number to more unit, like we can assign 5000 (5000 is the 1st key in hashtable) to all murloc units etc, so something like common drop like level drop but here you choose what unit types could use same category
Note: each item have his own percentage
how it work?:
i save to the index (how much item added already in current category) to 0 key, like:
1st key: unit type id ('hpea'=human peasant), 0 - 3 (if 3 item added)
the dropable item for peasant saved like this, 'hpea' (unit type id), 1 (index started by 1 till 512), 'rat6' (ItemTypeId )
percentage for this item saved this way: 'hpea', -1 (last saved item index * -1), drop chance
system must do:
have 3 category:
1. unit type depend drop, specific for each unit type, max limit 512 item for this category (the unit type id the hashtable 1st key)
2. level depend drop, this work for every unit type, also the limit 512 item/level, the drop list depend on creep level (hashtable 1st key is the creep level)
3. shared drop item category, work similiar like previous creep level just we use high number and can assisgn same number to more unit, like we can assign 5000 (5000 is the 1st key in hashtable) to all murloc units etc, so something like common drop like level drop but here you choose what unit types could use same category
Note: each item have his own percentage
how it work?:
i save to the index (how much item added already in current category) to 0 key, like:
1st key: unit type id ('hpea'=human peasant), 0 - 3 (if 3 item added)
the dropable item for peasant saved like this, 'hpea' (unit type id), 1 (index started by 1 till 512), 'rat6' (ItemTypeId )
percentage for this item saved this way: 'hpea', -1 (last saved item index * -1), drop chance
function SetUnitDrop takes integer utype, real C1, real C2, integer DSId, real LvDrop returns nothing
local integer a1 = R2I(C1 / 100)
local integer a2 = R2I(C2 / 100)
local integer aLvD = R2I(LvDrop / 100)
set C1 = C1 - a1 * 100
set C2 = C2 - a2 * 100
set LvDrop = LvDrop - aLvD * 100
call SaveInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 701, a1) // default drop amount
call SaveInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 702, a2) // shared drop amount
call SaveInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 710, DSId) // shared drop id
call SaveInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 703, aLvD) // general level drop amount
call SaveReal(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 711, C1) // default drop chance
call SaveReal(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 712, C2) // shared drop chance
call SaveReal(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 713, LvDrop) // general level drop chance
function AddLevelDrop takes integer lv, integer itype, real chance returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer a = 1
local real HC
local integer Index
if lv < 0 then
set lv = -lv
set HC = LoadReal(udg_Drop_Table, -lv, 700) // highest chance
set Index = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, -lv, 0) // saved item count in level category
if chance > 0 then
exitwhen i > Index or a == - 1
set a = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, -lv, i)
if a == itype then
call SaveReal(udg_Drop_Table, -lv, -Index, chance)
set a = - 1
set i = i + 1
if Index < 512 then
if a != - 1 then
//increase the index
call SaveInteger(udg_Drop_Table, -lv, 0, Index + 1)
// save the itemtypeid and chance
call SaveInteger(udg_Drop_Table, -lv, Index + 1, itype)
call SaveReal(udg_Drop_Table, -lv, -Index, chance)
if HC > 100.00 then
set HC = 100
if HC < chance then
call SaveReal(udg_Drop_Table, -lv, 700, chance)
function AddUnitDrop takes integer utype, integer itype, real chance returns nothing
local integer Index = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 0) // saved item count
local real HC = LoadReal(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 700) // highest chance
local integer i = 1
local integer a = 1
//we check if the item already exist on list or no
//if yes then we just upgrade the drop chance
if chance > 0 then
exitwhen i > Index or a == - 1
set a = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, i)
if a == itype then
call SaveReal(udg_Drop_Table, utype, -Index, chance)
set a = - 1
set i = i + 1
//if we dont got the item in drop list then we add it
if Index < 512 then
if a != - 1 then
//increase the index
call SaveInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 0, Index + 1)
// save the itemtypeid and chance
call SaveInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, Index + 1, itype)
call SaveReal(udg_Drop_Table, utype, -Index, chance)
if HC > 100.00 then
set HC = 100
if HC < chance then
call SaveReal(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 700, chance)
function RemoveItemDropFromUnit takes integer utype, integer itype returns nothing
local integer i = 1
local integer Index = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 0) // saved item count
local integer a = 1
exitwhen i > Index or a == - 1
set a = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, i)
if a == itype then
if i != Index then
call SaveInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, i, LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, Index))
call SaveReal(udg_Drop_Table, utype, -i, LoadReal(udg_Drop_Table, utype, -i))
call SaveInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 0, Index - 1 )
set i = i + 1
function GetDefaultDropItem takes integer utype returns integer
local integer i
local integer itemId = 0
local integer Index = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 0) // saved item count
local integer rndI
local real HC = LoadReal(udg_Drop_Table, utype, 700) // highest chance
local real rndC
if Index > 0 then
exitwhen itemId > 0
set rndI = GetRandomInt(1, Index)
set rndC = GetRandomReal(0, HC)
if LoadReal(udg_Drop_Table, utype, -rndI) > rndC then
set itemId = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, rndI)
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "default drop item is |cffffaaaa" + GetObjectName(LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, utype, rndI)) + "|r with |cffffffaa" + R2S(LoadReal(udg_Drop_Table, utype, rndI * - 1)) + "|r %% chance and random number is " + R2S(rndC))
return itemId
function GetLevelDropItem takes integer lv returns integer
local integer i
local integer itemId = 0
local integer Index = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, -lv, 0) // saved item count
local integer rndI
local real HC = LoadReal(udg_Drop_Table, -lv, 700) // highest chance
local real rndC
if Index > 0 then
exitwhen itemId > 0
set rndI = GetRandomInt(1, Index)
set rndC = GetRandomReal(0, HC)
if LoadReal(udg_Drop_Table, -lv, -rndI) > rndC then
set itemId = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, -lv, rndI)
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "level drop item is |cffffaaaa" + GetObjectName(LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, lv * - 1 , rndI)) + "|r with |cffffffaa" + R2S(LoadReal(udg_Drop_Table, lv * - 1, rndI * - 1)) + "|r %% chance and random number is " + R2S(rndC))
return itemId
function Trig_map_init_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local integer ut
call InitHashtableBJ( )
set udg_Drop_Table = GetLastCreatedHashtableBJ()
set ut = 'hpea'
call SetUnitDrop (ut, 225, 420, 5000, 335)
call AddUnitDrop (ut, 'rde1', 14)
call AddUnitDrop (ut, 'rde2', 12)
call AddUnitDrop (ut, 'rde3', 7)
call AddUnitDrop (ut, 'rat6', 12)
call AddUnitDrop (ut, 'rat9', 17)
call AddUnitDrop (ut, 'ratc', 2.3)
call AddLevelDrop(1, 'hslv', 5.7)
call AddLevelDrop(1, 'phea', 12.3)
call AddLevelDrop(1, 'pman', 5.7)
call AddLevelDrop(1, 'pinv', 1.4)
call AddLevelDrop(3, 'shea', 12.3)
call AddLevelDrop(3, 'sman', 5.7)
call AddLevelDrop(3, 'spro', 1.4)
call SetUnitDrop ('nmrl', 0, 430, 5000, 0)
call SetUnitDrop ('nogr', 0, 370, 5000, 0)
call AddLevelDrop(5000, 'shea', 12.3)
call AddLevelDrop(5000, 'sman', 5.7)
call AddLevelDrop(5000, 'spro', 1.4)
//call SetUnitDrop (unit type, default drop chance, shared drop chance, shared drop id, level drop chance)
//call AddUnitDrop (unit type, item type id, drop chance)
//call RemoveItemDropFromUnit (unit type, item type id)
//call AddLevelDrop (level, item type id, chance)
function InitTrig_map_init takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_map_init = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_map_init, function Trig_map_init_Actions )
function Trig_getItem_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return GetPlayerController(GetOwningPlayer(GetKillingUnitBJ())) == MAP_CONTROL_USER
function CreateDrop takes unit u, unit k returns nothing
local integer ut = GetUnitTypeId(u)
local integer boss = 0
local integer lv = 0
local integer da = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, ut, 701) //drop amount
local real dc = LoadReal(udg_Drop_Table, ut, 711) //drop chance
local integer di
local integer m = 1 //drop multiplier
local integer i = 0
local integer itemId
local real rnd
if IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_HERO) then
set lv = GetHeroLevel(u)
set m = 2
set lv = GetUnitLevel(u)
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), " ")
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), " ")
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "------ |cffffff00Default drop|r: max drop amount |cff7777ff" + I2S(da) + "|r piece --- drop chance |cff7777ff" + R2S(dc) + "|r%")
//---default drop---
exitwhen i > da * m
set rnd = GetRandomReal(0, 99.9999)
if rnd < dc then
set itemId = GetDefaultDropItem(ut)
if itemId > 0 then
call CreateItem(itemId, GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u))
set i = i + 1
//---level depend drop---
set da = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, ut, 703) //drop amount
set dc = LoadReal(udg_Drop_Table, ut, 713) //drop chance
set i = 0
if da == 0 then
set da = 3
set dc = 33
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "------ |cffffff00Level drop|r: max drop amount |cff7777ff" + I2S(da) + "|r piece --- drop chance |cff7777ff" + R2S(dc) + "|r%")
exitwhen i > da * m
set rnd = GetRandomReal(0, 99.9999)
if rnd < dc then
set itemId = GetLevelDropItem(lv)
if itemId > 0 then
call CreateItem(itemId, GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u))
set i = i + 1
//---specific cat drop, work like level depend just you can add same category for more different level unit
// basic example add if u add same category for all murloc unit so this could be commun drop betrween murlocs
//but here we add same categroy for peasant+murloc+ogre
set da = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, ut, 702) //drop amount
set di = LoadInteger(udg_Drop_Table, ut, 710) //drop amount
set dc = LoadReal(udg_Drop_Table, ut, 712) //drop chance
set i = 0
if da == 0 then
set da = 3
set dc = 33
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "------ |cffffff00Shared drop|r: max drop amount |cff7777ff" + I2S(da) + "|r piece --- drop chance |cff7777ff" + R2S(dc) + "|r% and category |cff99ff99" + I2S(di) + "|r")
exitwhen i > da * m
set rnd = GetRandomReal(0, 99.9999)
if rnd < dc then
set itemId = GetLevelDropItem(di)
if itemId > 0 then
call CreateItem(itemId, GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u))
set i = i + 1
function Trig_getItem_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit du = GetDyingUnit()
local integer dt = GetUnitTypeId(du)
local real x = GetUnitX(du)
local real y = GetUnitY(du)
call CreateDrop (du, GetKillingUnit())
call TriggerSleepAction(2)
call RemoveUnit(du)
call CreateUnit(Player(12), dt, x, y, 0)
set du = null
local trigger t = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(12), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH, null)
call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function Trig_getItem_Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function Trig_getItem_Actions )
set t = null
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