Item Charge Failure & Various smaller

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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Yesterday I have played the first four maps of the Human campaign.

I played Arthas.
On the first map, I finished with a Maul of Strength, Ring of Protection +1 and a Potion of Healing.
On the second map, however, I started with an empty inventory. Not considering these three items all that great loss, we continued playing.
On the third map, then, something really strange happened. The lost items were returned, along with my full inventory from the second map, giving me eight items total. Of course I could only hold six, so two were dropped at Arthas' feet.
This wouldn't be a great problem, but this somehow caused the charges to go wrong and some items received extra charges. For example, the Maul of Strength had 4 charges. (You can't do anything with it, just a small four appears in the bottom-right corner of the item.) Also, my friend's Potion of Healing somehow received 9 charges!

I will attach screenshots for this later, but they're on the other computer.
I will also post some other smaller bugs in the human campaign once I get there.
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
Hmm..I'll try to confirm this later with one of my bros. Just one question:

Were you playing old versions or the current versions uploaded here?
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Insane, ofc.

I've seperately downloaded all the updated version to playtest them with a friend.
I'll also grant you my load codes for easier confirming:
For Human 02 = -load KzFI-wFy5-gpxW-z6J4-vSNn-heyi
You'll not receive items for Arthas for some reason. If you do, then this bug only occurs randomly.
For Human 03 = -load WAdH-xWo3-27Ji-U6aG-mwwj-mtw3-wEdp-oTrP-E1v2-RAű
For Human 04 = -load 7b9f-hRh1-Hiii-BXkK-WNRa-X8xB-3ia1-U4Rz-UvRo-cqEX-j3

Here are the screenshots and the smaller bugs as promised.
  • Town Halls cannot Call to Arms.
  • The Mortar Team on H02 has a Red Unit Bug. Also, at the end of his quest, he usually enters the Blacksmith, but it has been moved and now it looks stupid.
  • On H04, Priests use the Blood Elf Priest model instead of High Elf Priest.
  • The scorescreen icon for Falric & Undead Falric is Arthas.
  • On H03, You can give items to Falric. Perhaps the inventory ability could be removed from him for this one map.


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Level 3
Jan 24, 2010
maybe this bugs is the problem with the bug of the chapther 7 ¿? will be fix this for fix them!!!!!


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
I think Amauta means the one where his code did not appear at the end of H7.
I suspect however that the pack does not automatically update, so a few people will be downloading older versions.

I'll confirm most of your bugs McQva such as:
- Town Halls cannot Call to Arms - (I noticed this, and I already added it to all the v2.0 updates I'm about to release, I'm not sure why it is like this. I reckon its been there since I told all the maps to use the latest melee patch, so apparantly you can't use call to arms with a town hall, but can with a Keep and Castle?)
- Red Mortar - I'll believe you, I think recall seeing him red aswell. I still don't know what causes this bug, but I'll mark it as a 'sighting', its interesting that all these red units all seem to be custom units, and key characters.
- Mortar Goes Into Blacksmith - Erm, ok I'll make him go into blue's blacksmith.
- H4 uses the wrong priest model, yep.
- Scorescreen Icon - I don't know if I'll bother to update this, as it is unseen by most and its not like I have an icon at hand. I could perhaps make one with the number '2' written on it, and use it for all of them.
- H3 remove falric's inventory? alright, good idea. I'll do it for the others too.

As for the main one it is completely unheard of an new to me.
Also very very perculiar. However I've already replaced most of the old save/load data with the new one which contains the player ranks, I'll double check it though.

I'll mark this as confirmed, but I wouldn't mind if someone else checked if the save/load bug happened to them.
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
You could perhaps also just remove that extra Blacksmith on chapter 2 and give the remaining one randomly to the players. They can simply exchange it and it's not like there are some many upgrades on that level or the urging need for that extra Blacksmith.

You don't have to believe me on the red Mortar Team bug, you can check it out on the screenshot. (It's the first screenshot on post #4.)

We've just completed March of the Scourge and The Culling. We've also started Shores of Northrend, but the other player lagged out and we postponed completing this map, so some more bugs may be reported later.
  • On chapter 5, Jaina is hidden, but her aura remains active throughout the map. (I've attached a screenshot for this.) You can 'approach' the position where she is hidden to receive the effects of a Level 2 Brilliance Aura.
  • On chapter 5, after the game is over, units that were currently inside a gold mine are not hidden and therefore can be controlled. (I'll also attach a screenshot for this one.)
  • On chapter 6, the techtree sharing malfunctions. My allied player reported that he cannot research upgrades or build buildings that require a Keep, even though I've already built that. Similarly, I was unable to construct a Workshop, even though my allied player had a Blacksmith.
  • On chapter 6, Mal'ganis' AI behaves very stupid. He does not attack houses most of the time, even though he could beat me easily by quickly razing the buildings and converting the villagers. Instead, he seems to run around randomly in an attempt to kill me. I have Boots of Speed, Divine Shield and Knights. I can easily outrun him and beat him to an average of 100-20.
  • On chapter 7, Falric spell distribution is messed up. My allied player says on chapter 6, he was lv7 and had Shield Bash = 3, Evasion = 3 and Ultimate. On chapter 7, however, he had Shield Bash = 3, Ward = 3 and Evasion = 1 and no Ultimate. (Here is the code for chapter 7, so you can quickly load it. (-load QhHR-6tXP-X3gN-r5W1-fnCf-tIEI-ALk8-nQtt-PFP7-Q5Ln-IP3Q))
  • On chapter 7, the Shield Generator still has no effect whatsoever.


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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
I think it would be easier if I found all the bugs before you released 2.0, so you can be sure that 2.0 is more or less bug-free.
I also don't want to play through all the maps yet again just to have a valid code so that I can continue where I stopped.

Or are you saying this because you already knew about all the bugs I reported and fixed them?
Also, I'm not doing this only for the sake of reporting bugs. I enjoy playing these.
Level 3
Jan 24, 2010
the all map pack doesnot have autoupdate ¿?........well is a very great problem many people download the mappack and played xD
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010

On human 02 2.00, after the cinematic with the Blademaster, player 2 will disconnect. We've tested it three times and it happened every time. This also happens if you choose to skip the cinematic.

I can not open the map with my version of the Editor, so I have no idea what may cause this problem.
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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Thanks for the quick answer.
I can't open it because I've downloaded World Editor Unlimited a long-long time ago and it has corrupted my World Editor version and it no longer recognizes handles. So it said that the function return handle or whatever does not exist. It's not much of a problem anyway.

Yes, we're testing the new maps, though it finished for today with this error, so it might take some time to get them all done. EDIT: Nevermind, we've just resumed testing.

By the way, I simply love the new systems. Especially the shared drop-offs and the new upkeeps.
I've also noticed you've updated the AI for Human05. Great job on that one. It's much better now. I can remember it wasn't that great before.
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Oh, no, you have misunderstood me. That was yesterday, when we were playing ~1.7.

Actually, there are some bugs on 2.0!
On H04, our skills were messed up. I had Holy Light (2) and Divine Shield (2).
On H04, I got Devotion Aura (2) and two free skill points.
The same happened to my ally, who had Water Elemental (2), Blizzard (1) and Brilliance Aura (1) and received Blizzard (2) and two free skill points.

We stopped playing until you fix this one, because you absolutely cannot win the following maps without Divine Shield. Actually, H05 cannot be won without a level three Divine Shield.
I don't level my Ultimate on H05, just so that I can have Divine Shield (3) and Holy Light. (3) You really need it to have a chance at taking out the Caravan. Even then, it can be quite hard.

So, yeah, please fix this for us.

There are also some minor stuff. Check the screenshots.
  • On H02, Uther chases after the retreating orcs and helps you destroy the orc base.
  • On H04, Mortar Teams have a not-researched Fragmention Shards. (This is an upgrade from TFT and should be removed.)
  • On (supposedly) all of the human maps, Studded Leather Armor has a typo in it.
  • On H04, the loading screen is messed up. Check out the screenshot.
Also, on H02, the red unit bug of the Mortar Team NPC is gone. Have you done anything or is this random?

I've also reopened this thread temporarily for easier communication.


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Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
K, just remove the tag then/open it, we don't want too many different tags flying around!

I've fixed the H3 to H4 save/load bug. The bug was in the code that is given at the end of the chapter of Chapter 3. This means however that you will need to replay chapter 3. And I'm afraid it won't be possible for me to generate you a code or create a temporary map to accept it properly this time, because of the new running score system in the code. You will have to either use the faulty code or go back to chapter 3.

- The Uther attack bug I have suffered myself, I thought I had fixed it by disabling his attack when he leaves the base; apparantly not.
- Yep, I'll remove Fragmentation Shards. EDIT: I think you mean H03?
- And god, I hate typos so much. (Takes so long to fix) EDIT: Apparantly its just for that map, whoopee!
- Yep, I'll fix that loading screen, not sure what happened there.

The red unit bug is seemingly random, I haven't fixed it, its why it confuses me so much!
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Items are once again messed up at the end of H04/start of H05.
At the start of H05 Falric's inventory is gone and Arthas receives a lot of inaccurate items. (Charged Mauls and some items that belonged to Falric.)

Please, tell me we won't have to play H04 again.


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
Argh, this bug is back. (Sorry I've taken so long to getting around to it)
Oh.. you editted some other bugs into a much older post, I missed them.

EDIT: Found/fixed most of those bugs now.
The H4/H5 code one is a mistake in the code that H4 gives you, so yes you would have to do it again x.x
The H6 Malganis AI, I tried putting in something that redirects him to the buildings every 30 secs, I don't know if it'll help.
(After all, that AI isn't originally mine anyway, I don't exactly know how it works)
The H7 Shield Generator worked for me.. so I wasn't sure what to fix there.
All it should do is stop you walking through it until the building is destroyed. Did it not do that?
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