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Islam: Educate me.

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Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
From what I understand, Islam is a "evil" religion. I know several Muslims in my school, but they all seem to HATE non Muslims, so I cant approach them and ask.

Things I know about Islam:
Encourages followers to kill unbelievers.
Qur'anic verses saying it's ok to beat disobedient wives,
it's forbidden to take married women for sex, unless they are your slave,
or making non-muslims pay the Jizya tax and go through the subsequent humiliation that goes with that
Level 9
Apr 6, 2008
As every religion, Islam has fanatics and moderate followers.
Islamic fanatics are many because it's actually the only religion which has powerful extremist organizations. The only other things I know about islam are that sodomy is forbidden and green is its color.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Islam as far as I know:

Teaches that entry to Heaven, and then a place in the Garden of Eden afterwards, comes from servitude and prayer to God, supplemented and supported by fasting, and acts of kindness.

Like many other faiths, it bases entry to the afterlife on a system of earning.

Islam according to Muslim belief, began when Mohammed was visited by the Arch-Angel Gabriel, and told to recite, and then Gabriel revealed the laws and histories written in Heaven to him, and this is the "Quaran".

The Muslims belief is that the Bible (Christianity) and the Torah (Judaism) were edited and twisted by the followers of these faiths, and that the Quaran is the un-edited and pure word of God.

They have had many conflicts with the other Abrahamic faiths due to this, and other differences in belief.

Christians are often insulted by the belief the Isa (jesus) was a mere man, prophet, and not the Son of God. (the belief in Christ's divinity is the core of Christian teaching)

Jews are often in conflict for other reasons.

The extremist Muslims, like extremists of any cause, believe that you must join or die.

This may be where you are experiencing conflict.

*ps. If I have made an error in my post, and you are a Muslim, please inform me so I can change it, thank you.*
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Islamic people tend to be taught more that other religions are wrong. Rather than to believe what you believe and let others believe what they believe, whether they go to "hell" for it or not.

However as for the strict rules, if you look in the bible you will see many things like that and worse, but most christians and jews (and other faiths of course) have accepted the fact that those rules are out of date and should not be followed.
Level 25
May 31, 2007
From what I understand, Islam is a "evil" religion. I know several Muslims in my school, but they all seem to HATE non Muslims, so I cant approach them and ask.

Things I know about Islam:
Encourages followers to kill unbelievers.
Qur'anic verses saying it's ok to beat disobedient wives,
it's forbidden to take married women for sex, unless they are your slave,
or making non-muslims pay the Jizya tax and go through the subsequent humiliation that goes with that

lol who told you that xD

the Islam is not the "evil" religion
the radical Islamists (people you call terrorists and stuff like that) are that "evil" thing. They believe in Islam but in more extreme way (they doing it wrong D:)

and i hope that your muslim friends (or what ever you call them) are not those extreme one...
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I've heard it argued both ways so maybe someone can help clear this up for me too...

Does the Quaran have anything in it about killing non-believers?

Also Islam is naturally violent since it spread by the sword early on. This is what I think, but again, it's argued both ways. From what I know, Mohamed was kicked out of Mecha, and later came back and killed those that banished him. Then he took over and started Islam. This is a really rough and vague, don't quote me please. :p

Oh and to add to Elenai, there are six (correct me if I'm wrong) pillars of Islam. They are similar to Christian Commandments. They also pray facing Mecha every day, or on special days, I can't remember. We learned it two years ago for like a term. Very brief.
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
Ok let's see.

Encourages followers to kill unbelievers.

No just no, Our last prophet told us to Not Persecute/oppress others.
I saw this some where, They said that these words are from Muhammed [It may not be 100% true quote because I may make some mistakes].

There are only 2 ways you can help someone who oppress, And those who are being oppressed. You can help the oppressed by supporting them [by the sword,Food & supplies etc I think] and help those who oppress by stopping them by the word

And if it encourages us to kill unbelievers?
Why was no one killed when Mekka was retaken?
Why was no one killed when Jerusalem retaken?
[Those who fought them were killed of course, But no innocent was killed]

Qur'anic verses saying it's ok to beat disobedient wives,

Another quote from our last prophet was that ''The best believers are those who treat their wife in the best way''

It's something like that, Sorry but I can't remember them to 100%.

it's forbidden to take married women for sex, unless they are your slave,

We're not allowed to have slaves?
We're all Equal in Islam, I repeat we have no slaves.

I didn't fully understand ''It's forbidden to take married women for sex''

Explain what you mean and tell me where you have got all this information from.

or making non-muslims pay the Jizya tax and go through the subsequent humiliation that goes with that

Didn't understand this either.
Tell me where you got all this stuff from, And try making some questions easier to understand.

For Gilles:
Muhammed was banished from Mekka, All those who believe in one God with him were killed, Persecuted, Oppressed.

After 23 years of persecution they retook Mekka.
And just so you know, No one innocent was killed.
''You shall kill no old man, No Child, No Woman, No one working on the field.You shall only kill those who have been persecuting you and those who kicked you out from your homes''.

When Mekka was retaken, Still no innocent was killed.
Nothing was raided or anything.

And Please, Do not ever try to read about Islam on the Internet, Anything can come out from the Internet, And just because some are extremists doesn't mean that all are extremists.
If we all were, Then there'd be 1.8 billion extremists in the world.

And those ''muslims in your school'', Can you tell me everything you know about them before you claim them to be real muslims?
There is a difference between Real muslims & people who just call their selves muslims and just dont eat pork.

If you want to read about Islam on the internet then link me some sites and I can check them with other people if they are OK.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
The only person right here was Firelord (Since he is a muslim) and the only one remotly right from the non-muslim people who posted here was Elenai.

Encourages followers to kill unbelievers.
Qur'anic verses saying it's ok to beat disobedient wives,
it's forbidden to take married women for sex, unless they are your slave,
or making non-muslims pay the Jizya tax and go through the subsequent humiliation that goes with that
Let me guess, your the type of person who learns about Islam by looking at media coverage of Iraq?

As every religion, Islam has fanatics and moderate followers.
Islamic fanatics are many because it's actually the only religion which has powerful extremist organizations. The only other things I know about islam are that sodomy is forbidden and green is its color.
If you are talking in quantity. Yes. If you are talking in percentage, No. Islam is a big religion with many followers, the quantity of those followers who are extremists are more than other religions. But percentage wise there are religions that have more.
Islam as far as I know:

Teaches that entry to Heaven, and then a place in the Garden of Eden afterwards, comes from servitude and prayer to God, supplemented and supported by fasting, and acts of kindness.

Like many other faiths, it bases entry to the afterlife on a system of earning.

Islam according to Muslim belief, began when Mohammed was visited by the Arch-Angel Gabriel, and told to recite, and then Gabriel revealed the laws and histories written in Heaven to him, and this is the "Quaran".

The Muslims belief is that the Bible (Christianity) and the Torah (Judaism) were edited and twisted by the followers of these faiths, and that the Quaran is the un-edited and pure word of God.

They have had many conflicts with the other Abrahamic faiths due to this, and other differences in belief.

Christians are often insulted by the belief the Isa (jesus) was a mere man, prophet, and not the Son of God. (the belief in Christ's divinity is the core of Christian teaching)

Jews are often in conflict for other reasons.

The extremist Muslims, like extremists of any cause, believe that you must join or die.

This may be where you are experiencing conflict.

*ps. If I have made an error in my post, and you are a Muslim, please inform me so I can change it, thank you.*
Most of what you said was correct.

Like all (major) religions, it's not evil itself. The harm only comes from the ones who take it to an extreme.

Unfortunatly, Islam seems to have too many of those.

Also, like any other major religion, it's based on rules made thousands of years ago, and as such is incredibly unfit for modern societies.
Most of the rules are generic, rather then specific. And can fit into any time period.
Islamic people tend to be taught more that other religions are wrong. Rather than to believe what you believe and let others believe what they believe, whether they go to "hell" for it or not.

However as for the strict rules, if you look in the bible you will see many things like that and worse, but most christians and jews (and other faiths of course) have accepted the fact that those rules are out of date and should not be followed.
That is completly false. Infact, the Prophet mohammed taught that the gift of Islam should be presented upon people, but not enforced.

The qur'an is a guide. It teaches people how to live healthy and faithfully, it forbids pork because pork is not infact healthy. Alcohol is forbidden and so is any form of drug, etc.. It doesnt promote beating wives and taking slaves from sex.

Seriously, where the fuck do you people get this shit from? CNN?
Level 5
Jan 26, 2008
From what I understand, Islam is a "evil" religion. I know several Muslims in my school, but they all seem to HATE non Muslims, so I cant approach them and ask.

Things I know about Islam:
Encourages followers to kill unbelievers.
Qur'anic verses saying it's ok to beat disobedient wives,
it's forbidden to take married women for sex, unless they are your slave,
or making non-muslims pay the Jizya tax and go through the subsequent humiliation that goes with that
Long story short.
Islam is like all other religions, it have fundamentalists.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007

There you go, There are extremists every where.

Are you fucking kidding me with that? That was the worst German translation I have ever seen. That video is propaganda and bullshit.

Maedh, nothing you've said is right.

Firelord, is correct (of course). Most of what Elenai said was correct too.

There are extremists in every religion. Islam isn't bad because right now their extremists are on the front page everyday.

Remember the Crusades when Christians killed every single person in Jerusalem when they conquered it?

Oops. BTW, I'm Chrisitian, I just don't believe in hating a religion because of their extremist douche-bags.
Level 35
May 22, 2007

Every faith has had its time of extremism and violence. Mostly due to a human cause.

For example, during the Dark Ages and Middle Ages, when the comfortable and stable civilization of west Rome collapsed, all of the populace who had grown used to Roman comforts and education were suddenly thrown into a near primitive state.

Basically...they went through a real Y2K.

At this time, people grew ignorant, and barbaric, and they clung to wild interpretations of Christianity, a faith of peace twisted to violence, and thus began to take out their frustrations through many mediums, and faith was no exception.

It began slowly at first, and order was maintained.

But soon, the Church grew corrupt with power and wealth (as all humans do) and the people grew more and more extreme and were easily riled in their ignorance.

Thus began such things as the Inquisition.

Islam is entering I hypothesize, a similar thing.

The Imperialistic nature of Europe from the colonization of their lands, the constant turmoil in the middle east, the rise and fall of Socialistic Arab dictatorships, the birth of Israel, the desperate populace who live in these poor regions, with powerful wealthy, and corrupt oil barons right in front of them...

All these things are I believe causing an Islamic Dark Age...which..if history repeats itself...should end in about 1000 years. However, with the world being alot smaller these days, it should hopefully take only 100 years for things to settle.
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006

Every faith has had its time of extremism and violence. Mostly due to a human cause.

For example, during the Dark Ages and Middle Ages, when the comfortable and stable civilization of west Rome collapsed, all of the populace who had grown used to Roman comforts and education were suddenly thrown into a near primitive state.

Basically...they went through a real Y2K.

At this time, people grew ignorant, and barbaric, and they clung to wild interpretations of Christianity, a faith of peace twisted to violence, and thus began to take out their frustrations through many mediums, and faith was no exception.

It began slowly at first, and order was maintained.

But soon, the Church grew corrupt with power and wealth (as all humans do) and the people grew more and more extreme and were easily riled in their ignorance.

Thus began such things as the Inquisition.

Islam is entering I hypothesize, a similar thing.

The Imperialistic nature of Europe from the colonization of their lands, the constant turmoil in the middle east, the rise and fall of Socialistic Arab dictatorships, the birth of Israel, the desperate populace who live in these poor regions, with powerful wealthy, and corrupt oil barons right in front of them...


Did you watch the whole video or did you just jump into that conclusion after 10 seconds?
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
I watched it all. It was all misinterpretations. Either because of crappy translations or something else.

That's all I say. I had a page long post typed but I deleted because that's not the point of this thread. I don't want this turn into a shitfest about Christianity vs. Islam (or anything like that) because that will not help anything or anyone.

Anyway, Maedh should either ask more questions, or answer to the responses he got.

EDIT: And I agree with Elenai... again.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
No one did.

I was just responding to the content of the video. But I didn't want to start an argument. That's all.

EDIT: If your intent was something else with the video, then I misinterpreted and I apologize :)
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
Im not christan, so I dont know about what the bible says. Im atheist my self, and I only dislike 2 religions, scientology and Islam. People say Islam isnt a bad religion, yet there are quotes fromt he Quaran that seem to be the oppposite. Thats why im confused. Maybe what im reading from the internet is a bad translation.

O ye who believe! Fight the Unbelievers who are near to you and let them find harshness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him. (S.9, A.123)

Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for persecution is worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who reject faith. But if they cease, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more persecution and the religion becomes Allah's. But if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression. (S.2, A.190-193)

And fight them [unbelievers] on until there is no more persecution, and religion becomes Allah's in its entirety but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do. (S.8, A.38)

There are alot more. if someone can clear up any bad translations that would be great. I still cant take Islam to be a good religion after seeing the extremists, and learning about whats in the quaran.
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
1) Show me where ever you're getting your information.

2)You don't seem to know who the Arabs first where, They had 320 gods until that our last prophet Muhammed came [And he was persecuted and so on].
The muslims were killed,Persecuted & oppressed.

The arabs buried their kids [Alive], They had slaves, They did bad things.
And they threw out every muslim out of Mekka, They tortured them [To try to get them back to their old religion], And when the muslims fled and Medina became muslims. The arabs sold their homes in Mekka, Looted their homes.
And so on, This made some muslims angry of course.

And one day Jihad was declared, To fight back. The muslims did nothing against the Arabs, Until then. They went to the wells of Badr to fight.
Our Last prophet did not like the sword at all, As they say War is only right when you defend your self.
The muslims won and things carried on.
If you want the rest of the story I can tell you it.

Don't Judge Islam on what you find on the Internet or TV.

Many people have no clue about what Islam is.
And if no muslim can understand the Quran to 100%, Why would A non muslim do that?
[We read the Quran many times, Do gain more knowledge every time].

There are anti-islamists who look through the Quran and find Suras like that one and don't understand them and put them up.

Those Suras are against the Arabs in that time I think.

Those Suras tell you to fight them [And by the Holy Mosque they mean Ka'ba.]

*Edit* Why is the Quran bad?
You ever read it? No you haven't.
Do you think Anti-Islamists Take out what they find good in the Quran to encourage people to go against Islam?
Of course not.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Remember that, at the time of the Qu'ran much like at the time of the Bible things were alot different. When placed into modern society you cant relate them directly, you have to understand the message that it brings. Not its literal meaning, since society has changed people must change the way they interpret it. Its still the same meaning, but modernized.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Im not christan, so I dont know about what the bible says. Im atheist my self, and I only dislike 2 religions, scientology and Islam. People say Islam isnt a bad religion, yet there are quotes fromt he Quaran that seem to be the oppposite. Thats why im confused. Maybe what im reading from the internet is a bad translation.
There are quotes in the bible that are absolutely horrible if taken literally.

O ye who believe! Fight the Unbelievers who are near to you and let them find harshness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him. (S.9, A.123)
That is probably a fake quote.

Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for persecution is worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who reject faith. But if they cease, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more persecution and the religion becomes Allah's. But if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression. (S.2, A.190-193)
That's talking about people who are actually attacking Muslims, and why shouldn't you fight back? Even if it's a fake quote, lern2/read/ and it's basically "live and let live, but you can finish fights they start".

And fight them [unbelievers] on until there is no more persecution, and religion becomes Allah's in its entirety but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do. (S.8, A.38)
Worded worse than the above, it's basically the same thing.

There are alot more. if someone can clear up any bad translations that would be great. I still cant take Islam to be a good religion after seeing the extremists, and learning about whats in the quaran.
You know that in Ireland, Catholics and Protestants have been murdering each other for since medieval times? And didn't Elenai mention the fucking inquisition? And the Crusades? "Islamic" terrorists aren't real muslims, they're people parading around falsely interpreted quotes from holy text, recruiting those who have nothing to lose by telling them they have everything to gain, to further their own hate. They don't even have true causes.
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
There are quotes in the bible that are absolutely horrible if taken literally.

That is probably a fake quote.

That's talking about people who are actually attacking Muslims, and why shouldn't you fight back? Even if it's a fake quote, lern2/read/ and it's basically "live and let live, but you can finish fights they start".

Worded worse than the above, it's basically the same thing.

You know that in Ireland, Catholics and Protestants have been murdering each other for since medieval times? And didn't Elenai mention the fucking inquisition? And the Crusades? "Islamic" terrorists aren't real muslims, they're people parading around falsely interpreted quotes from holy text, recruiting those who have nothing to lose by telling them they have everything to gain, to further their own hate. They don't even have true causes.

I can look up in my Quran at home, Looking throughout the suras too see if they're correct.
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
O ye who believe! Fight the Unbelievers who are near to you and let them find harshness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him. (S.9, A.123)

This seems to say that ALL unbelievers should be fought.

Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for persecution is worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who reject faith. But if they cease, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more persecution and the religion becomes Allah's. But if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression. (S.2, A.190-193)

This one seems to state that those who reject Islam should be killed.

And fight them [unbelievers] on until there is no more persecution, and religion becomes Allah's in its entirety but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do. (S.8, A.38)

This seems to say fight if you are persecuted, but it also says that only stop once they convert to Islam.

Of course these could be badly translated, so It would be good if fire lord could look them up.
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
The Quaran says that killing an innocent man is like killing all of mankind;
but saving a man is like saving all of mankind.

The extremists make it seem as if innocent is Islamic, and mankind are the believers of Islam. And that saving an Islamic person justifies killing the entirety of the Infidels.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
This seems to say that ALL unbelievers should be fought.
If it's a real quote, then it's taken out of context.

This one seems to state that those who reject Islam should be killed.
Those who reject it violently. Did you read what I posted?

This seems to say fight if you are persecuted, but it also says that only stop once they convert to Islam.
No, it says stop when they stop.

Of course these could be badly translated, so It would be good if fire lord could look them up.
It doesn't help that they are also poorly interpreted.
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
This seems to say that ALL unbelievers should be fought.

This one seems to state that those who reject Islam should be killed.

This seems to say fight if you are persecuted, but it also says that only stop once they convert to Islam.

Of course these could be badly translated, so It would be good if fire lord could look them up.

Have you been reading my posts AT ALL??
As I said, Muhammed and his people were persecuted.
THEY were slaughtered for not believing in the 320 gods, They were tortured.
They were persecuted.

Remember this: Mecka, Was the capital of the Arabs who fought Muhammed.
And where the holy mosque [Ka'ba] is.

Then when Medina became muslims they Fought the Arabs, And remember it says don't fight at the holy Mosque.

. But if they cease, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more persecution and the religion becomes Allah's. But if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression. (S.2, A.190-193)

Then after the first battle which was won by the muslims, They signed a peace treaty for 10 years. But the Arabs broke it by killing muslims, And the war began.

Then Mecka was retaken,

And fight them [unbelievers] on until there is no more persecution, and religion becomes Allah's in its entirety but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do.

This is the same thing, FOR the arabs who fought them.
Plz l2history&religion b4 u come up with conclusions?

Am I persecuted? No, So does that mean I will go kill every neighbour of mine for not being muslims?
Does this mean that 1.8 billion people are killing Non believers day'n'night?

Please, I've seen a new level of ignorance today.


Now stop repeating the same thing over and over again.
People spend their lives educating the Quran & you take out suras from the Internet & think You can understand the purpose of them?

if you wish I can link you an old movie from Youtube which is about the time of Muhammed, It's like 2hrs long.
Last edited:
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Oh no, violent Quran quotes. Whatever happened to the good old Bible supporting slavery of people in neighboring nations? Has it ever occurred to anyone that these books were, perchance, outdated a bit, and, if a god out there exists, and did, in fact, participate in the making of the book, his word might have been a little up for interpretation?

You know what they call people who take their religious text literally? Extremists.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
There is something similar to an "Islamic council" that helps modernize The Divine law (Shar'iah) to fit modern society. The result is modern islamic people, those who remain by the old faith and believe nothing should be changed and take everything literarly are extremists.

Muhammed (In his wisdom) had predicted how societies would develop and established this system of council (Of the wise and knowing of the Qu'ran and the faith) to help keep the islamic laws suitable for the current enivroment.
Level 4
Apr 5, 2005
or in short those books(bibles, qu'ran, and torah) we're written back in the time that was sexist(about women and wives and they we're seen as "properties of men") trigger happy violence(crusades and jihads) and just downright different from our time

(I'm a catholic and yes I do believe in the bible and an afterlife, call me crazy, but I guess thats just my faith)
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
From what I understand, Islam is a "evil" religion. I know several Muslims in my school, but they all seem to HATE non Muslims, so I cant approach them and ask.

Things I know about Islam:
Encourages followers to kill unbelievers.
Qur'anic verses saying it's ok to beat disobedient wives,
it's forbidden to take married women for sex, unless they are your slave,
or making non-muslims pay the Jizya tax and go through the subsequent humiliation that goes with that

im muslim and i can tell you that
-killing will lead to hell, you have to respect unbelivers and other religions
or it is consideret as a sin:nw:
-in islam women respect is very high, you dont have the right to beat your disoedient wife, but if she is acting like a ***** then you have the right
-you can have sex when your married, and your women is not your slave you dont have the right to make her your slave
-Jizya tax is a complicated thing i dont know mush about it
but i dont think i heard anything like that

-"Evil"? that is painfull to say about a relegion that you do not understand:sad:

-the muslims in your school hate none muslims cause in none muslim countries they treat muslims like terrorists and call them terrorists

if you need to now more about somthing in islame or somthing in our history im here:thumbs_up:

-muslims who detonate cars and kill inocent people are not consideret muslims and are going to hell and are our number one enemy because they make there terrorist act, and then they say they are muslims (osama bin laden, al-quaida, saddam):bored:
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
There are SO many things wrong with this thread.


Islam does not hate you. 96% of Muslims are normal individuals going about their lives like anyone else. They read a proper interpretation of the Quoran and they do not try to kill anyone, or hate anyone who has different beliefs than them.

The Quoran does not tell Muslims to kill you or hate you. Islam is most CERTAINLY NOT the anti-christ. To even suggest so is offensive in the extreme.

Islam is another religion, just like Judaism or Chrstinianity.

Now, if you want something that is REALLY evil to rag on about, find a cult, like Scientology, and see what THEY preach.
Level 9
May 17, 2008
There are SO many things wrong with this thread.


Islam does not hate you. 96% of Muslims are normal individuals going about their lives like anyone else. They read a proper interpretation of the Quoran and they do not try to kill anyone, or hate anyone who has different beliefs than them.

The Quoran does not tell Muslims to kill you or hate you. Islam is most CERTAINLY NOT the anti-christ. To even suggest so is offensive in the extreme.

Islam is another religion, just like Judaism or Chrstinianity.

Now, if you want something that is REALLY evil to rag on about, find a cult, like Scientology, and see what THEY preach.

agreed, the quran does NOT tell us to fight and kill unbelievers, and in fact here in pakistan its common knowledge that some of the quranic verses posted before(which were true) were told to extremists by people like bin laden etc and misusing these verses has led to extremism, violence, etc

and it is illegal to treat wives harshly without reason however i will explain the condition when it is lawful to chastise them slightly*

if your wife cheats on you, or acts in a way which is against the spirit of islam, then the first thing u do is try to talk her out of it, if she doesnt agree, then stop sleeping with her, still if she persists, then maybe slap her if she is 'doing something wrong even though youre telling her its wrong') (hope firelord will correct me if im wrong)

hope that clears up the crazy belief that muslims are cruel to wives:bored:
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Kur'an Contents:
- Kill everyone
- Betray your friends
- Drink and Use drugs much

everyone who thinks something like this about Islam, failz
Level 4
Apr 5, 2005
Well, i'm a Christian. so this is what i thought:

Islam may be an anti-christ. As in Revelation ( Holy bible, the last one), the bible said that so many anti-christ will try killing us ( the christian). The relevation also said that there are a monster come from the sea ( as i remember), the fellower of the monster has two dark sign, one in their head and one in their palm of hand. And i've ever seen that the "extreme" moeslems which regularly do "sholat" ( their pray) have that sign.

Note: not all moeslems like that... only the extreme which like to do "Jihad"

okay what you said may just be downright extremist or overly offensive coming from the christian side of things
Level 7
Apr 26, 2007
Many of those beliefs come because of medias painting the terrible picture of evil, extremist Iran. But you forget who is responsible. Read about TP-Ajax. USA is the last country that should bitch about Iran. Sorry for slight offtopic ;)
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
Jihad is not extreme,
No one said that what Osama bin laden does is Jihad,
What he and his organization does isn't even war, It's not even allowed in Islam.

Our prophet prohibited killing of Innocents,Women,Children & People working on the field & other places [Only fight the enemy] which Osama clearly failed to understand.
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Well in an attempt to keep the thread on-topic.

I have a question about Islam, or rather the laws. I'm not bashing it or saying it's bad, I just want to know, from a Muslim point of view, about the women's rights issue. It's honestly the one thing that perturbs me, about Islam. I would just like to know if it's correct or not. No maliciousness intended.

I have seen so many articles in the paper/online about women being abused and even killed. In one case a woman was, reportedly, even stoned to death, in Saudi Arabia (if I remember the report correctly).

Some examples:

Saudi Arabia: Women say religious traditions block their rights
Saudis pressured to grant women rights - Middle East Times
Human Rights in Saudi Arabia: A Deafening Silence (Human Rights Watch Backgrounder, December 2001)

I would like for someone to, calmly, explain to me whether they are false or not. I would prefer to believe that they're false, but it doesn't hurt to be inquisitive.

EDIT: Just to tell you, there were a crapload of articles from World Net Daily, but I largely ignore them because of biases for one view or another.
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
Just so you know,
Saudi Arabia = Is not Islam.
Just because Muhammed lived in Saudi Arabia doesn't make the country to a religion.
Many people get confused, If something happens in Saudi Arabia they will think it has something with Islam to do, 15% of the muslims are Arabs, Yes 15%.
I mean many people call them selves muslims but do nothing a muslim is meant do [Except not eating pork] as an example.

Islam is not a culture or any nation, It's a religion.
There are people who believe less and some more in Muslim Countries.

I can't understand why Women aren't allowed to drive cars or W/E they're not allowed to do.

The Saudi Arabian king is a bit weird IMO.
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
well IMO its no use trying to put some sense on this guy, just look over his posts here
BlizzCraft - View Profile: Maedhros
homophobic, wage war against muslim etc..

Wugiboy Why the hate :thumbs_down:

Anyways... Just to get this out there...

YES I do HATE Gays, not lesbians tho.

And Yes I DID hate Muslims, but only because I incorrectly believed that it was a brutal religion that bleated their wives, and killed "non believers". My parents are from India, and... Indians usually HATE Pakistanis, who are Muslim, and in almost all Bollywood movies there are anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistani scenes, so yea...
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