Ok let's see.
Encourages followers to kill unbelievers.
No just no, Our last prophet told us to
Not Persecute/oppress others.
I saw this some where, They said that these words are from Muhammed [It may not be 100% true quote because I may make some mistakes].
There are only 2 ways you can help someone who oppress, And those who are being oppressed. You can help the oppressed by supporting them [by the sword,Food & supplies etc I think] and help those who oppress by stopping them by the word
And if it encourages us to kill unbelievers?
Why was no one killed when Mekka was retaken?
Why was no one killed when Jerusalem retaken?
[Those who fought them were killed of course, But no innocent was killed]
Qur'anic verses saying it's ok to beat disobedient wives,
Another quote from our last prophet was that
''The best believers are those who treat their wife in the best way''
It's something like that, Sorry but I can't remember them to 100%.
it's forbidden to take married women for sex, unless they are your slave,
We're not allowed to have slaves?
We're all Equal in Islam, I repeat we have no slaves.
I didn't fully understand ''It's forbidden to take married women for sex''
Explain what you mean and tell me where you have got all this information from.
or making non-muslims pay the Jizya tax and go through the subsequent humiliation that goes with that
Didn't understand this either.
Tell me where you got all this stuff from, And try making some questions easier to understand.
For Gilles:
Muhammed was banished from Mekka, All those who believe in one God with him were killed, Persecuted, Oppressed.
After 23 years of persecution they retook Mekka.
And just so you know, No one innocent was killed.
''You shall kill no old man, No Child, No Woman, No one working on the field.You shall only kill those who have been persecuting you and those who kicked you out from your homes''.
When Mekka was retaken, Still no innocent was killed.
Nothing was raided or anything.
And Please, Do not ever try to read about Islam on the Internet, Anything can come out from the Internet, And just because some are extremists doesn't mean that all are extremists.
If we all were, Then there'd be 1.8 billion extremists in the world.
And those ''muslims in your school'', Can you tell me everything you know about them before you claim them to be real muslims?
There is a difference between Real muslims & people who just call their selves muslims and just dont eat pork.
If you want to read about Islam on the internet then link me some sites and I can check them with other people if they are OK.