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[vJASS] Is this code useless?

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Level 6
Oct 23, 2011
I've been thinking

"If I have hundreds of triggers checking itemid of the used item for EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM, it would call GetManipulatedItem() hundreds of times everytime an item is used" am I right?
I decided to write this short code so I can reduce the amount I call GetManipulatedItem() or GetTriggerUnit()

library ItemUse uses Event, RegisterPlayerUnitEvent

        private Event USE
        private unit u
        private item i
    private function onUse takes nothing returns nothing
        set u=GetTriggerUnit()
        set i=GetManipulatedItem()
        call FireEvent(USE)
    function RegisterItemUseEvent takes boolexpr c returns nothing
        call RegisterEvent(c,USE)
    function GetUsingUnit takes nothing returns unit
        return u
    function GetUsedItem takes nothing returns item
        return i
    private module M
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set USE=CreateEvent()
            call RegisterPlayerUnitEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM, function onUse)
    private struct S extends array  
        implement M

The question is.. is this useful at all? (or does it even make sense)?
I think I'm doing something completely stupid and this code is pointless

If this does serve some use, would it be better for me to just create a single trigger for each itemid, save it on a hashtable with the itemid as the childkey and execute whichever trigger that is saved to the childkey of itemid each time an item is used?
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
It's not only that you call the event response multiple times but you have mass triggers with their respective events, right? So these would all be fired and create new threads. Would surely be slower at a specific amount. The reason why I use such custom events has also other reasons though. You can define the order in which codes are fired and it does not run stuff unnecessarily that you would select out by conditions, so these conditions can be omitted. You can restrict which actions fire your events at all, so for example can easily account for a dummy that should be left out.

edit: Reread, of course, I meant that you should only fire events that get attached to the item/item types, not that you should run any code with an item use event.
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