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Is that Multi-instanceable

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If i have a trigger like this one (just an example):

Unit - A unit starts the effect of an ability
(Ability bneing cast) equal to Spell_1
Custom Script: local unit Victim
Custom Script: local location VictimPoint
Create 1 DummyCaster for owner... blah, blah, blah
Set TempUnit = last created unit
Set TempPoint = Position of target unit of ability being cast
Custom Script: set Victim = udg_TempUnit
Custom Script: set VictimPoint = udg_TempPoint
Wait 1 seconds
Custom Script: set udg_TempUnit = Victim
Custom Script: set udg_TempPoint = VictimPoint

Is that multi-instanceable?

Level 2
Sep 10, 2004
If you use that Custom script actions, you could do the whole thing in JASS as well.
I think you used that globals because you need them for the GUI actions and the locals just for the wait, BUT you can do the actions also in JASS, so you should do it all in JASS:
(convert the trigger to custom text)
function Trig_yourtriggersname_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit victim=CreateUnit(....)
local location VictimLoc=GetUnitLoc(GetSpellAbilityTarget())
call PolledWait(1)
The reason i'm changing global to local is that using local variables in custom scripts is the ONLY THING i know in JASS. I don't get a thing to that mumbo jumbo of taking and returning. I don't have time to learn JASS because I have so much school studies.

U sure that's not multi-instanceable coz i saw something like that in Extreme Candy war, a function to destroy special effects.

Level 2
Sep 10, 2004
I personally think it could be multiinstancable, at least when it was used in a blizzard map exactly the same way.
Of course its a waste of processing speed but if you cant think of another way just test if it is MUI.
Another way would be letting someone else create the spell trigger (->request forum).

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
No one can help you unless you have a complete question to ask.
You only gave us part of the spell and also did not say what you wanted it to do.

From what I could see it is multincastable but you did not finish the script so I can not say.

If you were to post the finished script or even just a quick convert of it into jass people could rewrite it, post it here, and you could be useing a good efficent version.
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