Is my old map file corrupt?

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Level 7
Sep 9, 2007
[solved] Is my old map file corrupt?

The file was last modified in may 2010. When I open it in world editor I get...

WarningThis map has beens aved by a more recent version of the editor. It may containt data which are not supported in this version. continue loading map?

I click Yes. All of the variable references in the GUI are missing and all triggers are disabled as a consequence. The variables still exist in the map.

Next I try a different version of the same map (last modified a few days earlier)

I click Yes same as before but now i get another error:

Attempt to use different types for the same variables: PlayerName, integer/string

I click OK (only choice)

Invalid generated variables have been found and deleted. All tirggers using these variables have been disabled.

FlyRegionBlue (one of my variables)

I click OK and i get basically the same outcome as before. I have the latest version of war3 installed, I installed it about 12 months ago in this new computer so I don't get how a file saved in 2010 could be saved in a more up to date version. The same happens in NewGen and the stock worldeditor.

Any ideas?
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