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Is it possible for the computer to use other units or buildings?

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Level 4
Jul 23, 2014
Should I modify the IA? I don't really know how to do it... but it's a double pain to see it doesn't use other units I put in the section. I said a double pain because they seem to use spells (maybe not always? - heroes? - what are the criteria?), but not units, not buildings.
I just like to do that, and maybe increase the number of units for each type, or buildings (ex. the towers... why only 2?)
have a nice day

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The spell usage is hard coded for most abilities. However some abilities they will never use (do not know how). The most famous of these are not normal abilities (wand of illusion) and very complicated tactical abilities (death pact, the Lich one).

Making AI in WC3 is a real pain. There is no native JASS support for AI meaning you will need to write the script outside the editor and import it. You cannot write it as a trigger as the AI JASS interpreter and the trigger JASS interpreter are separate (most of the natives will crash each other with a few exceptions like "is unit dead"). I have never experimented with the AI past the trigger editor so I am afraid I do not know how such a script is written.

In SC2 AI is considerably easier. It runs as normal triggers written in the trigger editor. Although the AI actions may start out hard to understand, they end up easy to use and powerful. With enough messing around you can get an acceptable AI for any non precise tactical map easily. The only problem with SC2 AI is tactical AI (for ability casting) is not explained well and much AI functionality does not have a GUI front (you need to resort to raw Galaxy constants to access advanced AI behaviour).
Level 4
Jul 23, 2014
thanks for your answer.
So what can you suggest me? I see it's a pain, I don't even try to understand how AI works... it looks so... hm.. like.. "unecessary complicated".. something like it should be easier, it can easily simplified but it's forced to be a pain in the arse...
never used starcraft's one, but I'm glad someone thought an easier solution! lol
well, it's ok... I'll give up... no custom or additional units will be ever created by AI!
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