is it dead?

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Deleted member 238226


Deleted member 238226

what happen to this project? i really curious how far the development of this project.

is this project going to release some demo map or something?

Deleted member 238226


Deleted member 238226

I still intend to release SoC in one form or another. Real life and CS:GO is just taking some time off my schedule recently. ><

i see.

well, good luck for you linaze. i hope you and your team will manage to finish it soon :)

Deleted member 238226


Deleted member 238226

Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
Until then, you may play the map on this version:
It is the latest we currently have. It features the complete Orc race (minus additions and changes which are planned for later) and no AI. Players like TaShadan may be interested in playing against you.

You might want to put that link in a more visible place, people could still be coming to this forum looking for a download version:p

Also, do you guys need help with the project? Don't know if you are recruiting or not, but I could lend you a hand. I have no skills in JASS or modelling, but I think I could help you out with balance testing or implementing things that simply require time. I also like to believe that I am quite good at creating units/abilities/upgrades that synergise well with one another.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
So I'm assuming that would be That's very strange. I tested it myself just now and it worked fine. It could be an issue with the file directory being too long. Try shortening the name of the map file or placing it a few folders 'above' the one it's in. Mine is in "Download\(4)SoCFrozenIslands0.33.w3x".
By the way, if you get it working, I won't mind playing a few rounds vs you. Testing the map made me a bit nostalgic and I sort of want to play it again. :)
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