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[Spell] Is Healing Spray broken?

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Level 3
Oct 27, 2016
I've just made a custom ability with Healing Spray. It does nothing. I've played with the buffs and effects (usually what causes hang-ups in these situations) and to no avail. Is Healing Spray just another broken ability? Can it not be used as a base for custom spells?
Level 3
Oct 27, 2016
Can you give more specific details/description about the custom spell you created? Did you mean that you created a custom spell based on Healing Spray and just change some attributes?

AH yes, I did a whole lot of changing things up and it didn't work at all. I then removed one custom aspect at a time, until all I was left with were different art assets for the missile, a different name, and a different icon (all the buffs and values were original). The spell would play the animations, trigger the cooldown, and even use the art assets (the missiles for the actual healing spray) but no healing took place. I changed the targets to "friendly," but also tried it with the original targets and the healing effect still didn't happen. I also experimented with several unit types as targets for the healing. Could you do me a favor and see if you can get a custom healing spray to actually heal?
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
AH yes, I did a whole lot of changing things up and it didn't work at all. I then removed one custom aspect at a time, until all I was left with were different art assets for the missile, a different name, and a different icon (all the buffs and values were original). The spell would play the animations, trigger the cooldown, and even use the art assets (the missiles for the actual healing spray) but no healing took place. I changed the targets to "friendly," but also tried it with the original targets and the healing effect still didn't happen. I also experimented with several unit types as targets for the healing. Could you do me a favor and see if you can get a custom healing spray to actually heal?

1. You have to copy and paste Healing Spray of Alchemist Hero (Ctrl+F, search Healing Spray, its inside Neutral Hostile - Heroes tab).

2. Keep or Change attributes you need:
* Art - Missile Speed (bigger value means healing missiles would reach casting area faster and more effective, recommend 1000)

- Level X - Data - Building Damage (must be 1)

*** Level X - Data - Damage Amount (must be more than 0, this is amount of healing each wave)

- Level X - Data - Damage Interval (must left untouched - 1)
- Level X - Data - Max Damage (must be more than "Level X - Data - Damage Amount")
- Level X - Data - Missile Count (must be more than 1)
- Level X - Data - Wave Count (must be more than 1)
- Level X - Stats - Area of Effect (this is casting area)
- Level X - Stats - Cast range
- Level X - Stats - Buff (You can change this)

* Level X - Stats - Effects (You cant change this, keep it as "Healing Spray (Effect)"
*** Level X - Stats - Target Allowed (This is very important and very easy to cause mistakes, you can change it to healing ground units or air units or structures only)

3. Reasons why you cant heal:
- You use wrong spell - based Healing Spray - Items
- Missile Speed so slow and it cant reach area in time while units move out the area before that.
- Target Allowed is wrong so you should keep it default (Ground, Air, Organic)
Level 3
Oct 27, 2016
Thanks for the reply man. It's really too bad that after all this time, there are still so many bugs and inconsistencies in the world editor!
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Level 3
Oct 27, 2016
Just try it, you will find out soon enough. I also recommend you should update WE using Warcraft 3 patch, to 1.27+, find link in Moddb to renew and fix any problems you facing.

I'm all patched up and everything, thanks. And I understand that the solution works, just complaining about how many bugs there still are (how some parts of this spell won't work if changed in any way, for example).
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