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[Hero Arena] Invoker Wars: Revenge

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Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
Invoker Wars: Revenge
Current version: 0.97
Download from Dropbox
Download from Mediafire

Playable area: 60 x 60
Players: 8+1 (observer)
Similarity: DotA, Shadowraze Wars
Single player support: none, AI doesn't exist.

Inspired by SF Wars and great possibilities of Invoker as multirole hero, we started to reinvent the wheel. This is the best, most precious copy of DotA's Invoker and everything else.

Players divided into 2 teams at start, 4 per team. Also there could be observer, which is see everyone and should acts like judge (not recommend to left someone there while pub-gaming, cause they can help somebody).

Once game started, first player (usually blue) should setup the game.

Possible mods - Free for all (FFA) and Team deathmatch (TDM). In 1st case every player become self-team.
Frags amount can be changed from 20 to 60 in FFA and from 20 to 100 in TDM. Default is 30 frags for FFA and 60 for TDM.
Starting level - 1, 5, 8, 12, 20, 25. Default - 8.
Starting gold - 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500. Default - 1000.
Mutators - for now only WTF and OMG. Default - none.
WTF - permanently refill mana of every unit to 100% and set Invoke cooldown to 0
OMG - gives 99999 gold and 25 level to every player.

Once everything is fine, Start battle button fired and show started!

If some specific settings were chose players got message about that.

There were changed starting gold and level, so players notified about that. Everything else left by default.

Every player is invisible on start until move or spell cast or anything else. Its help to avoid killing AFK-players.

Shops appear on 15th second of game, so everyone have a chance to get position on them

Neutrals appear on 60th second of game and they are not so hard to farm. Easy way for low-skill players get back into game after few deaths.

Multiboard with players state in right upper corner shows your and other players progress.

All Invoker skills are copied from DotA, and you can find their specifics in official mechanic : link.

Only change is - increased EMP burn by 100 mp at all levels. Everything else the same.

Items also were copied from DotA. Prices were reworked to fit into new format, so most of them become 2x cheaper.
Items splitted into few shops by their nature. F.e. all damage-burst items can be found in Ancient weaponary (Acolyte), and defensive one - in Protectorate (Mountain Giant).

Changes here:
* Item completion system reworked. You can't buy recipes but required item firstly. For now every upgradable item is stored into Enchanted Blacksmith shop.
* Diffusal Blade lvl 2 and Ancient Janggo restore 1 charge on owner's death. Diffusal Blade level 1 doesnt.
* Urn get 1 charge per kill, regardless, empty or not.

Here also exist 2 neutrals spawn points in west and east. They follow DotA's rules of respawn - no units in some AoE, then spawn. Currently there are very small AoE, so you can create multispawn easily.

Neutrals have some abilities, which can be useful for players. Helm of the Dominator allow to take control over some of them.

Exp and gold
Map uses custom experience system, so every unit provide specific amount of exp to the killer. In TDM killer always get more exp than assistants.
Gold is also distributed by DotA's rules.

Player get bonus gold if he died without killing anyone since respawn.
Killing players with streaks will provide bonus exp and gold.
Dead player lost gold according to his streak.

Chat Commands
Players can use custom chat commands like -weather (off/snow/rain/wind/moonlight), -ms, -apm, -msa.

Also exist command -tint, which change the colors of every enemy to different. Thats could be useful in TDM to faster recognizing.

Last word
Currently we are lack of testers and good ideas. If you have time, want to improve or test your Invoker skills or just like to playing - find out who can stand against you!

You can send feedbacks and everything else at Official site or right here.

PS. More info about gameplay will appear. Thanks for reading (and playing, if you do).

PPS. My english is far far away from "good", so if you see wrong phrases in this text or in the map, please, tell me about it.
Level 9
Apr 4, 2013
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
Well, it was inspired by, and since we have many dota players, it wont hurt. Other players could enjoy it too, it takes only few games to accommodation. Do someone hate Shadowraze wars only because of copy?
For now it positioned as sort of fun for players which can efficiently use all skills of Invoker.
I use only vjass, since cant handle with anything better, so system are some kind of.. left behind? it isnt an issue, cause everything valuable also can be done by vjass.

Ideas - well, as you said, we are mostly dota-oriented players, and ideas for items, mutators, gametypes would be useful. Alternative hero is possible, but we are decided to reborn "old invoker" from dota (again), with 20+ casts, so ideas here is pretty limited.

All, that can bring balance to the ideal, would be useful, including feedbacks
Level 12
Dec 20, 2011
You should add original items as well, instead of adding only DotA items. You can also add other game modes like random team, etc. Anyways, solely basing most of your map on DotA isn't that good of an idea. Add originality to it by adding twists to it.
Level 1
Nov 9, 2013
why dont you put a setting that allows you to use the old invoker?! obviously without his broken spells, adding the already existing ten, adding new ones that fit his theme and making the order in which they were cast matter
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