I have a hero named worker and an item nearby named building hammer. When the hero picks the item, he turns into a hero named builder and when he drops the item he turns into worker again. For this i have 2 triggers:
How to make this work?
Pick Hammer
Unit - A unit Acquires an item
(Item-Type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to Building Hammer
(Unit-Type of (Hero manipulating item)) Equal to Worker
Unit - Replace (Hero manipulating item) with a Builder using The old unit's relative life and mana
Drop Hammer
Unit - A unit Looses an item
(Item-Type of (Item being manipulated)) Equal to Building Hammer
(Unit-Type of (Hero manipulating item)) Equal to Builder
Unit - Replace (Hero manipulating item) with a Worker using The old unit's relative life and mana
How to make this work?