All bonus
Unit - A unit enters EastCreepSpawn <gen>
Unit - A unit enters NorthCreepSpawn <gen>
Unit - A unit enters SouthCreepSpawn <gen>
Unit - A unit enters WestCreepsSpawn <gen>
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 12 (Brown)
-------- Difficuly_i is an integer --------
-------- That counts the level of diffculty --------
-------- Set creep damage --------
Unit - Add Difficulty Attack Bonus (-10/-5/+-0/+10/+20/30 to (Triggering unit)
Unit - Set level of Difficulty Attack Bonus (-10/-5/+-0/+10/+20/30 for (Triggering unit) to Difficulty_i
-------- Set creep hp --------
-------- It increreases the level correctly --------
-------- But the bonus remains at -100 --------
Unit - Add Difficulty Life Bonus (-100/-50/0/+100/+200/+300) to (Triggering unit)
Unit - Set level of Difficulty Life Bonus (-100/-50/0/+100/+200/+300) for (Triggering unit) to Difficulty_i
Game - Display to (All players) the text: (String((Level of Difficulty Life Bonus (-100/-50/0/+100/+200/+300) for (Triggering unit))))
And the Difficulty Damage Bonus works as should.