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In need of Lore for some heroes

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Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
Okey, i need some lore for my heroes, beacuse if its something i really really do suck at, its coming up with a story for heroes. The heroes i need lore for is:

Got Lore for this-Kuang shi Some info about it.

Got Lore for this-Chupacabra Some info about it.

Got Lore for this -Runemaster, uses the model gnome shieldhands (if anyone know how it looks), also need a proper name for this one, dont got any name :/. Its a gnome, using power by infusing runes in stuff, and summoning elemental beings as ultimate. Has some taunt abilities

Got Lore for this-Being of Light. uses a sort of "holy illidan" model, Have many supportive healing spells, also damage increasement spell, Ultimate is "holy wrath". That is a huge blast of holy powers, healing all friendly units and damaging all enemies in range

-Battle Mage, spell breaker model, mana destroying spells, spell reflection, some spells that buffs up himself with damage and attackspeed.

Got Lore for this -Shaman, uses thrall model. spells is chain lightning, bloodlust, healing wave, ultimate a big blast of fire, dealing huge damage on a target and stuns.

-Banshee, sylvanas ghost model, nuking hero with a huge intelligence gain, got mostly aoe spells, got a minor hex spell, and ultimate is summoning dark creatures from hell.

-trickster, (the hero i submitted for the hero contest, will copy him over to my map when the contest is over) Info.

Got Lore for this -Ice giant, a big ice giant, strength hero with a pretty big intelligence gain, has mostly nuking skills.
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Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Knowing some background of your map would help making lore, but w/e. Some common lore incoming

_______ = insert proper name

Ice Giant
For ages _______ has wandered the frozen wastes of the North, guarding the icy lands. When evil invaded and ravaged his homeland, the peaceful giant has sworn revenge. Now, his icy fist and cold fury are eager to bring reckoning to the evil itself...

Exiled by his tribesmen, ________ has seeked his purpose for all his life. One day the spirits answered his call and told him of the encroaching darkness. WIth the combined power of elemental spirts at his side, ________ is now going to prove that his life isn't as worthless, as his tribesmen once said.

Once a beatiful elf, _______ is now forced to walk the earth in the shape of an undead. Though her flesh is cold as ice and darkness seethes inside her, her heart burns with the purest fire of elven fury... (undetailed, i know, but i like such style. tell me if ya want more detail)

Mikko Runewrench (i suppose it's a wow-style gnome?) always was a strange gnome... He spent too much time with the dwarven explorers and too little time away from engineering workshop... When gnomes began gathering an army, they frowned at Mikko, who didn't know how to use a gun! (and he called himself a gnome!!!). However, soon it was proven, that after all the time spent with dwarven rune-priests, Mikko doesn't realy need all those crude mechanical junkboxes...

will think of moar later
Level 11
Mar 7, 2009
Mikko Runewrench (i suppose it's a wow-style gnome?) always was a strange gnome... He spent too much time with the dwarven explorers and too little time away from engineering workshop... When gnomes began gathering an army, they frowned at Mikko, who didn't know how to use a gun! (and he called himself a gnome!!!). However, soon it was proven, that after all the time spent with dwarven rune-priests, Mikko doesn't realy need all those crude mechanical junkboxes...

Rune-priests = Warhammer, not Warcraft :D
(Sorry, just couldn't hold that back :0 )
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
I dont really have a story for my map either... :)
As it is now its just a common AOS good vs evil (the usual), thats sort of the info i can give you T_T.

Anyways, thanks for the lore, they are great, even though my info about the heroes may lack. :)
But still want some lore ideas for heroes, want to see more options than only one of each :)
Level 7
Sep 24, 2008
I hope you like these.

Note: alll Italics must be customized, as I am not entirely sure of the plotline and forces.


  • Hero Lore.doc
    41 KB · Views: 109
Level 3
Dec 19, 2008
Kuang Shi-(a guess a storm ,earth or even the fire pandaren model with the colors chance would fit, mostly because the oriental looking of their clothing).

- Once liked in battle, these former champion hasn't been buried with all the cerimonial needs of his culture, or even with some caution, just forgotten on a colletive grave, the unbeatable spirit and the pain of the war, made this one raise from the eternal dead, and start to travel without destiny on the face of this world, some time after, his unbeliavable will power and spirit, gives him his conscience back, and once a time, now he battles again as a undead, bolstering the ranks of ... "select one below:"

1)... his former army, and now he has nothing more than the glory of combat to focus on, so with the powers of his new being, that soon he knows how use in self advantage, he will fight throught the eternity, or until can brace the internal peace that would let his soul rest forever.

2)... those, that before were his nemesis, now tormented he seeks only destruction and pain, because his conscience isn't more the rightfull one of before. The only thing that will stop him it's the annihilation of his enemies or the full destruction of itself at their hands.

* i guess it would be a melee strength hero, with damage auras, and some sort of crippling attack, and even a reincarnation like ability that when he is killed revives instantly, but with 50% of HPand mana, when killed again revives with 25% of HP and mana, only then he finally is killed and have to revive as ohters, since he's and undead and as one, don't die with normal ways.

Chupacabra- No-one knows how this creature was created, no one knows, from where it comes, or to where it goes, and no one also dares to ask. The only certain is that the darkness has accepted it's presence and enpowered it even more! Once just attacking animals to suck their blood and then disapear in the shadows to survive, now the Chupacabra lives for tear the flesh of the enemies of darkness, and spill their blood, now the carnage is his first fountain of life. It still able to disapear in the shadows but now it's to attack and not to run. Alone this will bring the dead to any fools who dare to face it or stay alone at the battlefield while the Chupacabra it's on the way.

* A melee, agility hero. A excels at one-on-one combat, with a windwalk/ shadow meld ability it hunts the enemy. with a byte skill that will drains the target HP and restore some of the Chupacabra ( not a vampiric attack, a drain itself), some critical strike and evasion, and at last a "rush-combo" ability, that makes it unleash a chain of quick attacks that stuns and do a cumulative damage on a single target.


Battle mage- For many time his master of arcane arts have just watched the war growing, thinking that was just a time lose, but as he decides that something was very wrong, and realized that the destruction will only stop when the war end, he choose his side as the turning factor of the balance of power. If he acted before, with a single conjuring could destroy both armies letting only dust on the fields. But now the war have even disrupted the arcane energies of the world, he will have to make this at the hard method. But don't get fooled as the battle mage hinders all the spellcasting capacities of any other in the field while throw his bolts at same time that his allies advance, the Battle mage is one off the worst beings to stand against these days.

* As you already have the abilities ideas for this one i will keep quiet about that :grin:
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