Hero class: daemon hunter (notice the 'daemon' not demon)
Skill 1: daemon bidding(summon skill)
The daemon hunter summon his loyal and binded-to-soul daemon, the pet status is grown as the hero leveled
Each 2 str add 10 hp to the daemon and 0.001 hp reg
Each 6 agi add 2% as and ms to the daemon
Each 5 int add 0.01 armor to the daemon and add 1 damage to the daemon
Daemon status:
As: 2s
Ms: 220
Armor: 0
Damage: 10-10
The damage that daemon hunter take will be shared by 20% with the daemon
Skill2: fury of the hunter(active/need condition to use)
Condition to use: the daemon is die
The daemon hunter relase all his fury to one enemy, destroying it's soul and heal 4% of the prey's hp (one time), last for 3s
Upon activating, the daemon hunter will lose 20% from his max hp as sacrifiece,also add 6/7/8 armor
Skill 3:critical strike(passive/active)
Upon sensing, the hero will granted a sub abilty to charge upon the dying enemy
The hero sense a nearby unit, or hero that has 30% hp left, and giving sight to the nearest, after 5s pause, the daemon hunter with his daemon charge up towards the nearest enemy, and inrgone any pathing, upon striking, the hero will deal his str 2% of the unit current hp
Ultimate: daemon call
the daemon hunter call upon his ansectors spirit,the spirit walk toward an enemy unit, and slowing them down, also reducing the armor of the target by 5
To use this skill, daemon hunter will lose 25% of his current hp