Ideas: Mage spells

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Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
Hello there!

Recently i've been working on a hero... more precisely a mage.

What do I need? Ideas for spells and skills. Passive or Active.

Anyone willing to help meh'?

More about the hero type:

He is a learner, he's learning more categories of spells, slowly, one by one, from a very basic skill like Pray to normal skills like Protection Field to advanced skills like Banish.

This hero's skills are ready for a 10000 level'd hero.
They're data like damage / health / armor / others are variable, like PERCENTS (Example: Gives 20% damage bonus), arithmetic (Example: Gives an amount of damage equal to 2xHeros' Intelligence + Hero's Strength)
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Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
any specifications? like schools of magic, ultimate needed or not, etc.
also - what kind of map is it for - RPG, melee, Arena, Defense, AoS?
but for now:
Fireball - meh, deals X damage to the target.
Chain Eplosion - causes a violent explosion of pure energy around the Mage, dealing XXX damage to all enemies in 500 radius. each hit by the explosion, will cause an explosion too, damageing all nearby units for XX
Warp Step - teleports the Mage to a random point in 700 radius. causes XX damage to all enemies in 200 radius around the both points of teleport.
Manablood (passive) - the pure energy flows through the Mage's blood. Whenever the Mage is damaged, he restores (X*Amount of dmg dealt) mana to all alies in 300 radius
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007

He's supposed to learn 5 spellbooks as hero spells.
These spellbooks contain the spells.

So far I have: Secrets of the Ancient Ones (1st spellbook) with 4 spells in it(so far, until 10).

And my current spells are: Pray, Rot, Orbs of the Ancient Ones and Minions.

And they are supposed to be for anything. But I do not need spells that change the terrain and shit. Just like... He's learning more types of spells... Spell by spell.

I hope you get the idea. :eek:
Level 11
Apr 5, 2009
what about this?

Mage Presence(Passive/Aura)-Every unit in 500 AoE will loose 10/20/30 Mana every 5 seconds and the mage will regenerate 4/6/7 mana every 2 seconds.

Fire Magic(Target)-The Mage Casts A fire Ball,That Bounces To 3/5/7 units or heroes. back to back.

Armor Reduction and duration- -5/-7/-9.last 12 seconds

Maraud Blast(Target Ground)-Shoots a Phoenix That Pushes Targeted Units And damaging them and stunning them.(with knockback)

Stun Duration-1/3/3.90

Ice Cage(target Ground)-Casts An Ice Barrier,Making All Units In 300/490/560 AoE freeze and damaged.

Freeze duration-3/6/8 Seconds
i think the combos are wrong right?
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
He is NOT supposed to be a crazy mage like in any corner learning new distructive spells!
He's supposed to start with very basic spells like "Pray" and continue to normal spells like "Protection Field" to advanced spells (no idea...)!

Spells' damage / DPS / health/mana bonus / other stuff must be VARIABLE.
( Example: Hero's Intelligence divided by 2(two) )

Read my previous posts.
And my spells are supposed to have 5 levels of power each.
Level 11
Apr 5, 2009
haha ok

hahaha ok


aquarium(Target Ground)- Casts A water Ball In 300/400/550 AoE. all units in the 300/400/550 AoE will be trapped for 2/4/6 but they can only be attacked by normal attacks not spells.

and yeah, the mage presence

Safety Wall(target ground)-Casts A circled Wall that protects you From Any spells and damage.
Healing you for 3/5/7 seconds.(you cant be damaged by any attacks and spells.)
last 4/6/10 seconds

Magical Mjolnir(Target)-Casts An Mjolnir Hammer From the sky that damages for 160/120/230 damage. and silencing the target for 3/6/8 seconds.

Hokus Pokus(Passive,Aura)-Has 4%/10%/14% Chance To Make The Unit Into A critter When Attacking.Last 0.90/1/2 Seconds
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hmm, okay then I have one:

Arcane Shard
Summons an arcane shard, wich drains mana from all units (also your units) into that shard.
After the shard dies, it will damage all enemy units, where the damage is equal to the mana of the shard.

Level 1 - Drains 10 mana per second. Can only save 300 mana. Lasts 30 seconds.
Level 2 - Drains 15 mana per second. Can only save 500 mana. Lasts 30 seconds.
Level 3 - Drains 20 mana per second. Can only save 800 mana. Lasts 30 seconds.
and if you like my ideas, I can do more, I like it to give ideas xD
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
This idea is nice.
I'll use it, but with some little changes.

Arcane Shard

Creates an Arcane Shard at a target location wich drains the mana of nearby units except the mage until the limit and explodes, damaging enemy units.

Drains 1 mana per second of each unit that owns mana.
The shard's mana capacity is equal to the mage's mana capacity.
After exploding, the nearby enemy units will take an amount of damage equal to the stored mana divided by the number of enemy units.
So the more allied units you have around, the more damage the shard will do.
I hope you don't mind about the change. :grin:

And yeah, I would like some more ideas, but I do not want to hear anything about fireball! :xxd:
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Frostbolt - ...

kidding =DD

on a more serious note:

Wild Polymorph - transforms target (or even self) into a random creature. When cast on enemies has a 60/65/70/75/80% chance to turn them into a weak creature (critter or so). Has 1% chance to turn target into amoeba... e.g. 1% chance for instant kill =))
When cast on self, has a 50/55/60/65/70% chance to turn the caster into a strong creature (giant/manticore/smth else). Has 1% chance to turn target into a Dragon (or whatever creature is considered strong enough in ur game). Polymorph lasts 30/45/60/85/90 seconds. Dragon form lasts 20/25/30/35/40 seconds. AMoeba form is permanent.

all numbers are relative, adjust them at will
Level 11
Jul 14, 2004
A Mage ;) But not one of the boring Fire/Water/Ice/.... mages, a Crystal Mage ^^

Energy Shard - Create an crystal shard that rotates around the caster and absorb 200/250/300/350/400 damage, if the shard gets destroyed by a spell it´s absorb the magical energy of that spell and gives 20/40/60/80/100 % of the spells mana cost to the Mage.

Mirrorball - Create an crystal orb at target locations that confuse the mind of all units in his radius of 500 for 5/7/9/12/14 seconds so they attack random targets. (Friendly and Hostile units)

Crystal Shield - Cover the heroe in a thin layer of crystals, increase his armor by 5/10/15/20/25 and gives a chance of 10% to reflect an spell. (Passive)

Crystallize - Includes an enemy unit for 10/15/20/25/30 seconds in a crystal. (Like Stun, can be destroyed with Breakdown)

Crystal ball - Create a big crystal that rolls to target location and deals 100/200/300/400/500 damage to every unit that geht hits by the crystal. Every hit there is a chance of 30% that the crystal breaks into two pieces that deals 50% of the original damage. (Crystal can be destroyed with Breakdown)

Breakdown - Shatter an crystal into thousand shards that deal 100/200/300/400/500 Damage in an Radius of 400. If an unit is trapped inside the cyrystal it will deal 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% of the trapped units maximum lifepoints in damage and kills the unit instantly.

Mass Crystalization - Crystalize all enemy units in an radius of 500 for 5/6/7/8/9 seconds.

Light beam - Concentrate the sun into a strong light beam (Of course with a crystal^^) that deals 100/200/300/400/500 damage to a unit, if the unit is crystalized the light beam jumps to an additional unit. (Max 10 Jumps)

Mana storage - Create an crystal shard filled with magical energy, can be used to restore
100/200/300/400/500 mana to a friendly unit or destroy 100/200/300/400/500 mana of an enemy unit. (Like a Mana pot that can be used on enemies)

Crystal Golem- Creates an invincivble Crystal Golem, the more damage he take the less damage he deal. (He is invincible but has 1000 HP, for every 100 damage he take he deal 10% less damage and if he take 1000 damage he will break apart)

Enchant weapon - Cast a big crystal around the weapon of a friendly unit that increase damage by 20/30/40/50/60 and flying crystal shards deal 20/30/40/50/60% splash damage to firendly and enemy unts.

Last Defense - The Caster creates a big crystal around him that absorb all incoming damage, the longer the mage is in the crystal the weaker he gets. Decrease all Atributes by 10/9/8/7/6 every 2 second for 20 seconds.
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
Amiqurumi, do not stop, this mage is supposed to have 60 or more spells.
Destructor, you're... almost right.
This is a multi-mage... I don't know any other word to describe him.
He is learning lots of types of spells.
So far I thought about:
-Secrets of the Ancient Ones
-Mysteries of the Arcane Magic
-Arts of Mana
-Manipulation of Time and Space

They're all spellbooks that contain spells.
So far I have 7 spells for the first one. Three(3) of them are spellbooks that contain more spells. One of those spellbooks also contains one more spellbook.

I know you get the idea...

As for the spells...
Energy Shard - Sorry, I cannot let it conflict with my Protection Field passive skill that absorbs any type of damage and converts it to mana lost and cannot consume more than half of the hero's mana with it.

MirrorBall - I'll think about it and maybe optimize it.

Crystal Shield - Maybe...

Crystalize - No, sorry.

Crystal Ball - No mass destruction abillities.

Breakdown - No.

Mass Crystalization - No.

Light Beam - The idea is nice, but i'll adjust it a little.

Mana Storage - Interesting but no... Arcane Shard is better.

Crystal Golem - Too crazy idea. :razz:

Enchant Weapon - I'll use something like that.

Last Defense - Maybe something like that.
Level 11
Jul 14, 2004
Next try XD But why is the Crystal Golem to crazy^^

-Secrets of the Ancient Ones

Temple of the Ancient - Summon an Ancient Temple that increase the Armor and Attack damage of friendly units for 5/6/7/8/9 seconds.

Ancient Runes - Buff a freidnly target with Ancient Runes that gives a chance of 5/7/9/11/13% per attack to activate the Wrath of the Ancient that deal 100 extra damage and increase the attack damage by 10/20/30/40/50% for 10 seconds

-Mysteries of the Arcane Magic

Arcane Teachings - Increase the damage of Arcane Spells by 10/20/30/40/50% (Passiv)

Arcane Wings - Create wings of pure Arcane energy that enabels the heroe to fly for 5/10/15/20/25 seconds.

Twisted reality - Makes all units in an radius of 300 invisible, invisible units can´t sea units
that are visible.

-Arts of Mana

Mana parasite - Infect target unit with an Mana parasite that drain 5/6/7/8/9 mana per second, when the targets has 0 mana the parasite explode and deals (Drained Mana) * 1/1,25/1,50/1,75/2 damage the the unit.

Mana Stream - The Heroe can see the natural flow of mana around him and is able to collect 100/200/300/400/500 mana to recover himself.

-Manipulation of Time and Space

Phantom - Creates a shadow of the Heroe if he dies that can cast spells for 5/6/7/8/9 seconds.Leap in time - The Heroe manipulate the Time and space around him (500?) so that every unit become older and older. Decrease the damage of effected units by 50%.

Timebug - Everytime the Heroe cast an Time and space spell there is a Chance of 5/7/9/11/13% that a Timebug comes out of the Magic flow of the cast to support the person with such magic power for 10/15/20/25/30 seconds.

Timebomb - Creates a Timebomb at target locations that slows everything around it. Units are slowed by 20% and every 5 seconds it´s increase by 20%, after 25 second enemys are slowed by 100% and the Timebomb explode, stunning all targets for 2/3/4/5/6 seconds.

Time Stop - The Heroe stops the time around him for 3/4/5/6/7 seconds (stunning ALL units and buildings) to give him time to plan his next movments.

Time Spiral - Trap 2 units in an Time Spiral so that hey fight for eternity. (Requires an enemy and freidnly unit that are fighting each other)
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
For the Secrets of the Ancient Ones, I don't need any more spells.
And those are supposed to be the first spells ever created.
I like the ideas for the Arcane spells.
The Timebug and Time Spiral spells are some excelent ideas. Saying things about Time Stop is like explaining how to invent the wheel :xxd:.
The other spells are also interesting, but i'll think about it.
two small spells:

Dark Tribute
No Target, Active
The mage hurt himself with 100 damage, to get 200 mana back.
If the mage's life is below 100, he won't loose hp, and won't get mana.
Target Unit, Active
The mage destroys max 300 mana points of the target unit, and the unit
will get hitpoints, equal to the destroyed mana/2.
two better spells:

Arcane Missile
Target Unit/Ground, Active
Summons a magic missile, which flies in a line (range: 600).
When an enemy unit touches the missile, it will lose mana. If the unit haven't mana,
then the unit get 150 damage.
Arcane Light
Aura, Passive
If a unit near the mage is attacked, it will get the dealt damage/5 to it's mana.
If the friendly unit dies, and it has 100% of it's mana, there will be a chance of 25%,
that the unit will be revived instantly, with 0 mana, and 25% hp.
all the values can be changed, so they meet your expectations
lol, a lol-spell:

Magic Chicken
No Target, Active
Summons an arcane chicken, which runs around. When an enemy unit comes near the
chicken, the chicken will drain 25 mana every 2 seconds. If the mana of the chicken
is full, the chicken explodes, and unleashes an arcane explosion, which deals mana of the chicken / 2 at 500 range.
of course you can change the chicken to an arcane monster or something like that... is similiar to the arcane shard, but this unit walks around :)

only one spell, but I think it's awesome :p
don't know if you use it...
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