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imported models and skins turn up as green checkered squares

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Level 3
Jun 27, 2008
whenever i try to import something it doesnt work..

ill show you what i do

i download the file, and extract it

import it into the import manager

check the import button in the art - model file section

try to put the unit on the map, but it turns into a green cube

help? :sad:
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
You should know the thing with icons, that they can be BTN and DISBTN. When you import a custom icon you should write in it's path, if it's BTN, ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\((name of icon))
For DISBTN icon you write
ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\((name of icon))
Here are also Passive icons and Autocast. The thing is the same but Autocast icons should have the same thing with path as BTN icons.
And thing with Loading Screen. You should take a screen shot using "Print Screen SysRq" key on the top keyboard. Paste the screenshot to PAINT and save it. Then you can use War3ModelEditor, which can be found in Hive's resource section. Use War3ModelEditor's "Extra" on the top line and "/Loading Screen Creator"
So "Extra/Loading Screen Creator"
Next you push the "..." button and select your image file. Then push "Generate" button to convert your image to BLP file. Then push "..." button again, select your BLP (just converted) image, and click OK.
Then go "File/Save" to save your model. Save it as MDX!
Import you MDX file and it's BLP texture to your map and don't edit their path!
Use "custom loading screen" for your map and choose your file there.
Custom Minimap Preview:
The image must be 128x128 or 256x256 (of course you can use War3ModelEditor with Extras/Loading Screen Creator, but the file size will be over 100 KB, you can download WEU http://www.wc3campaigns.net/tools/weu/, install (it wont affect anything), open WEU Enchancer (Autorun, dont know why it's named like that), click Create Image button and select an existing image - the program will draw borders and create a darkened version of the icon) TGA or BLP

Type in the imported file's custom path "War3mapPreview.(file's name extension)"
Level 3
Apr 12, 2008
Same problem for me, but mine is a bit more complex. I don;t know the pathing of mine and can't work a hex editor well enough to find out what the pathing is.
Level 7
Jun 16, 2008
Basically, for those who don't want to go read the tutorial,do the following steps:

#1: Import your model and its skin via the Import Manager (F12).
#2: Change the file pathing to the suggested path that can be found on the web page you downloaded it from. Do this by double-clicking on the model file, ticking the "Use Custom Path" box and entering the suggested file path from the web page.
#3: Save and close editor.
#4: Re-open the World Editor and load your map.
#5: Apply the model to the unit you want in the 'Art - Model file' section.

Tip: Don't just leap into applying models everywhere, rather practice with a single model first. A good example wold be the Dwarven Mountaineer model that can be downloaded in The Hive's model section.

If this does not work, make sure your file pathing is correct and you have downloaded the model's skin as well.
If the problem is still there, read through the Importing Models tutorial.
If the problem yet still persists, seek the help of an experienced modeler here on the forums.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Same problem for me, but mine is a bit more complex. I don;t know the pathing of mine and can't work a hex editor well enough to find out what the pathing is.
If you downloaded and imported skins from the Hive Workshop archive, the paths should be there, though I've just noticed that many old skins do not have their paths mentioned.

What skins are you trying to import?

Also, note that we are not held responsible for that if you downloaded skins from another site.
Level 7
Jun 16, 2008
Emperical, if the file path suggested by the skin/model author does not appear on the web page you have downloaded it from, contact the skin's/model's author via PM or E-mail and request the file path, as this path is absolutely necassery.

If the author is inactive, try looking up tutorials for the Hex editor. If there is none here on the hive, Google is your friend.
If you cannot find any useful tutorial, seek the guidance from an experienced Hex Editor User.
Level 4
May 31, 2008
Basically, for those who don't want to go read the tutorial,do the following steps:

#1: Import your model and its skin via the Import Manager (F12).
#2: Change the file pathing to the suggested path that can be found on the web page you downloaded it from. Do this by double-clicking on the model file, ticking the "Use Custom Path" box and entering the suggested file path from the web page.
#3: Save and close editor.
#4: Re-open the World Editor and load your map.
#5: Apply the model to the unit you want in the 'Art - Model file' section.

Tip: Don't just leap into applying models everywhere, rather practice with a single model first. A good example wold be the Dwarven Mountaineer model that can be downloaded in The Hive's model section.

If this does not work, make sure your file pathing is correct and you have downloaded the model's skin as well.
If the problem is still there, read through the Importing Models tutorial.
If the problem yet still persists, seek the help of an experienced modeler here on the forums.

hey can u tell me how to skin please? just realy fast :)
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