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[Import] Import Difficulties

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Level 2
Apr 1, 2011
I've downloaded several files, unzipped them to where I want them, and then go to import. Sometimes the imports won't work. And I don't mean specific ones won't always work. I mean I'll being working on a map and import a model and it'll work. Then I'll make a new map, import the same model the exact same way, and it'll say it couldn't load the file. Not sure whats wrong. Any help would be appreciated. (Sorry, I know this isn't the best place to post this, but I'm not getting any help anywhere else.)
Level 2
Apr 1, 2011
That seems to be what the problem was. Some files are still giving me trouble, but I think those may have downloaded wrong. Thanks!
Level 2
Apr 1, 2011
Okay, another question. A map I'm making uses alot of Orcs. So I figured I'd download the Orc models Warsong Grunt, Shattered Hand Grunt, Burning Blade Grunt, and Blackrock Grunt to try to keep it from seeming too boring with just the default Grunt. I think I have all the required files, but they still don't seem to work. Other files like the Orc Berserker, Ogrim Doomhammer, and Campaign Grunt work, but those first four won't. I redownloaded all four of them, and they still won't work. The descriptions say the models work, so doubt its that causing it. Thoughts?
Level 2
Apr 1, 2011
Yes I tried that. My other models are working just fine, but those four Orc grunt ones are being a problem. I tried importing them to another map too, but they still show as the green and black checkered cube and say the models can't be loaded. I have probably 20 other models in the map that work just fine too. So I don't know what I did wrong with those four.
Level 2
Apr 1, 2011
Okay well I'm new to this site and don't know how to link my map to the PM. The map is blank, because I've been trying to get those grunt imports to work. And thanks for all this help. Sorry I'm a nwb with mapping. :/
Level 2
Apr 1, 2011
Thanks, that helped with the Blackrock model on my map. And I tried importing the other grunt clan models and their files like the Blackrock one you just sent me, but it's still saying it can't load the file. I imported the textures and all the other files. I don't know why these won't work. None of the other models give me trouble.
Level 2
Apr 1, 2011
Doesn't seem to be working. And when I reopened the map you sent me, it's saying it can't load the Blackrock file now too. :/
Level 2
Apr 1, 2011
Alright I got it working. I redownloaded the models, imported them again, and checked and changed the texture path. Now all are working. Thanks for the help!
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