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Icon request for this spell

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Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
Hello. Can I request an icon for this spell?

It's pretty much an ultimate with lightning, fire and ice. I looked at the icons section but none really matched the feel of the spell.

I attached the spell so you can see it for yourselves. I think it'll help with making an icon if you decide to accept this request.


  • Kael'thas Ultimate.w3x
    45.3 KB · Views: 84
I couldn't see the actual spell as you were using an old WC3 version, but i did the icon based partially on what you had ingame and what i imagined it like.

May i upload it to the icon section?


  • BTNElementalTrine.blp
    9.4 KB · Views: 61
  • DISBTNElementalTrine.blp
    5.3 KB · Views: 50
  • ElementalTrine.png
    12.9 KB · Views: 120
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
Thanks! But what do you mean by old? I have the patch. Is that already outdated?

@BloodRaven sure! You can upload it since the icon's yours anyway.

Here's some screenshots of the spell for those who can't see it.

EDIT: @BloodRaven can I make a suggestion? I think the icon would look better if there was color in the background instead of it just being black.




  • Kael's Ultimate Ice and Lightning.png
    Kael's Ultimate Ice and Lightning.png
    411.6 KB · Views: 308
  • Kael's Ultimate Fire.png
    Kael's Ultimate Fire.png
    313.9 KB · Views: 296
I already tried adding a background but it didn't look good. The elements themselves do have a "background glow" anyway :p
Also about the WC3 version, yours is the latest one, but when i downloaded the map i couldn't launch it (just sent me back to the maps), so i opened it in WE where it said it used an outdated WC3 version and some triggers need to be disabled in order to test the map. So the spell didn't work. Idk, it happens sometimes, WC3 has outdated and flawed engine.
Also that spell must generate a lot of lag on low end PCs :D
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
Yeah, it does. I made it on a friend's high end PC so when I tested it out on mine, it lagged.

EDIT: Actually now that I look at your icon again, maybe the orb should have a different color too. I can see the colors on the big picture but when its an icon, its just silver. Maybe you should make the orb's colors more obvious because it sort of looks out of place being silver.
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