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Icon for Chaos Range (Solved by Hermit & Kuhneghetz)

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Level 8
Aug 7, 2011
The icon of the hide model: ChaosOrcRange, is the only icon that was never created on this page and nowhere.

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Level 8
Aug 7, 2011
You can use this icon: BTNFelOrcCrossbow

Thanks for the answers, but I already know all the icons of this website, and it's not what I'm looking for, because the model of ChaosOrcRange not have a helmet.

Also, I'm looking for an icon with the same "essence" and "style" of the icons of Warcraft:


As you can see, these orcs are furious, with orange skin and green eyes, not happy, not red skin and not yellow eyes like this:
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Level 30
Mar 14, 2014
A screenshoot is not exactly what I'm looking for.

I wish for something more "artistic", like the icons of
the user "Blizzard Entertainment":

Anyway,thank you very much for taking your time to
the screenshot.

You do know that these are just remade Icons from the original right?
This is the original ROC (Reign of Chaos) Icon for the priest.
This is the normal Dragonhawk Icon for both the Highelf and Bloodelf

The Icons you mentioned are just remade from the original.
Level 8
Aug 7, 2011
You do know that these are just remade Icons from the original right?
The Icons you mentioned are just remade from the original.

Obviously, I have over 5 years working with the World Editor, so... right, even I know by heart the paths of the hidden icons.
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Level 8
Aug 7, 2011
I have an Idea: You make a screenshot of the model's face and then you draw the face again.
That's why it is in requests -_-. Although maybe you could ask personally or something.

That's not an actual user, it's a dummy for Blizzard Entertainment resources (mostly Wow icons and simple icon recolors).
Hi Hermit! did you know someone who has the same skills?

I applaud you, Rocker Z, for having an eye (& predilection) for classically-drawn Blizzard-style icons.
Thank you, Kyrbi0, I've always felt attracted by the classic things.

Oh my fault. I didn't know. But Rocker Z could ask some the more skilled Icon/Picture/Art-Makers in Hive.
I've already asked for many
Icon/Picture/Art-Makers, but I fear that the old horde is extinct...
If only I knew "photoshop" or other art-softwares, believe me bro that I would not have created this request.
Lamentably, after seeing a million tutorials, definitely I have no skill to use that program.
But, well... I keep waiting for the Chosen One.
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Level 21
Jan 14, 2014

Hi Hermit! did you know someone who has the same skills? :huh:

Thank you, Kyrbi0, I've always felt attracted by the classic things. :infl_thumbs_up:

I've already asked for many
Icon/Picture/Art-Makers, but I fear that the old horde is extinct...
If only I knew "photoshop" or other art-softwares, believe me bro that I would not have created this request. :grin:
Lamentably, after seeing a million tutorials, definitely I have no skill to use that program.
But, well... I keep waiting for the Chosen One.:thumbs_up:


Ask @stein123 his icons are cool. Maybe he can take your request.
Level 30
Mar 14, 2014
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Hello, Rocker Z! I took a visit to this site and saw your post in my visitor message. :smile:

It's been a long time since I've modded for wc3 and my skills are a bit rusty, but I felt like making this icon (both in BTN, DISBTN and Score Screen) and attempt to match it with the Blizzard fel orc icons.


I took a big screenshot at the portrait model (using a model viewer), resized it to fit with the border, applied a sharpen filter once (sharpen edge will work fine as well) and then added some minor details and colors using a 1px brush with low opacity and flow.

I've included both BLP and TGA versions of these icons in case you wish to tweak with the compression settings.

Hope these will help, and feel free to use it in your projects (this applies to anyone who wants to use these icons of course :wink: ).


  • BTNChaosOrcRange.zip
    40.1 KB · Views: 76
  • btn_chaosorcrange_preview.png
    70.5 KB · Views: 428
Level 8
Aug 7, 2011
Ask @stein123 his icons are cool. Maybe he can take your request.

You could ask BLazeKraze or Sindorei300. They are great. Or if you want to I can make one for you.

I just find the icon I wanted, anyway, thanks Casper and Haudrauf for your suggestions.:thumbs_up:

Dude, even if his icon isn't right for you project, it's quite an honor to be helped by DvO.

I know it my friend, Kuhneghetz is one of the members of the old horde.

I edited a screenshot and made it into an icon, but I'm not sure how it fits with the other icons.
This is what I meant with "same essence and style of Warcraft's icons".

Hello, Rocker Z! Hope these will help, and feel free to use it in your projects (this applies to anyone).
As Kyrbi0 said, it's an honor to be helped by you, I'm happy to know that there are still some legendary members of the old horde of Hiveworkshop.

Thank you all for your answers, regards!

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