Um, last time I checked the moderation staff of THW had and hold nothing against him. Yes some individuals are annoyed about his map being so popular, but really that is no need for hostilities.
He also does not seem to be complaining about this website, so there are no tensions between this site and him at all (atleast as far as I know). This topic should be renamed, closed or destroyed as a thread like this, however, is bound to start hostilities.
Honestly, whatever gave you the silly idea that there were any hostilities in the first place?
Anyway, popularity wise he is winning massivly as his servers have atleast 10 times the traffic day and night than THW and also he has the most supporting members. However he can not really challange us (like we can not challenge him) as this site fufils a completly different WC3 mapping area. His site pretty much has one goal, DotA which makes up about 65+% of all WC3 battlenet games held every day, which logically we have no influence over. However this site handles a large ammount of non dota maps, which he can not really controle. In the end, people will play dota and others will play other maps, thus there are no needs for any fighting.