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Ice, Fire, Shadow spell breaker models. (Skins make the original disperse)

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Level 4
Oct 20, 2009
I suggest spellbreaker, fire, ice/water, shadowy and maybe even light, whichever/which ones you prefer. Would be very nice to see around with some elementalist mixes with general. But a suggestion, However it´ll be highly anticipated and cheered on, by myself anyway if done.

Wish you a good time ^^ :spell_breaker:

Indeed, New model with a few new additions that suits it´s "Element" maybe, but in general the textures are good enough too, Skins would overwrite theras disable the spellbreaker if you wonder of that.
Fire--A bit more befitting of it´s element, possibly flaming weaponry/an more, demonic helmet perhaps. Feel free to use your own mind for elements!
Ice/water, If ice an spellbreaker with an more "Elegant" look maybe, but with icespiked shield+shoulders/etc and possibly a white cloak. If Water, well, blue version and with an more "Liquid" shoulderpads maybe?
Shadow--Darker texture, more "Evil" clothes perhaps with silver, and a dark cloak with runes would look grand i believe.
Light-- Elegant but deadly, or maybe a more "holy " approach, white cloak similar to priests and who knows halo/more "Pure" helm.
Thunder? Yellow with both air and melee animation, yellow clothee with slightly "Paladin"/Roman clothes, no cloak but dual wielded weaponry.
Feel free to use your own imagination and all. Go go spellbreaker!
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Level 4
Oct 20, 2009
Maybe, but skins -overwrite- = i can´t use original blizz one too, same time. And that sorta destroys my aspect. And ice one looks sweet, shadow one, maybe a little to...zombie, I could do with the shadowy part it is indeed but i meant "Darkened Spellbreaker" type more than zombie style, ice one suits but yeah...Skins overwrite...

Thanks for posting the suggestions, although if i use them the original gets messed up too which is why i never have been a great skin fan despite them often looking epic.
Level 4
Jul 2, 2008
also, i can get you another skin for the normal spelbreaker that looks really awsome... it has a dragon on the shield (so perfect skin..)

try to find the tutorial that lets you use 1 model with more than 1 skins..

cuz spellbreaker skins pwn
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