Ok, so basically I want to change a region during this map to a different terrain type using triggers, as it's not meant to occur until you do some stuff in an area. The tile I want the area changed to is the Ice Chunks (Unbuidible) tile, but when I went to select it in the "Environment - Change terrain type" It has every single terrain type BUT the one I need, figures... why is the tile not on this list? I've looked over it like 5 times because I figured I kept missing it, unless it was named something different on the list? I couldn't notice anyones I haven't seen before. It looks exactly the same as the Lava Cracks or the Poison tiles, except cyan.
Edit: As usual I figure it out IMMEDIATELY after I post a thread, sorry for the inconvience. Anyhow I realised that in the Underground category in the change terrain trigger, there's a "Lava Cracks" which isn't there in the terrain palette, tried it out and it turned out to be Ice Chunks, thanks blizz for naming every other terrain tile their correct name with the exception of the one I needed. At least if anyone else has this problem they may see this post : / Sorry again.
Edit: As usual I figure it out IMMEDIATELY after I post a thread, sorry for the inconvience. Anyhow I realised that in the Underground category in the change terrain trigger, there's a "Lava Cracks" which isn't there in the terrain palette, tried it out and it turned out to be Ice Chunks, thanks blizz for naming every other terrain tile their correct name with the exception of the one I needed. At least if anyone else has this problem they may see this post : / Sorry again.