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I need Modelers, Triggerer, Spell Maker.

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Level 2
Jun 6, 2015
I want to make a big projects. I think i still finished 25% of the map.
I need good Modelers, Triggerers, and Spell Makers. Please Help me.:vw_sad::vw_wtf:
This is my new Project. This is the Sample of the map. But only terrain. no trigger, no unit, no Imported stuff. Only doodads and terrain.
I think i'm good at terraining but really2 sucks at Triggering, Modeling, and Spell making. I hope you will help me. anyone please:vw_sad::goblin_cry::goblin_cry:

Edit: I'm sorry. i didn't read the rules to post a new thread here.
Map name: The Armageddon
I need: Modelers, Triggerers, Spell makers
Creator: Jack Hack
Map: Rpg.

3 heroes surviving at a big island that isolated from the world. Their objective is to Destroy evil on there. And the Lord of Hell: Diablo


  • The Armagedon.w3x
    147.2 KB · Views: 71
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Level 2
Jun 6, 2015
Hello there, need an hand on spell making and triggers?

Yes. i do this map alone. i have a good touch at terraining but really2 idiot on making spell making. i got one krew already. he pick triggering job on this map. will you help me with the spell making?
Level 2
Jun 6, 2015
i can help with spell making and triggering.
but it will take a long time to create somenthing, cause i have another project with Wisdom. i will create if i have time.

Well. Thanks. now all i need is modeler who can make some good looking model for my map. do you know someone who can make it for me? If you know it please inform me.
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