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I need help on my cheat..

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Level 2
May 10, 2011
Greetings readers. First of all, I would like to thank you for spending your time to read this post and replying (if you did).

As we all know, When ever a person types a cheat in single player mode, e.g 'whosyourdaddy', the string: 'Cheat enabled' appears instead of 'whosyourdaddy'.

First question:
Assuming that my cheat code is '-qwerty'. How do i change the text shown from:
[WorldEdit]: -qwerty
[WorldEdit]: Cheat Enabled!

Second question:
Assuming that Cheat code '-qwerty' gives an item to the triggered player, how do i make it send the item to the triggered player? [doesn't nessisary need to be in the inventory, can send to this 'storage' unit that can be built]

Heres a W3X file... [in mediafire and attachment]


Hope you can help me on my problem :)

i'm sorry if i posted at the wrong place or something, but i'm kinda new here, even though i joined in may 2011


  • Item Cheat.w3x
    18.9 KB · Views: 47
Level 2
May 10, 2011
hmm. but what if the Hero is not present in the map at first? e.g like need to purchase a hero. and at the same time, the storage unit is not present? e.g requires to build storage unit?
When the hero enters the map, store him in the variable (by checking first if Hero[Player number of (Triggering player)] Not Equal to No unit (Unit comparison)) as Set Hero[Player number of (Triggering player)] = (Triggering unit).
If you create him under specific event, e.g. when it is purchased or trained, then go for the respective event, Unit - A unit sells a unit and set Hero[Player number of (Owner of (Sold unit))] = (Sold unit) or Unit - A unit finishes training a unit, Condition: ((Trained unit) is a Hero) Equal to True, Actions: Set Hero[Player number of (Owner of (Trained unit))] = (Trained unit).
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