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I have a very cool idea for a map...

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Level 8
Jul 16, 2004
There has been a lot of legend of zelda maps but none are like the legend of zelda i mean since when has zelda been a capture the flag or battle arena i prupose we make a zelda map with all the original elements following the same story as the the legend of zelda:Ocarina of time and also why isn,t there any zelda maps about Majoras mask? It's a sweet game and would be good as a sequal to any zelda map that is about ocarina of time and also we were getting lots of zelda models a while ago what happened? No more are been submitted! So i suggest we make a zelda map like the legend of zelda game!So who here thinks this is a good idea or who here is gonna take up the challange?
Level 8
Jul 16, 2004
XxPhillipxX you got fu**ing balls telling me that my idea is lame! lots of people want a realaistic zelda map and also I have pleanty of good and BETTER ideas I just thought it would be much better to have a zelda map that actually follows the story line!
Level 2
Aug 24, 2004
Sorry to break the obvious, but...

It's not that your idea sucks

It's that zelda sucks. Nintendo is beating a dead horse...

And about the gamecube zeldas... 1989 phoned, they want their games back!
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