- passive warstomp
- Events
- Unit - Tauren-chieftain 0001 <gen>is being attacked
- Conditions
- Actions
- If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- 'IF'-Conditions
- (Number of units in (Units within 150.00 of (Position of Tauren-Chieftain 0001 <gen>) matching ((Owner of (Matching unit)) Gleich (Random player from (All enemies of (Owner of Tauren-Chieftain 0001 <gen>)))))) greater or equal to 3
- 'THEN'-Actions
- Unit - Order Tauren-Chieftain 0001 to Orc-Tauren-Chieftain - 'Warstomp'
- 'ELSE'-Actions
i dont find if al lcondtition are true ....
i dont fidn number of units within range 150
can some one explain exactually where to klick :S