[Trigger] I dont know how to make triggers

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Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
take my msn from right there (I cant be online often these days)

Well my suggestion
Create a trigger
Put some events put some actions test and test
when you get more advanced
look at some unprotected maps
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
Best helper: just expiriement with stuff.

Put yourself a goal (for example, creating a hero reviving system), then try making it.
If you failed, try again ! if you succeeded, create yourself a new goal.

You must know about variables, however, to make a lot (lot lot lot lot) of things.
If you don't know what variables are... learn a bit in school and come back ^^
If you do know but you don't know where to create them - go to the trigger editor, now click on that yellow X and thats the Variable Editor for you.
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
Best helper: just expiriement with stuff.

Put yourself a goal (for example, creating a hero reviving system), then try making it.
If you failed, try again ! if you succeeded, create yourself a new goal.

You must know about variables, however, to make a lot (lot lot lot lot) of things.
If you don't know what variables are... learn a bit in school and come back ^^
If you do know but you don't know where to create them - go to the trigger editor, now click on that yellow X and thats the Variable Editor for you.

I have been mapping for 3 years now and I did not know about variables till 1 year after I began... Although I am good mapper. :) It is true that the "try and error" method is the best way to learn.
Variables are not that important to learn at the beginning. First you should begin by learning the basics of triggering. When you get more skilled you can try out variables.

A guy eats taco.
If, then, else Condition
Value of taco_left = 1+.
Then - Actions
Eat more tacos.
Set taco_left = taco_left -1
Else - Actions
Buy more tacos.
Set taco_left = taco_left + 5

taco_left is an Integer variable which in this case tells how much taco(s) are left.
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Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
you still use GUI ? (tell me no)

cant anybody just teach me

Which part of "take my msn from right there" you didnt get ?
I cant teach you from here so you need to contact me with MSN
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Oh I tought you said "I learned how to use Jass and I'm used to use GUI because it is simpler." lol my heart was gonna blow.
Anyway I checked it for 10 times and saw my mistake
I checked for 10 times because I know someone knows Jass wont say GUI is simple
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