I, have no TFT, and am using WinMPQ to get minimap backgrounds and simple unit files.
All of the stuff I can manage
The things I can't...
1. In the Tutorial it says to use the "Import Button". Well I see no "Import Button" in the WinMPQ I got from here.
2. When I "Import" and unit skin or model or minimap background, then save the map, then I open w/ Wc3 WE, and the "Model Files/Background Files" are just gone, and when I re-load in WinMPQ, the Files are not there either.
I thought WinMPQ saved this stuff when you quit??
I need help badly, and did not know where to post this kind of thread.
All of the stuff I can manage
The things I can't...
1. In the Tutorial it says to use the "Import Button". Well I see no "Import Button" in the WinMPQ I got from here.
2. When I "Import" and unit skin or model or minimap background, then save the map, then I open w/ Wc3 WE, and the "Model Files/Background Files" are just gone, and when I re-load in WinMPQ, the Files are not there either.
I thought WinMPQ saved this stuff when you quit??
I need help badly, and did not know where to post this kind of thread.