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Human expedition in the barrens

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
You and youre squad were sent to the barrens to aid a town, but the road is long and full with danger. But you must be quick, the centaurs are preparing the attack.

just like an rpg, you got to pass several allied camps and hostile places
teamwork is the key to every game so also here.

there might be some bugs tho, it can happen on a spot you suddenly dc or wc3 shuts down (still looking for that thing :/)
i maded it in the time i had (wich isnt much every day) and by the time i finished i got almost no ideas.
and the end is still not finished.
there are no items.
and acually not much to say its more for playing i make it, and for fun ofc :).

barrens, expedition, human, campaign

Human expedition in the barrens (Map)

19:52, 29th Oct 2009 ap0calypse: Rejected Quality is too low




19:52, 29th Oct 2009
ap0calypse: Rejected

Quality is too low
Level 2
Jan 10, 2009
Well i can say that there is no description so u dont know what to do next,as well u can control all humans and heroes in map which seems like bug.And i noticed that certain human footmen dont follow commands and go back to its origional position after move command.as well there is no ending so its incomplete map,first complete and test map then upload.on creating terrain u have work little hard so 1/1.