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How to use Evil Illidan as morphed Illidan

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Level 4
Aug 1, 2007
I'm trying to use the evil illidan model as my morphed illidan instead of the ranged demon dude. I've tried changing the model of morphed illidan to evil illidan and tried changing the morphed unit in the morph spell to evil illidan. I'm assuming the morphed models are somehow attached to the non-morphed models.
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
nono what he says is true
even if you put illidan evil in demon form to your map it appears as normal illidan evil
as I know you need to create it with triggers on map start
or just do something like
Pick every illidan evil units in map and delete em and put another one there after 0.00 seconds pass

well still you put that alternateex thing
Level 6
Oct 26, 2007
ya i used illidan for my Demon Hunter metamorph also.

you need to REMOVe the "alternate" animation tag from him AFTer he morphs - by triggers; then refresh animation.

(--first wait for him to morph completely--)
1) "Add/Remove Animation Tag." ::: Remove the alternate animation tag to myUnit
2) "Reset unit Animation." ::: Reset myUnit's animation.
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