To be exact, these are the fields you want to modify:
In the World Editor, open the "Advanced" sliding tab, then go to "Game Interface".
Search through until you find these fields:
1. Text - General - 'Upkeep is determined by the amount of food ...
2. Text - General - 'Upkeep:'
3. Text - General - '|Cff00ff00No Upkeep'
4. Text - General - '|Cffff0000High Upkeep'
5. Text - General - '|Cffffff00Low Upkeep'
6. Text - General - '|N%d-%d Food %s|R (%d%% G, %d%% L)'
7. Text - General - '|N%d-%d Food %s|R (%d%% income)'
I suggest you to change these fields to this, by the same numbers:
1. Your contact email
2. Name of your map
3. Version of your map
4. Found a bug? Have a suggestion? Find us at: [Website]
5. Map created by [Your Nickname]
6. |n|nFind us at: [Your Website/The Hiveworkshop]
7. |n|nFind us at: [Your Website/The Hiveworkshop]
Just make sure to disable the limits of the Upkeep, to prevent messages popping in top of your screen when food level changes. To do this, simply go to "Advanced", and then to "Gameplay Constants", and find this field: Upkeep - Food Levels. Change it to eight strings of "10000".
Have fun