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How to make jump abilities go through units but not other collision?

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Level 7
Mar 16, 2014
I'm talking about a typical "jump" ability, where a unit casts a spell, then is moved through the air a certain amount of units every 0.03 seconds or so to simulate motion.

The GUI function to turn collision on/off is useless for this goal, as it turns collision off for everything. I want the unit to pass through enemies as it jumps through the air, not pathing blockers/cliffs/etc.

Ghost (visible) does nothing when the unit is being moved through triggers. I also tried forcing the unit to wind walk to remove collision, with an infinite follow through time, then removing the buff after the jump is done. This will allow the hero to walk through units, but only when ordered to do so manually, not when the hero is moved through triggers. He still gets stuck on units even while wind walking.
Level 7
Mar 16, 2014
I've also tried morphing the unit into a copy of itself with 0 as its collision value with the bear form ability during the duration of the jump just now. This will have the unit go through units sometimes, when it feels like it, and is not at all consistent.

I'm running out of ideas to try, here.
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