How to make an Easy Slide trigger

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Level 3
May 1, 2009
Hi i'm Squezza and i'm gonna show you how to make a simple Slide trigger.

Let's begin start to make a map. Use northrend or icecrown. build a path and then ice. Now make two regions in the begining of the ice. these are the on and off regions.
now to the triggers. you will need a variable called slide. slide is a boolean with initial value false(default) now to the trigger ''slide1''. ill use demon hunters

events: time - every 0.01 secondes of game time
conditions: Slide Equal to true
actions: unit - move Demon hunter 0000<gen> instantly to ((positon of Demon hunter 0000<gen>)offset by 4.00 towards(facing of demon hunter 0000<gen>)degrees)

Now to trigger ''Slide2''

Events: unit - Demon hunter 0000<gen> is issued an order targeting a point
conditions: Slide equal to true
Actions: unit - make demon hunter 0000<gen> face (targeted point of issued order) over 0.00 seconds

now to the on/off triggers(2) lets begin with the ''on'' trigger

Events: unit - a unit leves region 000<gen>
condisions: (unit-type of (triggering unit)) equal to demon hunter.
actions: if ((owner of(triggering unit)) equal to player 1 (red)) than do (set slide = true) else do (do nothing)

the ''off'' trigger

events: unit - A unit leaves region 001<gen>
conditions: (unit-type of (triggering unit)) equal to Demon hunter
actions: if ((owner of (triggering unit)) equeal to player 1 (red)) then do (set slide = false)else do (do nothing)

Do these triggers for every player thats player by a user.

GL& HF // SQ
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