MetalGreymon WarGreymon
- Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
- (Ability being cast) Equal to Digivolve(WarGreymon)
- Set Caster[14] = (Triggering unit)
- Set CasterLoc[9] = (Position of Caster[14])
- Set Digivolve_Owner[4] = (Owner of Caster[14])
- Set HeroLevel_Upgrade[4] = (Level of Caster[14])
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Item carried by Caster[14] in slot 1) as 3 of 1 in Item_Table
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Item carried by Caster[14] in slot 2) as 3 of 2 in Item_Table
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Item carried by Caster[14] in slot 3) as 3 of 3 in Item_Table
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Item carried by Caster[14] in slot 4) as 3 of 4 in Item_Table
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Item carried by Caster[14] in slot 5) as 3 of 5 in Item_Table
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Item carried by Caster[14] in slot 6) as 3 of 6 in Item_Table
- Unit - Remove Caster[14] from the game
- Unit - Create 1 WarGreymon for Digivolve_Owner[4] at CasterLoc[9] facing Default building facing degrees
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Last created unit) as 0 of 1 in Unit_HashTable
- Set Omnimon_Condition = (Load 0 of 1 in Unit_HashTable)
- Set Caster[15] = (Last created unit)
- Hero - Set Caster[15] Hero-level to HeroLevel_Upgrade[4], Hide level-up graphics
- Hero - Give (Load 3 of 1 in Item_Table) to Caster[15]
- Hero - Give (Load 3 of 2 in Item_Table) to Caster[15]
- Hero - Give (Load 3 of 3 in Item_Table) to Caster[15]
- Hero - Give (Load 3 of 4 in Item_Table) to Caster[15]
- Hero - Give (Load 3 of 5 in Item_Table) to Caster[15]
- Hero - Give (Load 3 of 6 in Item_Table) to Caster[15]
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CasterLoc[9])
WarGreymon Omnimon
- Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
- (Ability being cast) Equal to Digivolve(Omnimon) (Item)
- Omnimon_Condition Equal to (Load 0 of 1 in Unit_HashTable)
- Set Caster[16] = (Triggering unit)
- Set CasterLoc[10] = (Position of Caster[16])
- Set Digivolve_Owner[5] = (Owner of Caster[16])
- Set HeroLevel_Upgrade[5] = (Level of Caster[16])
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Item carried by Caster[16] in slot 1) as 4 of 1 in Item_Table
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Item carried by Caster[16] in slot 2) as 4 of 2 in Item_Table
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Item carried by Caster[16] in slot 3) as 4 of 3 in Item_Table
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Item carried by Caster[16] in slot 4) as 4 of 4 in Item_Table
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Item carried by Caster[16] in slot 5) as 4 of 5 in Item_Table
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Item carried by Caster[16] in slot 6) as 4 of 6 in Item_Table
- Unit - Remove Caster[16] from the game
- Unit - Create 1 Omnimon for Digivolve_Owner[5] at CasterLoc[10] facing Default building facing degrees
- Set Caster[17] = (Last created unit)
- Hero - Set Caster[17] Hero-level to HeroLevel_Upgrade[5], Hide level-up graphics
- Hero - Give (Load 4 of 1 in Item_Table) to Caster[17]
- Hero - Give (Load 4 of 2 in Item_Table) to Caster[17]
- Hero - Give (Load 4 of 3 in Item_Table) to Caster[17]
- Hero - Give (Load 4 of 4 in Item_Table) to Caster[17]
- Hero - Give (Load 4 of 5 in Item_Table) to Caster[17]
- Hero - Give (Load 4 of 6 in Item_Table) to Caster[17]
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_CasterLoc[10])
- Hashtable - Save Handle Of(Last created unit) as 0 of 1 in Unit_HashTable
- Set Omnimon_Condition = (Load 0 of 1 in Unit_HashTable)
- Omnimon_Condition Equal to (Load 0 of 1 in Unit_HashTable)