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How to find IDs for imported files (i.e. Icons or models)

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Level 2
Mar 19, 2022
Im quite lost on this one, been looking for it for about 4 days now every now and then. I am certain there is a way for it as I found others doing it too but I cant find out how theyve done it.

I am using WEX Editor for patch 1.28b

I know view raw-data exist (but thats not available for the import manager in WEX... at least for patch 1.28b)
That seems to be what I am looking for, just for imported files.

For example I am building a map for an upcommin Lan-party and using Trigger Happy's Inventory & Equipment UI System (Inventory & Equipment UI System v1.4.3). Here they also used imported files in the UI. However to me it seems random: B0001-B000F (and then B000G is a standard game Icon?)

Ive also seen a post asking how the numbering system works for object ids but i am not really getting it or if its relevant with my question (Numbering system / base used for object ids).

Heres another example what it could look like in the end, im talking about the very last part of a line here:
                call this.setButton(0, UIButton.create(x1, y1, .SLOT_WIDTH, .SLOT_HEIGHT, 10, 'B003'))
                call this.setButton(1, UIButton.create(x1, y1 - (.SLOT_HEIGHT*1), .SLOT_WIDTH, .SLOT_HEIGHT, 10, 'B004'))
                call this.setButton(2, UIButton.create(x1, y1 - (.SLOT_HEIGHT*2), .SLOT_WIDTH, .SLOT_HEIGHT, 10,'B006'))
                call this.setButton(3, UIButton.create(x1, y1 - (.SLOT_HEIGHT*3), .SLOT_WIDTH, .SLOT_HEIGHT, 10,'B00C'))
                call this.setButton(4, UIButton.create(x1, y1 - (.SLOT_HEIGHT*4), .SLOT_WIDTH, .SLOT_HEIGHT, 10,'B008'))
                call this.setButton(5, UIButton.create(x1, y1 - (.SLOT_HEIGHT*5), .SLOT_WIDTH, .SLOT_HEIGHT, 10,'B00E'))

Also; I am not looking for anyone helping me with Trigger Happy's System I understand it but I think it helps using this point here to get my question across. The answer could help me with many more things to come.

So now my question:
When importing a file, how to find out its ID so I can refer to it in code?
I.e. B0001 = X-Imported texture
Could you explain me the magic?
Or am I missing something?

Thanks for any bits of help!
Level 2
Mar 19, 2022
Oh, i thought so actually when checking over everything, but apparently I didnt see the ID on them when checking it with raw-data on.

Phew... So, imported files are referenced with the file path after all i suppose.
Hence i didnt find anything about it because they actually wont get an ID, since its just a file-ressouce i guess... Hence that workaround, thats sick

Man thats crazy actually and embarassing.

Thanks a lot!
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