How to change custom unit death sound?

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Level 13
Oct 28, 2019
Hi map makers, Im trying making a map that use custom units and many imported sounds, that replaces voice´s comands, and attack voice of the custom units.... no trouble with this

but when a unit dies, he has a footman sound for example that i didnt discovered how change.... any tip

For example, my map uses footmans that has " the classic" diying sound, but the archer has the same death sound, if I change one both are changed..... Need I change the unit used itself???
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Level 13
Jun 23, 2009
Not all sounds you hear from a unit come from just the Object Editor entry, as you noticed, some in fact are hardcoded into the models, below is a screen taken from Magos' Model Editor showing just this on a Footman, look at the Node Manager on the right, the death sound for the Footman is specified into the node called "SNDXDFOO" with the values you can see on the top window (the one with "Event Tracks").
From Magos' itself you can change it to any ingame sound you want, as for using custom sounds in models I'll admit I've never done that so I have no answer for that, though I'm sure somebody with more experience in this will chime in.

EDIT: You could however import a sound in your map at the same path of an ingame sound and it will be played instead of the standard one, in other words importing the death sound as "Units\Human\Footman\FootmanDeath.wav" could be a quick solution to your issue.
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