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[JASS] How to add Command -cam

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Level 1
May 16, 2018
Hello guys i want to add command ''-cam'' or ''-zoom'' for camera height distance beetween %100 and %500

Like any other maps have.

-cam 2000, c 2000 etc
The relevant event would go like this:
(Note: just an example, might not exist as-is)

  • Event
    • Player - A player enters -cam as a Sub-String
In the example trigger above, player can be substituted with any player value.

Since you expect the input to always be at the start (from your examples), it would be imperative to add a condition as so.

  • Conditions
    • (Sub-String of (Entered chat string) from 1 to 4) equal to "-cam"
From the above statement, the entered string must begin with -cam for it to fire its' actions.
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