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[Trigger] How do i make items appearing anywhere?

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Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
just have an integer variable, set it to a random number, then with if/then/else decide which item is going to be dropped.
Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
In a trigger, set up your table, means
  • Set items[0] = item1
  • Set items[1] = item2
  • Set items[2] = item3
  • Set items[3] = item4
  • Set items[4] = item5

and for your create item trigger, do
  • Set temppoint = Random point in (Playable Map Area)
  • Item - Create a item[Random integer number between x and y] at temppoint
  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_temppoint)
whereas x is the lowest number you've set in your table and y being the highest
Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
o_O thanks squiggy

Edit: Sorry but i still need help :( ... For this line: Item - Create a item[Random integer number between x and y] at temppoint

I can't find the "a item[Random integer number between x and y]" with my editor, can you like tell me the steps like

1) Item-create
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Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
okay, go to item, choose the create button,
now if you made the items variable and putted it array,
you should have the option to press variable,
in the array underline area, choose math - random number
and in 1 - 10 just change to w/e you want, or how many items you got in the variable.
hope i helped..

ops.. i wrote " or how many items you got in the variable"
i meant like if there are 5 items in the variable use

  • Item - Create items[(Random integer number between 1 and 5)] at Point_Which_You_Make
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