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How do I make a tower know and fire at an enemy ?

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Level 3
Feb 9, 2014
So, I'm making a map that's like a MobA. I do not know how to create towers nor make them Determine who the enemy is or who the ally is. My heroes attack the buildings and towers that are at the base. I've set the buildings and towers by player 11 which is controlled by the computer. How do I make them know enemies and allies? Also, in the World Editor, I have a flying dragon but when I test it in-game, its flying low to the ground. How do I add height to a dragon modelled building?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I do not know how to create towers nor make them Determine who the enemy is or who the ally is.
Probably the same way they do for all units! One is the enemy the other is an ally. In AoS maps towers are usually owned by 2 players, one for each team.

For example in a 5v5 AoS you would have Player(5) own towers for team Player(0-4) and Player(11) own the towers for team Player(6-10).
Level 12
May 22, 2015
Are the towers attacking at all? You shouldn't have to do anything to make them attack. If they are not attacking at all, the problem is probably in the object editor.

Are these towers that already exist in the game normally or are they custom units you made yourself? If you copy them from the Orc towers, there should be no problems with having them shoot. If you already made them yourself, you'll probably have to look in the object editor.

Main things I can think of that would mess it up are:

Attacks enabled - Units can have their attack all set up, but if you don't enable their attack, they won't attack at all. You can tell if this is the problem by clicking on the towers. You should see a damage icon with the amount of damage the unit does. If this area doesn't have a damage icon and values, then you probably need to enable the attack.

Attack targets allowed - Make sure this has ground and air checked off (or at least make it so it matches the "targeted as" field of your units you want it to shoot at).

Acquisition range - Even if you set the attack range of the unit, it cannot attack at a range farther than its acquisition range.

It would be good to get back to these replies so people can help you further. It's hard to tell what your problem is exactly.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
Just make them allied to the respective players.

As mentioned by wcity, you go to the Player Properties settings:
Terrain Editor -> Scenario -> Player Properties...
and there you make the players allied to their teammates ánd their computer palyer who controls their structures, minions, etc.

As Dr. Super Good mentioned:
"For example in a 5v5 AoS you would have Player(5) own towers for team Player(0-4) and Player(11) own the towers for team Player(6-10)."
Note that Player(0) = Player 1 (red), Player(1) = Player 2 (blue), etc.

When you have chosen how big the teams should be, then you go to the player settings and make those people allied and set the computers to computer controlled.
Also do not forget to go to another tab in that window which is about Forces.
There you have an option to "Use Custom Forces" and "Fixed Player Settings".
Both should be true.

About the attacks themselves...
You can simply use normal attacks like the turrets in WC3 do.
Just base your turret building of from a regular turret and it will attack already.

Also, I would suggest you to take a look about how Priority works.
It will help you create more player friendly turrets in WC3.
(I thought that if you do not change priority, the turrets will attack heroes over minions.
In almost every MOBA that I have seen... turrets will attack minions over heroes until those heroes attack their own heroes in range.)
Level 3
Feb 9, 2014
Thank you all for replying to my post. I'm sorry for my absence of presence in this thread, and I thank you all for your replies. I've read them and I'm trying to do what you guys are telling me to.

For details: I made a building unit based off from an ARCANE TOWER and placed it in the object editor. I've made 2 forces already: The Good and the Bad. The Good consists of players 1-5 and 11 and the Bad consists of players 6-10 and 12. Players 1-10 are controlled by users and players 11-12 are used by computers. I've placed the towers in the object editor; the Good towers are owned by Player 11 and the Bad towers are owned by player 12; both of them are computers. I've tried testing out the map and went in as Player 1 near a tower, but no matter how close I get or even if I attack, the Tower itself doesn't attack.

Again, thank you all for your help!

By the way, Movement - Height is not working for the unit. It's still flying IN the ground.

EDIT: So I've tried out a Paladin hero and accidentally got his passive armor bonus. It turns out the Paladin adds bonus armor to the Player 12 tower. The Bad team's towers are also created from the Human Arcane Tower. Hope this helps.

FINAL EDIT: Guys I am so sorry for troubling you all with this when the problem is that I left Player 12 in Force 1 instead of Force 2. I am very sorry! And thank you all for your help!

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
FINAL EDIT: Guys I am so sorry for troubling you all with this when the problem is that I left Player 12 in Force 1 instead of Force 2. I am very sorry! And thank you all for your help!
Happens from time to time. When something is friendly and not hostile usually it is because the alliances are not correct. Remember you can use triggers to alter alliances as well (so you can ally between forces).
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