Unit - Set (Triggering unit) movement speed to 1.00
Of course you'd need to revert back the speed once the effect is done, so maybe store the unit in a variable, apply a wait, then set the movement speed back again
Also for this to work you'd need to change the minimum speed in the gameplay constants, otherwise I don't think you can reduce it under 150 by default.
Assuming you're on 1.31+ you can stun the caster like so:
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Bladestorm
Custom script: local unit caster = GetTriggerUnit()
Custom script: call BlzPauseUnitEx(caster, true)
Wait 7.00 seconds
Custom script: call BlzPauseUnitEx(caster, false)
Custom script: set caster = null
Note that this COULD have weird results if the caster dies and then revives before the 7.00 second Wait is finished. It depends if the BlzPauseUnitEx() stun gets removed when a unit dies or not.
To go into greater detail, this function works similar to the Disable Ability/Enable Ability functions in that it uses an integer Counter to track the number of times you've used this on an individual unit (+1 when stunned, -1 when unstunned). This Counter starts at 0 (nothing happened yet) and will Stun the unit while it's > 0 and Unstun the unit while it's <= 0. What that means is if you were to use this Stun function twice on a unit you would need to Unstun that unit twice to get rid of the effect.
Alternatively, you could try using Ensnare with a Dummy unit, I believe that ability can pierce through Bladestorm's Spell Immunity.
Another option is to trigger Bladestorm yourself which is not that difficult to do. Here's a non-MUI version I made a while ago:
Hi Hive As the title states, I'd like to create a custom triggered Bladestorm. But I'm not sure how handle it. It needs to be a channeled spell, in the sense that it lasts, say, 6 seconds, and no other actions can be take while channeling. On the other hand; it can't be a simple channel spell...
Keep in mind I was pretty new to triggers back then so it might not be perfect .
Hey guys! This is my first time posting I am working on a new map which is a moba just like dota. I have some few knowledge already with GUI but nothing on Jass. Anyway, I made a unit which is a neutral monster. I want it to stand still in a zone so I changed its movement speed amount to 0 but...
To revert to default
Custom script: call GetUnitDefaultPropWindow(GetTriggerUnit())
but it doesn't work somehow
But you can just use the function again of course
Custom script: call SetUnitPropWindow(GetTriggerUnit(), 60)
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